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The First Thing You Need to Do If You Want to Change Your Life

"Awareness is a great way to make a difference."

By Samyog kandelPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The First Thing You Need to Do If You Want to Change Your Life
Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

"Awareness is a great way to make a difference."

There are two ways to live life.

One way is more responsive, where you fight when you are facing challenges in your personal or professional life. One more effective way is to remember the trends in and around you and be ready with your surfboard whenever it is in a big wave!

The only difference between the two is awareness.

Awareness empowers you to make sound decisions based on your understanding of yourself and the situation, your awareness of your choices, and your choice. That is why awareness is powerful. Knowing, you snatch control back.

Just looking at your thoughts and actions can encourage positive action.

Big names. How sure am I?

Just following my sleep, I was able to gain an understanding of what helps my sleep and what distracts you.

When I started tracking my diet, I realized that calories didn’t matter but macros did. Then I changed my diet.

News writing allowed me to watch my mental conversations and learn from them. It made me realize that my anger and frustration were caused by not sleeping, food or water.

Tracking my finances has made it easier to make difficult calls with my money.

I did not make these changes overnight. They took days and months to find out before the changes actually took place.

Awareness awareness. Information empowers you. Power makes it easy to change.

In the absence of awareness, you react to the unconsciousness of your surroundings because all you have is the flow of thought. Your response will depend on your past experience and your situation.

If in the past, you were under pressure with food, you would struggle with your favorite simple foods. If your past experience has taught you to raise your voice to be heard, you will easily cry out when ignored.

You begin to believe that what you are experiencing is true when you actually experience a story created by your mind as a reaction to what is happening around you. Without awareness, it confuses what is going on in your mind with the truth. You are in the grace of a set mind.

"Awareness is about regaining your freedom to choose what you want instead of what happened in the past to you." ~ UDeepak Chopra

Most of us do not know why we do what we do, how we express ourselves, and how others see us. And we stick to bad patterns because of that.

Here are some ways in which you can improve your awareness to improve your health.

Practice meditation.

This allows you to take a step back and ask self-assessment questions. As Ferris Bueller put it, “Life goes on very fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, don't miss it. "

Ask yourself: 'Why did I react that way? Why does this bother me? Why do I strongly disagree with this view? Where did this belief come from?

Doing this will allow you to make strong connections. It will make your beliefs stronger and give you more fuel to run your business. It will also inform you of your bad habits and thought patterns.

For example, my appearance taught me that I had a habit of eating unhealthy foods when I didn't get enough sleep. I have a tendency to stay away from people when I am angry instead of talking to them calmly. Knowing this for me, I am able to catch these unhealthy habits and choose healthy answers.


Journaling is a great tool for self-reflection, because it helps you understand and challenge your thoughts and beliefs, and it is also a wonderful relief from stress. It works like a brain dump. Think of this as a parking space for your thoughts. Just as your back feels light when you pull out your heavy backpack, your mind will feel lighter and less stressed when you throw your thoughts out of the paper.

You can do this once a week, once a day, or once every two weeks. All you need is a diary and a pen to move on. Hopefully, no one is so busy that they can’t take five minutes a day to write it down.

Take personal and psychological tests.

While personality tests can give you an insight into why you do the things you do, a psychometric test can help you assimilate your skills, knowledge, abilities and symptoms. I'm not a big fan of this, but there are many free trials available online. You may find yourself agreeing or disagreeing with the results, but they will give you a thoughtful diet.

Since they are all based on a specific questionnaire that you answer, I recommend that you take more than one quote to gain a broader understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and behavior.

Ask for an answer.

There is a catch of this. You need to be willing to take the answer that someone gives you without getting upset or arguing. If you can ask them questions to dig deeper, the best!

If you are not comfortable with people pointing out your mistakes and your flaws in your face, you can ask by email. This way you have time to digest what people write before responding and are less likely to respond defensively.

Get out of your comfort zone.

Once you have identified your limits, the next step is to press them down and deal with your fears.

I hated talking to large crowds or giving a presentation in front of people. Nothing made me sweat so fast!

As far as I know, I decided to address this by joining a college student organization where my role was to attend various courses and present an organization in an effort to get more students. It wasn't easy, but within a year, I was starting to sweat!

For you, this could mean setting boundaries with someone after seeing your habit of letting people use you or applying for a job you were already interested in after realizing you often hold back for fear of not having enough.


About the Creator

Samyog kandel

I am a passionate writer, trying to inspire other through my story..

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