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Student Motivation


By Caleb GoldPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Student Motivation
Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

In high school, I graduated with a GPA of 1.3. However, in university, I managed to turn things around and graduated with a 4.0 GPA, ranking in the top 5 percent of my university. It wasn't an easy journey for me. I used to struggle to wake up in the morning, drag myself to my desk, and open my textbooks. Even when I started studying, I would often get distracted and lose focus after a short while. I was just an average student, constantly battling procrastination and falling into a cycle of not studying enough, which resulted in failing exams and disappointment.

But then I made a decision. I decided that I was capable of achieving more. I believed that I could make something of my life. I realized that the key to breaking free from my average performance was in my daily habits. I had an epiphany that what I did consistently every day would determine the grades I would achieve.

It was like a light bulb turned on in my head. I realized that even when I didn't feel like studying, I had to do it anyway. Those who excel in their studies don't wait for motivation to strike; they take action regardless of how they feel. I started doing the same. I studied hard even when no one was watching. I realized that nobody needed to understand the hours I put into studying or the early mornings I dedicated to it. It was during those quiet hours with minimal distractions that I could focus the most. I wasn't doing it for the grades or to prove anything to others. I was doing it because I had a burning desire to become the best version of myself, step by step, day by day.

Too many people dream of graduating with a 4.0 GPA or achieving great success, but their actions don't align with their ambitions. They get easily distracted and can't study for more than a few minutes. I decided not to make that mistake. I let my actions speak louder than my words. I became obsessed with studying, learning, and personal growth. I replaced binge-watching Netflix with educational material like books, documentaries, and educational YouTube videos. I connected with and learned from students who had already achieved a 4.0 GPA.

I set daily goals for the number of hours I would study before allowing myself to relax. I took care of my physical health by exercising regularly, eating well, and ensuring I got enough sleep. I developed a routine of going to bed early and waking up early to have a productive morning. It was these small decisions, seemingly insignificant at the time, that accumulated over time and yielded extraordinary results.

After a few weeks of consistently following these habits, I started to see results. My grades improved almost immediately, and I began feeling better about myself and more content with my life. After years of living this way, I realized that I had the capability to achieve extraordinary things. My most ambitious dreams and goals became within reach.

I want to warn you that when you decide to break free from average grades, it won't be easy. It will be painful and uncomfortable. But that's where growth happens. You may face setbacks and challenges, but with determination and the belief that your daily studying efforts will be rewarded, you will discover strengths and abilities you never knew existed. You will build an energy and momentum as you achieve success after success. And if I could do it, so can you.

I got rid of the mindset that I wasn't smart enough to be among the top students in my class. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy that held me back for a long time. Once I let go of that limiting belief, I was free to become whoever I wanted to be. Remember, you are the author of your own story. If you decide at this moment to make a change, you can turn the page and start a new chapter. It's a continuation of your journey, but with a fresh perspective and a new story to write. Right now, you have the opportunity to write the best chapters of your life

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About the Creator

Caleb Gold

"Creative wordsmith crafting captivating stories to inspire and entertain readers on a journey of imagination."

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    Caleb GoldWritten by Caleb Gold

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