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The Five Pillars to Reinvention

by Tresa Leftenant, CFP®

By Reinventing Her by Tresa Leftenant, CFP®Published 2 years ago 7 min read

Do you ever wonder why you seem to have the same problems over and over and no matter what you try, you can’t seem to change things? This was my dilemma in my 40’s, before I transformed my life. Then I learned a simple formula that I call “the engine of reinvention”. It began to dawn on me that if I really wanted to stop experiencing the same problems over and over, that I would have to change the way I looked at my life in several ways:

· I would need to take responsibility for the choices I made and how I conducted myself.

· In order to move forward into a new exciting future, I would need a new type of education. One where I learned who I was inside, what motivated me and how I made decisions.

· I would need to reframe my view of my life in the future, retrain my mind to think in ways that supported my new view, so I could reclaim the life I was born to live! Once I figured out this simple formula, I knew I was facing in a new direction.

Yes, the formula is simple but applying it isn’t easy. If it was, everyone would already be living the life they desire! In order to create better conditions in our lives, it requires that we make a decision; a decision to change our wiring.

The first step is to Reframe your view, to shift your view from continually focusing on what isn’t working, your problems, and how you are going to solve them, to visualizing what you truly want and how to manifest it in your daily life. Remember that what you focus on expands. If you focus on your problems, you get more problems. If you focus on what you truly want to experience in your life, and use your imagination to create it through inspired and empowered action, that’s your experience!

Once you have a vision of what you truly want, it’s time to Retrain your brain. Your thinking and your behavior need to be adjusted in order to pursue the NEW FUTURE in your mind’s eye. Just like athletes who train their body for the next competition, you can train your brain. Research says that the average person with busy mind chatter experiences 70-80% of those thoughts as negative. You can learn to “turn-around” your negative thinking to more positive and supportive thinking. Just like going to the gym for a healthy body would you be willing to go to the “mind gym” if you knew the result would be healthier thoughts and a brighter future?

Once you embrace a vision of a NEW FUTURE, retrain your brain to support its invention, then you only need to Reclaim it. I believe that every person is born to live their dreams. I call the process of getting the dream out of your head and into your reality, reinvention. Reinvention is recreating yourself, and aspects of your life, into the expression of your unique and authentic inner self. Reinvention is renewing, reshaping and reworking for the sole purpose of experiencing exquisite joy. Reclaim the life you were born to live through the process of reinvention.

Here is an illustrative story of the concept of Reframe, Retrain and Reclaim:

A beautiful woman woke up one day and noticed she had only three hairs on her head. “Hmmmm,” she said, “I think I’ll braid my hair today.” She did, and she had a great day.

The next morning she woke up and saw that only two hairs remained on her head. “Well,” she said, “I’m going to part my hair today.” She did, and she had an especially fun day.

The following morning she awoke to only one hair on her head. “Oh,” she said, “I think I’ll wear my hair in a ponytail today.” She did, and her day was wonderful.

The next morning she awoke to find that she did not have single hair on her head. “Yea!” she said. “I don’t have to fix my hair today!”

To understand more about the process of reinvention, I created Five Reinvention Pillars

Pillar #1 - Give Up What You Should Do For What You Were Born To Do

Our parents and society installed powerful messages about how we “should” live our lives. How many times do you find yourself asking a question that starts with “should I do this or should I do that”? Living from should’s helps us look, act and be like everyone else, but it passes the responsibility for what we are creating in our life to others. Having a “should” mentality just perpetuates a culture where people ignore the inner whisperings of their soul and let other people design their life. Is that what you really want?

Pillar #2 – You’ve Put Her Aside on Behalf of Everyone Else. It’s Time to Reinvent Her!

In order to walk through the doorway of Reinvention, you will need to uncover the beautiful spirit that you have buried deep inside. Years ago you buried her to protect her because she has been hurt. She is your inner beauty, your inner strength, your inner wisdom, and you hid her because you didn’t want anything other hurts to happen to her. In order to reinvent ourselves, we must heal her pain and let her out of isolation. She can be hurt but she can never be harmed. She is the strong, powerful, wise part of you and she is ready to help you shine. Are you ready to let her out?

Pillar #3 – Personal Transformation Begins with Telling the Truth

Facing the truth of who we really are, the truth about ourselves is one of the most challenging steps to take in reinvention. We are experts at hiding and running away from what is really going on under the surface. Most of us are casual and careless about our observations of what is going on beyond our perception. When you choose to look carefully at what is really going on, and to drop your mask of superficiality, then reinvention flows easily and dependably. Are you ready to face the truth?

Pillar #4 – The Desire for More Is the Doorway to Reinvention

Our life isn’t meant to “happen” to us, we are born to create it. We do this by first “thinking” it into existence. Every idea that has ever materialized started with a thought. Every idea is born from our desire to do, to be or to have something. We want all sorts of things and we want them all the time, but often we don’t get what we want. When we are continually disappointed, it can lead us to decide to “disconnect our ‘wanter’”. When our ‘wanter’ isn’t functioning properly, reinvention can’t happen and neither can exquisite joy. Your happiness will come from wanting and creating the life you are meant to live. That is why it is called an “authentic life” because it is your life, one that you design and pursue. Are you ready to reconnect your ‘wanter’ so you can pursue the life you were born to create?

Pillar #5 – Break Up with Your Fear and Reinvent Your Life

Just because you fear it, doesn’t make it real. We have a bad habit of believing all of the thoughts that run through our mind each day. 80% of our thoughts are negative, many of them depicting realistic visions of the really awful things that could happen to us. By believing these thoughts we give them permission to limit our lives. When we raise our awareness, we realize that most of our fears never happen. FEAR is often described as False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear can trap us in a joyless and mediocre life. Fear holds us in a comfort zone of thinking, behaving and acting in ways that continue to create our current unhappy life conditions. We are comfortable with those life conditions so we accept them as “just the way things are”. In order to pursue a life of joy and passion we have to learn to feel our fear and go for it anyway. When we do that, we grow our beautiful inner Self. Taking risks and feeling the fear and doing it anyway stretches our comfort so we are ready for the life we dream of when it arrives.

I invite you, the everyday woman, to make a decision to get the dreams out of your head and into your life. Schedule a complimentary discovery session with me today.


About the Creator

Reinventing Her by Tresa Leftenant, CFP®

Creator of The Money Stress Solution: 7 Essential Inner Habits for More Confidence, Clarity, and Financial Wellbeing for Suddenly Single Women

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