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A Chance at Something New, Something Better.

The End of a Cycle

By Raquel WyattPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Here we are a new year and the chance to accomplish another level and complete new goals. I decided to focus my new year on the areas of self-love and stepping outside of my comfort zones. Notice how I said zones as in plural. I want this year to be about how I took control of my life and started living beyond the negative chatter inside of my head or, just thinking and believe things were meant to be this way so I end up staying in places or situations longer than I should have. That is why self-love is major key for me this year. Cultivating enough trust within myself and my abilities to accomplish living a life that I envision for myself. Cultivating an unshakeable love within myself that allows me to always be of service and functioning as my highest self. I will not say anything negative about the whole nine to five lifestyle, but it is just not how I envision spending my time and energy. I want to focus my energy the more passionate side of life.

This year self-love for me looks like honoring my needs and placing boundaries for family, friends. And what I allow to access to my time and energy. I want to focus more on intentional living. Meaning that I am not just going about my daily routine unconsciously not really taking in what the day has to offer and with no goals in mind. I want to experience each day and not just work to reach the end of the work week. Self-love for me this year looks like allowing myself to breath and take breaks whenever I feel its necessary without feeling guilty. Another form of self-love I will be practicing this year is allowing circumstances to flow and change, recognizing when certain people, places or things have served their purposes and it is time to move forward.

Discipline now this is a big one, I realize now how much discipline ties in with not only accomplishing goals but also with self-love. Having enough discipline to give myself everything I envision to accomplish for not only my life, but also for the life of others being able to be and operate as my best and happiest self. Vowing to myself this yeah to stay disciplined even when things are not the easiest and my mind tells me to quit. Staying committed to my morning routine so that I am more productive. Remaining disciplined in how I feed myself positive things mentally, physically and emotionally.

The year of no more staying in those comfort zones that end up not quite being as comfortable as they sound. Understanding how when breaking the barriers of each one of my comfort zones a level of fear will be present but allowing myself to feel the fear and step out of the box anyway. Not allowing fear to have control in the choices that I make. Being okay with allowing myself to be uncomfortable but confident in new life experiences. Taking an honest look at the areas in my life that could use some improvement and create a list of ways that I could go about improving those areas in my life.

So, this will be the year of breaking my own self-imposed barriers and allowing myself to blossom. Staying disciplined in the quality of things that I feed my mind and body, being committed and focused on maintaining a balance spiritually. Cultivating a love for myself to the degree that any new foundation that I build will be unshakeable in the face of rejection, or redirection.


About the Creator

Raquel Wyatt

I Am Because We Are

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