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The Life and Legacy of Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)

A Story of Perseverance, Faith, and Compassion

By Wahida G.Published about a year ago 3 min read

Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), the last prophet of Allah in Islam, was born in Makkah in 570 CE. His early life was marked by hardship and struggle as he grew up as an orphan. However, he was known for his honesty, kindness, and fairness, which would serve him well later in life when he began preaching the word of Allah.

In 610 CE, at the age of forty, Muhammad received the first revelation from Allah while he was alone in a cave on Mount Hira. The angel Jibreel appeared to him and commanded him to recite. Although initially afraid and confused, Jibreel reassured him and told him that he was chosen by Allah to be His messenger.

Returning to Makkah, Muhammad began preaching the message of Islam to his people. However, his teachings were met with hostility, and many of his fellow Makkans rejected him. Nevertheless, he continued to preach, and his followers slowly grew in number.

In 622 CE, Muhammad and his followers were forced to flee Makkah and seek refuge in Madinah. This event is known as the Hijra, and it marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar. In Madinah, Muhammad established a new community based on the principles of Islam. He became the leader of this community, and his teachings continued to spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula.

Over the next few years, Muhammad and his followers fought several battles against their enemies. However, these battles were defensive in nature, and they were fought to protect the fledgling Islamic community from those who sought to destroy it.

In 630 CE, Muhammad and his followers marched triumphantly back to Makkah. This event is known as the Conquest of Makkah, and it marked a turning point in the history of Islam. Muhammad forgave his enemies and entered Makkah peacefully, demonstrating the mercy and compassion that are at the heart of Islam.

In the years that followed, Muhammad continued to preach the word of Allah and to lead the Muslim community. He established a code of conduct based on the principles of Islam, which is known as the Sunnah. He also memorized the Quran and taught it to his followers, ensuring that it would be preserved for generations to come.

Muhammad's leadership and teachings had a profound impact on the Arab world, and Islam continued to spread rapidly. People from all walks of life, including slaves, women, and the poor, were attracted to the message of Islam, which offered them equality and social justice.

In 632 CE, Muhammad performed his last Hajj, during which he delivered a sermon known as the Farewell Sermon. In this sermon, he outlined the rights and responsibilities of Muslims, emphasizing the importance of brotherhood and unity within the community.

A few months later, Muhammad fell ill and passed away. His death was a great loss to the Muslim community, but his teachings and example continue to guide and inspire Muslims around the world to this day.

The life of Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is a story of perseverance, faith, and compassion. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles, he remained steadfast in his commitment to spreading the message of Islam. His teachings continue to have a profound impact on the world, and his legacy lives on through the millions of Muslims who strive to follow his example.

Muhammad's life is a shining example of humility, piety, and devotion to Allah. He taught Muslims to love and respect one another, to be compassionate and forgiving, and to work for the betterment of humanity. His message of peace and harmony continues to resonate with people of all faiths and backgrounds, and his life remains a source of inspiration and guidance for Muslims around the world.

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About the Creator

Wahida G.

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