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Small Commitments

Building trust within

By Raquel WyattPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

I am sure if you are anything like me, you could also be a big procrastinator. Knowing that there are things that need to be completed and you wait until the last moment (literally not figuratively). Always leaving tasks for a later time until the time just slips away, and that thing never quite gets finished. Choosing to do everything else except for the one thing that should be at the top the to do list. I decided to sit down and observe the real reason as to why I have been unable to go from point A (which is idea) to point B (which is execution) on plenty of projects that I start. I have been doing some reflection and I can admit now that procrastination is quality that has kept me from following through on my goals. On a consistent basis putting the task that I know to be beneficial in ideas, projects off until the last moment, and the quality of the work is not there. So, I came up with an idea for myself and maybe you might try it for yourself as well.

The moment an idea comes across and later tries to creep its way into our thoughts. Let us make the decision to take care of whatever the task is in that moment and complete it. say I will do it later, get up and do it at that exact moment. Because what are we waiting for? Later for what? What is the real reason behind the desire for later? Later then becomes oh, well I will do it tomorrow. No. Now when we hear ourselves saying that we get up and go. Those small commitments we make to ourselves will become bigger and continue to grow. As we develop a confidence and trust within ourselves other people will notice. That is how we attract the confidence of those we wish to work with. By being what we desire to attract in our lives. In all honesty if we cannot keep small commitments to ourselves how can we expect anyone else to want to trust or commit to a goal or project with us. Even when we have a bad day and its hard to keep some of our commitments that day it is okay. I understand that it is easier to say forget it and give in to the easier at that moment. I can also understand that from my own vantage point in my life that it is also a sucky feeling not striving to become better and reach self-actualization. I know that none of us want to continuously live the same 5-10 years and call that a life. If you are anything like myself, I know that you have a yearning deep inside for something that is calling you out there as well. But it starts with discipline and becoming committed to ourselves and then to those around us. Each morning that we are blessed to still be here is a new day for each of us to get back up and give 100%. Each day we have the chance developing ourselves better than the day before.

Every bit of effort we put forth matter. The goal is to always remember that we never completely give up and the tiny choices and commitments that we keep to ourselves matter. The internal trust that we are building will be unmatched by whatever the world tries to throw our way. So, today we start with the small things. Choosing to complete our workouts, taking out time for our mediations. The choice to eat better for our physical and mental wellbeing. The decision to just show up and be a little bit better than we were the day before.

self help

About the Creator

Raquel Wyatt

I Am Because We Are

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