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The biggest Dreams for me

my goals

By Haven QueenPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The biggest Dreams for me
Photo by Kelli Stirrett on Unsplash

Every day of my life is a “We will figure it out”. I get for a lot of us it is. Right now, I'm working through as many things as I can to one day be able to say, “We 100% got this!” I am more than sure several of you can agree. I can say I am not asking for a lot.

Here is what I want. To be able to live in a place I do not feel every second is falling apart. To have a good home. Not something huge or expansive but will take care of our needs. Somewhere in my whole life, I have never truly had. That is simply a place to call home. That is one of the biggest dreams because I want to be able to always have somewhere that when my son is grown; he knows he has a home that will always open its arms for him.

Unfortunately, not all of us have that. It is a sad truth. That leads me to another dream I have always wanted to be a foster mother. I want to be there for these kids who have no one. They are scared, confused, and mad I could go on and on. They need someone to show they care. That they will be there for them. A person that can and will help them get on their feet and be around to love them.

Let us move to another dream I want to Adopt families for Christmas. But I do not just want to get the kids that qualify gifts but the older ones too. I want to pay a bill or to for the parents. To get this help during thanksgiving and customs for Halloween. I want to be able to help as many as I can.

I want to be able to do all of this and not have to check my bank account to find out if I do this will my family be all right. I hate that so much. I hate having to know there is so much I want to do that I can't. That there are families going without food or wondering when/where their next meal is coming from. I have been there and more than I like to say, and I am still there now. Knowing there is all this pain and suffering hurts.

I currently am working through It Works and Cutco, selling my photographs, and writing on vocal. Then on top of that, I'm trying to get a blog going. All so I can work from home to take care of my son. My son is my world. For the past 3 years in school, he has failed at every turn. Let me tell you that is insanely heartbreaking to watch. This year I have had him in home school. Let me tell you that was a dream coming true. Now he is excited about school and learning finally taking it all in I am so incredibly proud.

For now, my biggest dream is to get things to a point that I can take better care of my family. Help my best friend/ sister through school and achieve her dreams. Help my son through school and achieve his dreams. Then start being able to fully realize my dreams. I hope that no matter where life takes you. No matter the ups and downs. That more than anything you never let your dreams go. It does not matter how long it takes us to get there. It does not matter if they change. What matters is that you know YOU are important and so are your dreams. They help create you. Always dream and reach for those stars. They may be far, but they are sure worth it and so are all of you.


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