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Sleep Soundly at Night; Seize the Day

I'd Like to Thank My New Bed for My New Year Resolutions

By Geri McKenziePublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Sleep Soundly at Night; Seize the Day
Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash

For five years, the annual rent increase on my one bedroom apartment rose an additional $100.00 a month. Unfortunately, my monthly salary was not keeping pace. Time to find a new home. I wrote down eleven preferences for my new place such as lots of natural light, at least 650 square feet, location closer to the coast, trees in a courtyard and no mildew. I asked the Universe for assistance finding it, gave my notice and the search was on.

Days stretched into weeks as my friend Jennifer and I scoured Craigslist. I visited many apartments in my price range. Either the Property Management companies were lying about the square footage or there were only weirdly incoherent room layouts available. As I viewed apartments, it became obvious that none had bedrooms that would comfortably fit my queen size bed or living rooms that could accommodate my long couch.

So I traded my saggy old bed for an inexpensive twin size mattress and box spring. My ancient long couch was replaced by a new compact one.

On a Friday near the end of the month, my friend and I simultaneously texted about an apartment that had just appeared on Craigslist. After work, I raced over in the dark to check out the neighborhood. It seemed good and the location satisfied three of my written preferences. Fully expecting to get a Property Management phone message, I called the number at 8pm. A pleasant woman answered the phone. I asked if I could see the apartment the next day. I was the first potential tenant on the list!

The Universe loves me. I crossed the apartment thresh hold and my heart sang. The bright and airy space met nine out of my eleven preferences. I sighed when I entered the bedroom. It could easily have accommodated my queen size bed. As I filled out the application, I knew the apartment was mine.

I moved in. My new twin size bed looked even smaller in the large bedroom. Some nights, I woke up with an arm and shoulder off the bed. The firm mattress reminded me of summer camp. And after a few months, my lower back complained. My mind countered - the bed was affordable, you’ll get used to it, just do some stretches in the morning and isn’t this the best apartment ever? My lower back was not amused.

One weekend morning my friend Jennifer called. I was on my second cup of coffee and dull headed from poor sleep.

"Geri! Jake and I decided to replace our old mattress. I did some research online and I ordered the mattress through the mail!"

"What the heck?" I mumbled.

"Yeah, its a foam mattress with a gel top layer and listen to this, its guaranteed to relieve pressure. It arrived in a big box and we followed the instructions. We slept on it for the first time last night and girlfriend!! It was heavenly! For months you've been complaining about your back and hips from sleeping on that puny plank. Come over and lay on a real bed! Take a leap and be good to yourself! You need a frame and a mattress. Jake and I will put the frame together for you. "

Time for some self care. My back and hips deserved better. My sleep experience needed a serious overhaul. What were credit cards for? I laid on Jennifer’s new bed and liked it a lot. I ordered a comparable bed in a box with a frame. True to their word, my dear friends put the frame together one evening as I fed them cookies and tea. I was advised that my new mattress needed to breathe and unfold and to let it be for at least two days. My new bed was reminding me of sourdough starter.

Then the evening came when I lay down on my new mattress and was cradled and soothed into an easy sleep.

Oh fabulous day! Hip hip hurray! I woke up rested and comfortable in body and spirit. Over the following week, my renewed self made some observations. I am more Woke! Good sleep hygiene is vital! Thanks to my new bed, I have made:


My Journal Practice:

Waking up not quite right for many months had reduced my daily journaling to a “Dear Diary” exercise. “I went here with M - we had lunch there - I finished my project at work-” Now upon waking up without aching joints, I wanted to go deeper. I wanted to explore what I had learned, what new sight, sound or smell came my way, what a gesture or comment could reveal. There was more of me present when I was rested. Morning journaling made me feel more integrated in my day; evening journaling finalized my day with clarity.

My Meditation Practice:

Oh dear. Many months of morning meditation had been reduced to drowsy head jerking or befuddled thoughts about errands. After getting proper rest for a week, I realized that I was more finely focused. I was a champion of my heart and fell into its stillness for longer stretches of time. Nothing is more important than this moment in this day. I got up refreshed, more present in the present, and ready to experience what lay ahead.

My Screen Time:

I liked tapping out stories on my computer into the wee hours or sharing Instagram Good News posts or baby animal posts with family and friends. I’d look up and be surprised at the passage of time. Now I shut down all screens at a reasonable hour. I may read a book for 30 minutes or do some stretches but I am happily in bed with cozy blankets soon after. Screens are not welcome in my bedroom which is where I rest.

My Napping Practice:

I am new to this, dear Readers, but will keep you posted.


About the Creator

Geri McKenzie

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