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The 40 Day and 40 Night Challenge

How to Reorganize Your Life And Get Yourself Back On Track

By Theodore DembowskiPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read

Every Morning: I wake up at 3:30am. Not because I have to, but because I need to. People have a tendency to live in a rush, a rat race that just is unsettling. It is bad for their health. You see I wake up that early, because I need to. For my health. I start work at 7:30am. For four hours I am my own. I own myself and spend quality time with myself. This month I woke up one morning and decided to start my own business on the side. Much of the groundwork is done from 4:00am to 5:30am. People are amazed that I started putting together my business plan on February 26th and by March 1st I was already a registered business and on my way to getting the business running. Currently I have about 6 employees ready to start in April. I also have time to write in my daily journal, something I started in January. You see, in January I was a mess and disorganized. I was a wreck, and just not ready for the world on a daily basis. I disliked myself, so I did something about it. Daily for almost two months I wrote in my journal. I wrote, daily affirmations. I wrote how I was feeling inside and how I was feeling outside. I wrote goals and plans and dreams. Between the hours of 3:30am and 5:30am, I changed my life.

Work is pretty challenging at times. Monday through Friday I teach high school. Most of my prep work happens between 3:30am and 5:30am. It keeps me on track. This leaves time for me to be at work and focus on what is truly important. Talking about, discussing, and presenting the material I love. Who has time for grading anymore. The virus has not affected me at work as it did so many others. It put things into perspective.

Every Afternoon: I get home and spend time with my family, my dog, my friends, and myself. I run regularly in the afternoons to get exercise. Mainly because I love to run, I love being in my own head. This is not uncommon for many people, they just don't realize the benefits of distance running. They seek outlets in other things, like drinking excessively or sex. That is not the healthiest way to deal with stress. Running is an outlet. Running is life. I do compete from time to time, but again the virus put things into perspective. I remembered why I started. An important tip in the grand scheme of things. Why you started is something you should always try to remember.

Every Day:

Eat Right: Remember why you started I tell myself. For your health.

In Bed by 8:30pm: Nothing ever really good happens late at night, all of the best things in life happen in the daylight.

Workout Regularly: To keep sanity it is important to get exercise. Also it keeps you healthy. Did you know that insurance will pay you back sometimes if you workout regularly? How about this, why is gym class a part of curriculum at schools? Kids get 30 minutes per day and they have more energy than most adults, because adults forget to play. I created a Facebook running group where I post weekly workouts and tips for other people to learn from my years of coaching.

Write In My Journal Regularly: Progress written down is progress that is seen. If you keep records of your progress and your goals, they build up over time and become something great.

Work On My Business Daily: In order to get ahead in life, one must work on their goals daily and little by little the small pieces stack up to something much greater.

Work On Other Side Projects Regularly: Writing is a small hobby of mine, but it is another outlet to get my thoughts and feelings out of my mind and into space. Creation is an amazing thing in any form.

Write For Vocal Once Per Week: Goal setting in your face, is more likely to be achieved.

Stay True To Myself: Once in a while it is important to remind yourself that you are who you are and your values are important. Being true to yourself sets you free. Remember why you started. Reflect on the reasons. Push yourself to continue the things that make you true to yourself.

The above 8 points are written on my marker board. On a daily basis, I read my goals. For Forty Days and Forty Nights I will change any bad habits I may have by replacing them with good ones. At the bottom of my marker board I have hash marks written. Today, is day 23 of my challenge to myself. I have done amazing things in the past 23 days. I look forward to finding out what I am capable of in the next 27 days.


I have been writing for a lot of years. I have several stories in the works, and lots of poems. I found Vocal Media in March 2021 and since then have been revising, editing, and creating more poems and stories. I absolutely love writing anything from poems and short stories to history. If you want to reach out to me and learn more you can find me @theodore_the_spartan on Instagram.

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Thank You For Reading!



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Theodore Dembowski

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