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Story of Somnath Jyotirlinga

Somnath story

By Sam BTCPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

There are 12 Jyotirlingas located across India and the one at Prabhas in Gujarat is called Somnath. It is considered the most ancient of all the Jyotirlingas and pilgrims who are planning to visit all the 12 jyotirlingas are advised to visit Somnath first.

In this article I will be covering the story behind the origin of Somnath as per what is mentioned about it in Shiva Purana.

Marriage of Chandra to 27 Nakshatras!

The story begins when King Daksha gets 27 of his daughters married to Chandra who as per vedic texts is the personification of Moon. This story is linked to the creation of universe as Daksha is the son of Bramha. As per the divine trinity in Hinduism, Bramha is responsible for creation, Vishnu for preservation and Shiva for destruction and the cycle repeats itself again and again.

Daksha being the son of Bramha had arranged this marriage to assist his father in creation and configuration of the universe. His 27 daughters were personification of the 27 constellations that are part of the 12 zodiac signs. To ensure functioning of the world as per astronomical and astrological rules Chandra would need to move from one constellation to another in a periodic manner.

Chandra’s Attachment to Rohini!

Chandra as part of his marital vows was supposed to give equal importance to all his wives but he was the most fond of Rohini. Rather than spending equal time with all his wives he would spend all his time with Rohini. This led to resentment and jealousy in his other wives and they went and complained to their father Daksha that Chandra is ignoring them and spending all his time with Rohini.

Daksha’s Curse to Chandra!

Daksha after listening to the complaints by his daughters went to Chandra and told him that it his duty to be fair and impartial to all his wives. He can not spend all his time with one of them while ignoring the rest. To ensure the world experiences all the seasons and the different auspicious and inauspicious muhuratas (time periods) he needs to spend equal time with all his wives.

Daksha assumed that Chandra would mend his ways and went back to his home. Soon his daughters came back and said that Chandra was still ignoring all of them and spending his entire time just with Rohini.

This really angered Daksha and we went once again to Chandra and said that not only was Chandra ignoring his marital duties he was also insulting his father in law by not paying any heed to what he was asked to do. He went on to curse Chandra that as a punishment for his arrogance and defiance he would be inflicted by the consumption disease which would rapidly decay his body and he will disappear within a span of 15 days.

Chandra Prays to Shiva!

Chandra now realizes gravity of the situation and asks Brahma how can he get out of this predicament. Brahma tells him that as this is a curse by Daksha he can not counter it and there is only one way to survive this curse and that is by appeasing Shiva, as only he has control over death.

He shares the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra with Chandra, and tells him that this is one of the most potent and powerful mantras of Shiva. It’s name itself signifies overcoming death and he will need to chant this mantra 100 million times to attain mantra siddhi (mastery of the mantra).

Even today devotees of Shiva recite Maha Mrityunjaya to overcome serious diseases which are life threatening and are uncurable by doctors.

Shiva grants a Boon to Chandra!

Chandra creates a shivalinga from soil and starts chanting the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra while meditating upon Shiva. Once he completes the 100 million recitations, Shiva appears before him. Chandra explains to Shiva about the curse of Daksha and requests him to save him.

Shiva grants him a boon that once he will be totally diminished by the curse of Daksha Shiva will make him recover and become full again. The curse of Daksha can not be fully countered so Chandra will continue to get diminished after becoming full but every time he disappears Shiva will restore him.

This is considered the origin of why Chandra goes though a waxing and waning cycle every month.

It is also believed that after granting the boon to Chandra, Shiva placed him on his head to signify that he has been blessed. This is the reason why Shiva is always depicted with a waning Chandra on his head.

Establishment of Somnath Temple!

After being rescued by Shiva, Chandra built the original Somnath temple at the site where he had prayed using the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra. The Shivalinga he had created was named Somnath as it literally translates to “Protector of Moon”.

There is a lake next to the temple which is said to have divine healing powers. Every year many pilgrims take a dip in this lake with the conviction that this lake can heal even the incurable diseases.

It is one of the most ancient temples in India and has been renovated and reconstructed by several kings over the ages. It was always one of the most prosperous temples with invaluable jewels, ornaments, decorations being stored inside the temple. This is way it was raided multiple times by foreign invaders but it ways always rebuilt by Hindu kings and due to their strong faith and conviction it still stands today at it’s original location.

Om Namah Shivay!


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My Post will be focused around Spirituality, Mythology and Blockchain proejcts which are the topics that interest me the most.

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