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The desire to live makes enemies as friends

A story about togetherness

By Elayer For AllPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
A story from Elayer for All

A ram was eating from a pile of grass, which was kept for elephants in the palace yard. The man who saw it hit it and drove off. A man smashes its back with a stick. Bending the hips and shouting in pain. It went behind the wall of the elephant stables.

On the same day, in the palace cooking house, a few men were cooking special fish dishes. It was impossible for a dog standing outside to withstand this odor. While the cook was looking elsewhere, It rushed to the kitchen, pushed the lid, and grabbed a piece of meat in his mouth.

The cook, who heard the lid drop, found the dog and hit its back with a stick. The dog left the meat trimming there, while the dog getting outside, it was again hit by another man.

The dog cried out in pain and came to the back wall of the elephant stable.

A ram was sitting there asked, Why are you walking with your hips bent? Do you have Arthritis?

The dog gets angry and asked roughly, You're not doing the same? Are you sick?

Both animals cried for their trouble. They started worrying What is our momentum ahead.

A ram mentioned, If we both work together, we both can be happy. You go to the elephant stables because You are not grass-fed.

So no one will do anything to you. Sit there, When a man goes out and picks up some bunches of grass, and ran quickly. I go to the kitchen.

Since I am a vegetarian, the cook does not doubt me. When the cook goes out, I will pick up a few pieces and reach you. Both animals agree that this is the right idea. This was happing like that and both were happy.

One evening the king was roaming the palace floor. Suddenly king saw, behind the elephant's stables, A ram and a dog are being very friendly. That surprised him.

The next day the king asked this question to the ministers, Why are these two animals so friendly and forgetful?

The ministers did not answer and requested one day to answer his question.

He go to the palace in the afternoon, asked the queen, What did the king notice yesterday?

She said that he was standing on the palace floor and looking at the elephant stables. He goes there, Behind the wall, there were piles of grass and flesh-eating bones.

Minister came and told the king, The desire to live makes enemies as friends. If a ram brought meat to the dog, The dog brings grass to a ram.

Today, we see people who are at odds with each other as friends for the same purpose.

An enemy is a person or life which is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.

Nowadays people just think and live like it is just a materialistic world.

In his entire life, he fights for something and he dies with nothing.

Everyone has a chance to make their surrounding as good as stars around the moon. But what we do is, hate people or thing for something, if they get that thing they again start hating another thing.

So the best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.

Just think if we make such a decision in our life, what we hate is right, and what if we give our hands to that thing to improve further.

Some people really don't know why they hate some and why they think they are enemy'.

Around the world, few think it's better to have loved and lost than to have hated and won.

like we know, Coming together is a beginning, Staying together is progress, and working together is a success.


About the Creator

Elayer For All

 Edu - Tech - Learn- Invest - Grow

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