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The Blooming Pedals of Spring

The blooming pedals of spring triggers a plethora of mental mind blown phenomena and allergies

By Goosey Q.Published 3 years ago 3 min read
The Blooming Pedals of Spring
Photo by Joe Ciciarelli on Unsplash

Bright iridescent lights flow through the windows. Warm breeze fills the room to welcome a new day. Groggy and lazy you tumble around struggling to get up. You check the time only to be right on time with the morning routines. You shuffle to get up and find a bed of flowers surrounding you. Yellow golden pedals blooming before your very eyes. You wonder if you’re still in a dream or that you’ve already died. You come to terms with whats been happening and you proceed with caution.

With each pedal i pick up, a dust of particles fills the air. As in pollen engulfing my atmosphere. I may not have allergies but either way my room was getting packed pretty quickly. With each pedal I touch, they each transform into little particles, like dominoes falling into its final piece.

By Wengang Zhai on Unsplash

All the pain and anxiety that comes with the morning wake slowly gets forgotten as the morning starts. Usually anxiety and depression stays with you but somehow today seemed different. All the insecurities about yourself, the things you want to change that you cannot because they’re out of your control, it all falls wayside today. Of course everyday is different and most days makes you want jump off a building but today seems like you’re capable of flying. Flying past those fears. The things that prevented you from living and the things that you couldn’t change were slowly losing their hold on you. We know you cant really forget those things and you know they still exist but maybe there’s this thing that clicks. What if its the thing that everyone has been talking about. That moment in time where it just clicks.

By Ant Rozetsky on Unsplash

Don’t get me wrong, those fears and anxieties will come back, maybe even stronger. This time it feels as if those pedals that bloomed and turned into the glittery particles were a way of lifting up your spirit and dispersing the darkness that has been inside. The things in your life becomes much more manageable. Yeah there’s things in your life you may want to be different but what you begin to realize is what matters is your well being and how you react to things that you don’t have much control over.

Where goals and willpower is your super power and the practice of good habits (as annoying & un wanting as they maybe) helps to challenge you while strengthening those core principals of a human being. Having been so trapped in your own darkness you forget how much time continues on and passes you by.

Consumed by the hatred and neglect you build all the barriers and tolerance for everyone so you wont’t get hurt like you did before. In doing so you lose touch of yourself and what it means to feel happy and comfortable in your own skin. You lose touch with the things that have brought you happiness and joy while preventing yourself from being in the moments of important factors in your history.

So practice makes perfect. Whether you are a natural or someone who has two left feet, practice uses the art of repetition to conform the body into believing what is happening is true. Along with the mind, practice also changes things from your frontal cortex to the cerebral cortex. Basically short term to long term memory.

Enough practice will give you enough confidence to excel at those you found so difficult to begin with. Once you have your moments of euphoric enlightenment, tap into your own inner strength (which everyone has) and have it guide you through your own journey. When you’re feeling down, just look for it deep inside and watch as you, just like those yellow pedals, disappear into the glittery particles that brought you to your euphoria.


About the Creator

Goosey Q.

A Portfolio of Written Pieces from Poetry & Reviews, to Positive Affirmations & Mental Health. This page is to Inform, Educate, & Inspire people to take a positive outlook on life while relating to struggles that we have or haven’t faced.

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