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Stop Limiting Yourself and Begin Living the Life of Your Dreams

Imagine what you could achieve if you were your best self all the time.

By Jessey AnthonyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Do you remember the time you wanted to do something, and then in a momentary pause, you change your mind? You think you can't do that thing because it is socially unacceptable. That is your limiting belief speaking to you.

Most people have a habit of automatically responding to a limiting thought or belief, why? Somewhere along the way, they learned this. We can learn to question our limiting thoughts and beliefs.

Before I started my business in Texas, I had no confidence that I would succeed as a Black person living in a white supremacist society. Being in the minority automatically puts me at a disadvantage.

Even Nelson Mandela expressed this constructed self-identity mentality woven in the fabrics of our society. Mandela freaked out when he found out a black man was flying the plane he boarded because he thought black people didn't know how to fly an airplane.

This mindset keeps us in a box just so other people can feel comfortable. Limiting beliefs dim our light. It destroys our individuality and creativity.

Everything we have been told to follow as a society is limiting.

If you want to live the life you want, you have to cut the chains self-identity has over you by discovering your true values.

When you feel blocked or held back from doing something you want to change or start or do, identify the self-imposed belief that tells you that you are limited in some way. Ask yourself the simple question: "How do I know I can't?"

If your subconscious gives you the automatic response, don't just accept it. Keep playing around that thought until you realize that the limitation is an illusion.

You can choose your own path

Some people don't like to stand out because they don't want to be ridiculed. They don't express their feelings because they are afraid of being rejected. Sometimes we don't wear clothes we want to wear because that will make us look like attention seekers.

Some people are forced into marriages with people they don't love because their culture believes arranged marriage is the best form of marriage.

What we call universal values, ​truths, taboos, or norms are always personal expressions of ordinary people like you and me. Because we are tribal peoples who like to belong, we assimilate these identities into our minds as if it is who we are.

More than 100 years ago, people lived as a tribe to survive - sharing food, shelter, and protection - with one another. To belong to the tribe, you have to fit into the community, and we still have that part of our brain that wants to fit in with everybody.

But in the 21st century, we are freer than our ancestors. We have laws and policies that protect our individual rights. So the idea of ​​belonging with everybody will only limit you. It prevents you from expressing your full potential. It prevents you from being happy.

This is why people become addicted and try to hide who they are. They feel miserable because they are not living the life they want. They are not who they really are because their identity does not justify how they would like to live.

To break the hold limiting beliefs have over you, you must see yourself as you are, not as someone else says you are. Not as you hope you are. The life you want will only come when you overcome your fears and stop trying to fit into the status quo.

Begin your self-discovery journey

Our values ​​are like a map for life. They help us navigate through life's many difficulties and obstacles so that we can achieve our destiny and goals, whatever they may be. Unfortunately, many of us end up trying to get through life without a card.

Courage is a value that many people share. It's something that most of us agree is a good thing. It is an ambition or an ideal that we strive for, even if we don't always do so. Knowing your values ​​is like discovering a map when you are lost in nature.

It won't magically solve all your problems, but it will help you navigate them with confidence and skill.

Everything that is hidden inside you will benefit from the light of discovering your values. If you find negative things, such as fears, doubts, or negative traits, your values will help you deal with them accordingly.

But if you find positive things like strength, skill, or daring, don't be afraid to use them to achieve your highest goals. Simply put, accept what you find and continue on your quest for self-discovery.

Once the clarification of your personal values ​​improves, assertiveness will become much easier, and your relationships with yourself and others will improve significantly as a result.


About author

Jessey Anthony is a motivational speaker, fitness coach and relationship expert who helps people become confident in themselves in any challenges they face in life. Sign up to my newsletter & more cool stuff.

Connect with me on Linkedin, Twitter, and Quora.

self help

About the Creator

Jessey Anthony

Jessey is a travel addict, freelance content writer and fitness coach. Check out more from me at:

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