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The 30-Day Improvement Guide is Just for You

Follow these guidelines

By Henry madmanPublished about a year ago 4 min read
The 30-Day Improvement Guide is Just for You
Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

A- Give up these bad habits, (advice)

1. Suspension of work.

2. Non-religious, depressing talk.

3. Watching more than 60 minutes of TV a day.

4. gossip

B- Initiate these good habits, (Advice)

1. Thoroughly examine your appearance every morning.

2. Making the next day's action plan the night before.

3. Appreciate others whenever you get the chance.

c- Increase my usefulness in the eyes of my employer by doing these things,


1. I will give my subordinates more opportunities to develop.

2. Learn more about my company's operations and customers.

3. I will give three specific suggestions to make the company more effective.

D- I will increase my utility by doing these at home, (suggestion).

1. My wife's small contributions, which I have so far overlooked, are among them

I will praise him for that.

2. Once a week I will do something special with the whole family.

3. I will give full attention to my family for one hour every day.

E- Thus will make my mind sharper, wiser, (advice)

1. I will devote two hours every week to reading magazines related to my profession.

2. Read a self-help book.

3. I will make four new friends.

4. 30 minutes a day of quiet, mindful meditation and then when you

In contact with a slow, steady, nimble, clear-thinking, skilled person

Come, you will know that he was not born with these qualities. Today he is

He has become a kind personality, behind him is a strict everyday consciousness

hard work Leave the old religious bus and new clear optimistic thoughts

Practice and practice should be done every day.

Get your first guide to 30-day improvement right away.

I hear this often whenever I discuss goal setting

Either, “Proceeding with purpose is very important, I know, but it often is

Things happen that ruin all plans."

It's true, some things are beyond your control and your planning

Affects the destination. Serious illness or death of someone in the family, your job

The candidate may have been rejected, or you may have met with an accident yourself.

So another thing should always be remembered to move forward on the 4 winding path

Always be prepared. You're headed down a path, 'way off' in the middle.

If you see it, you will not pitch a tent there, and you will not return home.

Of course! Path closed means that the destination can no longer be reached through this route, for that

Another path must be taken.

Notice what those who lead in the army do. To fulfill the purpose

For whenever they have any difficulty in proceeding according to Master Plan 'A'

They are alternative plans. Works as per plan 'B'. you are getting on a plane,

You don't get upset if the destination airport is closed for some reason because you

Know that the pilot of the plane has the option to 'land the plane' and the plane is sufficient

There is a school.

A successful person always moves straight ahead without taking any detours

Such success is rare.

Going the detour is not witnessing. rather to reach the goal

Take a different path.

Usually people mean stocks, real estate or any other

Investing in assets means investing. But self-investment is the biggest and most profitable

Investment, in which efforts are made to increase morale and capacity.

Any progressive business knows how strong it is after five years

What it becomes does not depend on its actions five years later, it does

By now, on investment this year. Only one source of profit is 1


There is a lesson for each of us. to gain,

In the days to come, 'normal' is usually more rewarding than income

We have to invest in ourselves to get it.

Let me tell you two ways to invest in yourself which will result in your huge profits in the future

1. Invest in Education: Safest and most profitable on your own

An investment is an investment in real learning. Now then the meaning of real education

You have to know it well. Many understand education as the number of years spent in school

It means the number of diplomas, certificates and degrees obtained

or extent of education can be measured. But how much education has been gained?

Time alone does not make successful people. General Electric

Chairman Rank, J. Cordiner is the leading business in education

The attitude of the management was expressed as “two of our best

Mr. President Ulison and Mr. Coffin never had the opportunity to attend college. Although

Many of our officers currently hold doctorate degrees around 41

12 out of 10 have no college degree. We are in performance

He is interested in skills, not diplomas."

And for the rest, education means storing the amount of information in the brain

His account goes. But this data collection method also helps you reach the goal

unable to We now have books, files and machines to store information

I have become dependent on If we have this ability to collect that data on the machine

By Drew Beamer on Unsplash

If the capacity is limited, then it is difficult.

Real education, education that should be invested in, education that develops the mind

It makes the brain fertile. How developed a human mind is in a word

The true education of man is by how well he can think.

can be measured.


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