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The Journey of Self Discovery

A Look Back

By Osana WasutPublished 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago 10 min read

When I first started this journey, I had no idea what I was even getting myself into, and I feel now, looking back, that I was just putting my toes in this big ocean of knowledge that resides in me. Now several months later, I realize how deep this ocean goes, and it’s mind-boggling. Its absolutely unreal who we are, and what we are capable of. I feel like a giddy school girl who has just discovered the big secret of life, and I want to tell everyone about it!

Five years ago I started this journey of self-discovery at first very unknowingly. I just all of a sudden started to care about my self more and became curious about everything relating to self: Who was I? What was this reality I was experiencing? Why was I here? What was the meaning of it all?

These were all some of the questions I began to wonder. I have now been on this journey for a little over five years, and what an experience it has been.

This is a journey I truly believe everyone needs to go on in life. It's something you can start right here right now, just by simply saying “from here on out, I will make a greater effort in getting to know myself a little bit more each day.” Even if you only find out that you don’t like a certain color one day, the process can seem very slow at times, and other times the process will feel like its only speeding up more and you can’t slow it down, and those times can be a bit crazy because you are realizing so much about yourself in a very short period of time, and you are changing a lot every day so it can be hard to keep up and quite overwhelming.

But its all part of the journey. Everyone’s journey will be different. For some, it will be quick, and for others it will take longer, but it doesn’t matter how long it takes, what matters is that you begin. Take the first step, tell yourself right now that you are going to make more of an effort from this day forward towards the discovery of yourself.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" -Lao Tzu

It is the greatest journey you’ll ever go on; it’s truly an incredible ride that makes your life wonderfully beautiful and rich with meaning and fulfillment. The journey of self-discovery will be the most important thing you do here on Earth. We must realize, in human form, who we are, and what we are capable of. That light inside us wants us to remember that its there, it’s waiting for us to remember it so he can guide us to live the life of our dreams.

But we can't do that without a good understanding of who we are.

All the riches of the world won’t bring you as much happiness, peace, and fulfillment as self-discovery will. It's something the rich can’t buy and the poor can’t lose. It stays with you forever if you take the time to do it, and it's the best thing you will ever spend your time on—the payoff will be tremendous!

I don't think that there will ever come a time when I come to the end of my journey of self-discovery... It's not something that you can really see the finish line on, because even once you feel like you know everything there is to know about yourself, you’ll discover something else, and the journey continues. You don't know what you don't know. There is a vast sea of information residing in you that is just waiting to be realized.

If you are in a hurry or want results instantly, you should instead start with learning the art of patience, because self-discovery is a lifelong process, you don’t merely wake up one day and know who and what you are in its entirety.

If it were that simple, then everyone on planet earth would be living to their fullest potential, which we all know isn’t the case. It takes time, and patience is a very important aspect of this.

The world is a bit of a mess right now, but that doesn’t mean things are not happening. Behind the scenes, millions of people are on the journey of self-discovery already, and they are remembering who they are.

This is an extraordinary time in human history because humans are becoming more conscious than ever before, and we are rising from the slumber we have been experiencing for many ages. Humanity is going to accomplish great things in the next years, and if you don’t want to miss out, I suggest hopping on the self-discovery train as soon as possible!

Unfortunately though, a lot of people won’t ever take the first step on the path of self-discovery, and its very unfortunate that they don't, but they get so caught up in their version of reality and who society tells them they are. Like their name, age, career, nationality. But they don't ever take the time to find out who they really are. Who are you really, behind the mask you wear, who are you?

Whenever I asked people I know how much time they put towards self-discovery, I am surprised by all the blank stares I get, unsure of what I meant.

“You know…" I say, " how much time do you take each day to get to know yourself? Self-reflection, reading, writing, learning about who you are, that type of thing?"

Still nothing. This has surprised me greatly since I truly believe this is one of the best journeys one can and should ever go on in life. But I realize that I am only concerned over my own actions, and I can't force anyone else to do this. I can just share my own experience and hope that someone else might resonate with it, and use their own decision-making process and free will to determine that this is something they would like to do.

I truly believe that to change the world, it begins with ourselves. We must learn about who we are, and what we are capable of, and above all us, we must learn to love ourselves like nothing else.

Below I have an entry I wrote in my journal that I would like to share with you.

October 20th, 2017

'I am so tired of this whole idea that we as humans have limits. We come to earth and in the human body, and we experience limitations from the very start. Mainly with our minds, which controls most everything else we do. We feel our minds are limited and we never bother to learn how they work, or how one could improve it. We actually poison it half the time with alcohol and drugs, not to mention some of the foods we eat. It’s absolutely insane how little credit or care we give to our brains/minds when they are the most incredible instrument in the universe that science has thus far discovered.

If you only knew what your brain was capable of, you would never even think of harming it again. When you start learning about the self, it will become your one and only desire, to learn more and more about yourself, how the mind works, and the power of thought. These subjects will become fascinating to you because your brain is now eager to learn all about what it can do, like an excited child in first grade ready to learn. When you shift your awareness onto your mind and improving it, the mind will flourish like that of a small child eager to learn, and wonderful things will begin to happen in your life.'

I was writing about the mind because I believe it is a big part of the self. If we can put our awareness on our own selves instead of on Facebook or the television, your mind literally lights up like an excited child who wants to learn everything he can. Your brain will turn into a sponge and absorb everything you are giving to it. Learning all the information it needs to achieve the goal you have given it, no goal will ever be too big for someone who knows who they are, because they realize they have infinite potential.

You know deep inside that you are here for far greater things than that which you have been programmed to believe since childhood. We are actually taught that we are unworthy and bad, not capable of much at all.

But this is a downright lie!

You are full of potential, and it breaks my heart when people think of themselves as just a useless human being not capable of anything, because I know how amazing human beings are, and now we are living in a very special time for the planet where we are becoming more and more conscious of who we are, which means that there will be tremendous changes in the next years, we have no idea what wonderful things will be created by people just like you and me who have realized who they are.

Times are changing, and we have all the information we could ever dream of right at our fingertips, its time to remember who you are, and what you are here for.

Below are important tips I have found useful during my journey to self-discovery, but keep in mind that everyone’s journey is different, but we are all human beings, and we tend to all have very similar thoughts towards the unknown.

  1. Embrace change and the unknown. Life is many different cycles, some are big and some are small. Like the seasons changing, your life will also change and you need to be willing to embrace that change because forcing something to stay the same has never worked for very long. If you can understand that life is always changing, you will be better willing to accept that you are also changing. There is no rulebook stating that you need to remain the person you are right now reading this, you can and should strive to improve yourself.
  2. Stay in the present as much as you can because that is all there is. I know this one is very hard to grasp for most people. It was a process for myself to stop thinking about the past, and worrying about the future and I do sometimes have to catch myself and think just be right here in this moment. If you can learn to just trust the quiet voice inside to guide your life, you will be surprised by how well your life turns out without you even trying, or thinking about it. Your intuition knows what is best and wants to guide you to a wonderful life, but you need to listen to it. So be present in the moment, quiet your thoughts and listen to what it tells you. This will take time, meditation helps greatly, but just know that this won’t happen in a single day.
  3. Love yourself unconditionally. I can’t stress this one enough because it is so profoundly important for you to do. I remember when I first started my journey, and I kept seeing that sentence everywhere I turned, “love yourself.” I remember not knowing why that would be such an important aspect, but now that I actually can honestly say I love myself, I feel like I have so much more belief in myself than ever before, which of course allows me to succeed at everything I want to achieve in life. If I didn’t love myself, there would be no way I could do some of the things I do now, simply because I wouldn’t believe in myself.

It is numbered 1-3 but each one is just as important as the next. These are all things you can start doing right this minute, that can and will improve your life for the better!

With that being said, there are so many different ideas you will come across along your journey, and this is just a few tips I have found that has helped me. Writing has also definitely helped me to learn more about self, but do whatever works for you!

Thanks for reading, I hope you can take something away from this post and use it to improve your life! 🙂

With Love and Light


self help

About the Creator

Osana Wasut

Sharing my stories with the world. Writing has been a great tool for transformation, and I feel like I am only starting to dive deep into the self. Life is a wonderful gift, live to the fullest!

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