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Simps are the problem

Sulayman Kone

By Sulayman KonePublished 11 months ago 82 min read

you do you think uh sex is more

important to women or to men so it

depends from what person right so if the

guy is super masculine dude top three

percent dude and he's scarce and he's

rare then yes sex from that guy is going

to be fantastic it's gonna be amazing

and the girls are going to Value it much

more and they're going to be wanting sex

from that guy much more than the guys

who are nobodies guys who are average

right the guys who want to have sex with

them right so you notice this it's just

flip-flop Bros whoever whoever's at the

top wants it the least right because

whoever cares at least has the most

power and it's just that Dynamic so a

lot of girls right a lot of girls are in

power because a lot of guys want sex

from them right until the guys say dude

I didn't go [ __ ] about having sex with

you I just care if you're a [ __ ]

peaceful if you're gonna give me a

headache or not then the girl's like oh

[ __ ] and I actually have to act

accordingly right I have to actually try

you know so a lot of girls don't even

try anymore bro because there's so many

guys just looking for sex though they're

willing to put up anything for sex bro

they get DMS just like that you know yep

yep exactly but do you also think that

if you found the right one you would

definitely cuff this girl or right now

because you're so young

you would just be like nah your focus is

just like you want to run your

businesses and all that stuff I mean

I've been I've had like consistent girls

for like the past like two years like a

lot of like a lot of guys think that I'm

just like changing girls every single

and like in order to build a rotation

you have to be able to maintain girls

yeah right so a lot of guys think I made

a podcast on this as well because a lot

of guys how do I build a rotation of

women it's like well how many girls can

you actually maintain if you can't even

maintain one girl how are you gonna

build a rotation bro like it's just

numbers bro like you're gonna have to go

through so many chicks thousands of

chicken be on damn bilzerian's level to

have a rotation like that and that's not

even rotation it's just new girls a

rotation is consistent girls coming

consistently right that's a rotation and

so a lot of guys ask me how do I build a

rotations like well are you able to at

least maintain one girl and if not then

you're not gonna be able to build

rotation bro that's why I teach you have

to actually not be using these pickup

tactics or these strategies you actually

have to be yourself you have to be a

masculine dude you have to be a top

three percent dude right and that's the

most important thing bro and you have to

understand what women are actually

attracted to you have to actually

understand what women want and you have

to be that guy so a lot of guys they

think that oh I'm just gonna you know I

could I could just keep spinning plates

and just talking to new girls but if you

try that it's just dude you're gonna

waste so much time on these Danny apps

and [ __ ] dude my girls they're on dating

apps for me bringing over new chicks bro

I'm not even on dating apps anymore bro

I have all my girlfriends they're

[ __ ] swiping on so they put their

accounts on lesbian mode and they start

[ __ ] swiping on chicks to bring them

over bro bro you know what this sounds

like dude

you know what this sounds like you take

a guess dude I don't know I don't know

are you serious you don't know sounds

like [ __ ] the Asian energy we're

speaking right now

Logan you have to be a little careful

Matt because because dude you might be

like locked up in like I don't know

[ __ ] Vietnam at the end of today bro

dude holy [ __ ] I mean we predicted it

bro me and my brother like yeah if we go

to jail it's probably gonna just be for

talking [ __ ] bro like you and your

brother are like blood brothers are like

just no no we're just we're just super

[ __ ] close bro like yeah Nate yeah

Nathan yeah so it was uh it was yeah

I've done anything since you know

freshman year of high school but we got

really close after like sophomore year

because you know we found coach Corey's

Wayne Coach Corey Wayne's book we

started reading it together so we're

watching all those videos together and

we just started growing like together

like that and uh yeah we started getting

better with women we started

understanding women better and then you

know we were able to start helping dudes

more because dudes around us were like

hey how the [ __ ] are you getting all

these chicks you know how these chicks

super track to you whatever

um and then yeah I think is a total

mindset shift for both of us and then

everyone around us started to see that

and then that's when we started the

podcast as well

um that's crazy I never really seen Nate

though like in the podcast yeah I mean

like I said he's been busy I told you

guys before

um he's been busy doing stuff

um sadly but after after after uh he's

busy and I'm done being busy then we'll

start bringing more videos together I'm

trying to help him build his his Fitness

brand and his personal fitness brand

that way we can Market you know to more

to more guys you know so the coaching

plus to Fitness as well yeah yeah

because Fitness is a very important

thing like being physically fit is super

super important like I don't want to

just be like these red pill dudes I'll

talk about random Fitness right yeah

yeah like I don't want to be just a red

pill dude you just talk to a red pill

[ __ ] I want to also you know Niche out

into you know Fitness Industries because

that's super important to guys bro so

for a man what do you think is like the

most important right now like um

obviously you need to have like all

three of these like uh Fitness

um money and then like game with women

right like what do you think is the most

important out of these three well the

cool thing is there's one thing that

gets everything it's just your mindset

bro oh it just gets everything your

mindset will get you everything if your

mindset tells you I can't get that girl

cool you're not gonna get that girl I

can get that job cool you're not gonna

get that job I can't be the entrepreneur

it's like in a MMORPG like if you're

like be like a mage right you would just

only level up intelligence but then you

wouldn't level up strength but you you

need everything to be kind of balanced

that's what I think all right yeah yeah

and so you know and the guy who says he

can and the guy who says he can't are

both right so it's Confucius or someone

said that right I don't know who it's

from it's a great quote bro it's a

fantastic quote and it's so true

yeah I agree with that yeah let's go to

our next video


believe man I lost track of where

there's so much things that we already

went over right yeah watch that one

kills the cat okay one thing about

equality is like no one is actually

equal though we're all different like

this guy's six foot three you're white

it's we're all different in our own

unique way so I think everyone has to

play at their advantage you know like

the [ __ ] porn star like he's got a

elephant trunk in his pants yeah so like

it is what it is like we're not all

equal like men we're not the same yeah

we're not the same yeah I mean the whole

thing about equality is like so I want

to ask about this one

um say for example you're making all the

money in the household right

and the women is just like a housewife

would that be okay yeah that's totally

that's like what you want bro like you

don't you don't want to be competing

like the the reason a lot of people

think that for some reason any

relationship that I see where the guys

think it's 50 50 or we're both doing the

same thing guys and girls about 80 20.

the relationship does not [ __ ] work

yeah 80 20 but dude still the best

relationships are when the girls are

doing 90 to 95 of the chasing and

pursuing calling texting and putting the

effort when it comes to those things

because that's feminine energy bro

family energy is about nurturing caring

loving relationships bro whenever the

guy is doing that bro he's a [ __ ]

simp bro he's not focused on his mission

purpose he's focused on trying to love

the girl he's trying to he's focused so

much on his feelings bro and it's like

you see all these guys we've all done

this ourselves as well it doesn't work

bro it doesn't keep girls attracted and

then the girls were the most attracted

to you or the girls were actually

chasing proceeding the most and girls

don't dump guys they're in love with

girls don't dump guys they're chasing

and pursuing girls only dump the dudes

that are chasing pursuing them so it's

impossible for a girl to dump you and

break up with you if she's chasing

pursuing you 90 of the time right so

your ideal relationship with a girl is

she's a housewife and she just stays at

home takes care of the kids and the


um I mean I think you mentioned

something about like you want to find

someone that might be able to help build

your Empire like a business partner well

not not a business partner no but

something like you know a lot of my

girls they help out so yes cooking

cleaning those things that take away

other things that are stressors and like

you know babies taking care of babies

like bro no I got I gotta I have to

focus on the business you know like I

don't want to do dishes I don't do

laundry I don't have time to cook bro

like it just distracts me so the girl

and the girls like doing those things

anyway so it's nice having the girls who

want to do those things in the first

place like girls want to cook clean and

nurture and Care especially for it's a

dude they love so it's like cool I'm

just assigning them tasks that they

already like doing in the first place

makes it easier for both of us if I gave

these girls like okay you're gonna have

to go hop on this podcast you have to

talk all this stuff with me the girls

are not gonna like that bro the girls

don't care about money like they're not

going to do sales calls and closing

people they don't [ __ ] like that [ __ ]

they don't care right and so but what

about like a woman who has like a normal

job is going yeah like revenue and is

willing to help you and then is

nurturing and caring instead of just

being solely like a housewife but also

supports you so yeah so that's the thing

is a lot of girls they come to me

because they're in that position as well

a lot of girls not not like come to me

attractively but they come to me for

advice because a lot of these girls

who are working at nine to five or

they're working that business or that

they're that boss ass [ __ ] right they

still want relationships they still want

to have kids and a family but here's the

thing they're so caught up in being in

their masculine that they can never get

in touch with their feminine or it's

very difficult to switch off from

masculine which is business purpose work

money status right so they have a very

difficult time from switching to their

masculine to the feminine which is

nurturing caring right being submissive

so a lot of girls they come to me saying

hey I'm struggling like I'm a successful

woman I'm work I'm making a lot of money

how come guys don't like Bingo no guys

wanna no guys want to date me long term

guys want to hook up with me but no guys

want to date me long term right and then

I tell them well it's because a lot of

the guys that you find attractive will

not find you attractive because you're

too much in your masculine you're too

much like them right it's like magnets

bro like they just repel because they're

the same they need to be opposites to

attract right this is with mass infamy

there needs to be imbalance of massive

energy doesn't matter if you're lesbian

gay straight bi AI whatever both two

girls two guys if they're both masculine

then that's a friendship that's a

partnership and that's not a

relationship with love right so it's

still possible Right like if there's a

balance if you see a girl

then that's okay right well here's the

thing so that she's still under so she

has to be able to switch off that mask

and roll for sure and it's very

difficult to do that as a woman yeah

it's like me working working trying to

like kill people and then also go back

and try to take care of a baby that's

very difficult to switch from boom boom

it's only women it's like working

working and then trying to switch that

off and turn it into like taking care of

the family and stuff you start to see

women like this who have families bro

they're super [ __ ] they're super angry

they're always yelling at their kids and

[ __ ] and they're that they're that

dominant role bro that's what the father

should be doing bro do you ever get

pushback like when when you say stuff

like this and then I mean for everything

I see yeah I don't give a [ __ ]

that's the thing dude like we we didn't

even say anything crazy right we talked

about like dating in the East versus

West and then I talked about my

experiences dating entire want girls

they're super nurturing even though they

work full-time jobs they're super caring

they will just pay for the bill and all

this stuff right and then I had a good

friend of mine she messaged me and she

was like I don't like how you're paying

women in the negative light and it's

like what the [ __ ] like wild bro like

all I said was you know dating in the

East versus West they're more nourishing

in the East and then because women in

the west like in America they have more

of like a masculine energy I didn't

those were not my exact words I didn't

say girls are masculine yeah yeah but it

got painted out of context and then she

was saying like you're basically calling

us girls in America gold diggers I was

like what the [ __ ] I didn't even dude

she's like she put her feelings into it

and she was like this is where you guys

are implying yeah I was just like get

the [ __ ] out of my face like like she

was a good friend for many years I was

just like get the [ __ ] out like if

you're one of those girls get the [ __ ]

out but I think like when you say stuff

like that it gets it gets twisted out of

context right like for sure all the time

and then for us being like a smaller

Channel only 50 like Subs we already got

that pushback and it's just like what

the [ __ ] is going on so I feel like this

point of the the podcast that we started

at controvert is because we feel like

men don't have voice but we also want to

focus on the equality so equality for

both men and women and I think it's it's

critical because men starting to like

have all this pushback from from

feminists or even women in general it

makes us not have a voice and you know

like the freedom of speech man it's like

we have our own opinions dude like if we

think women in in the East and it's not

even it's not even like just like me or

like dalen it's like anyone like a lot

of guys are becoming passport Bros so

what do you think about like password

Bros and all that stuff well the whole

thing with the passport bro thing is I

mean I understand it why you guys want

to you know go out there to go find more

feminine women or whatever but I'd

rather just have girls come to me you

know I don't I don't want to be

searching for for girls especially like

that I mean it's hard to find girls here

though oh yeah yeah for sure bro

compared to over there yeah it's over

there it's guaranteed like yeah you go

over there cool I mean eventually you

know I'm gonna start traveling around

and I'll start building you know those

those rotations around those places but

as of now it's like I don't really give

a [ __ ] are you expanding Alpha's only

worldwide or what okay yeah see that's

the goal bro dude Apple's only Club is

going to be [ __ ] that's a legend

okay it's literally gonna be like the

next fight club bro that's the goal is

literally just a Fight Club [ __ ]

literally can we join do we get premium

memberships yeah I'll give you guys the

the links to joining us I requested to

follow Alpha's only Club you didn't

accept my request yet bro there's

there's over 15 000 people who are

trying to get into this book

that's crazy I only accept a few because

it have to be super safe bro because I

have a lot of stuff on there that would

if people report ban the whole account's

banned you know so I like to keep that

account private super safe

um it's [ __ ] and and for the ogs so

yeah I'll find you guys I'll add you

guys in there but that's why Rumble man

rumble's a new wave dude yeah like all

this monopolization with like YouTube

and uh Instagram and twitch [ __ ]

cancer dude yeah I don't know if I can

say the word cancer on Twitch can I say

that yeah probably [ __ ] I don't even


cancer as a wrap yeah [ __ ] but yeah a

lot of girls a lot of girls would come

to me you know with those problems with

why why don't these guys find me

attractive I'm like dude because you're

too much and you're masculine too much

in your masculine and a lot of guys who

are masculine which are the guys she's

attracted to don't want another

masculine dude she's basically acting

like a dude they don't want to date a

dude right it's like I don't want to

date a dude and so a lot of girls I have

to tell them like okay yes you you've

been told by society that you're going

to be happier

um working this nine to five being that

boss ass [ __ ] it's not true are you

happy right now no like that's why why

because you're she's coming to me

calling me asking for advice obviously

she's not happy yeah

and so that that's just around and happy

people of wrong like I said the happy

people of all not beefing with you in

the comments they have people overall

are not attacking you for your opinions

those people are not happy bro like like

you you guys saw it they are not you're

not happy bro yeah like happy people

don't act that way we did a video on

this too we talked about weak men

because I got I got attacked because I

was like talking a little bit about

Andrew Tate in like a group chat and

then there's this guy he's gay and he

was just like I don't I don't like how

Panda he talks about Andrew Tay and then

because I send some videos there in the

group chat and then man I should have

knew this because like like gay guys

like I'm not I'm not I'm not anti-gay or

anything but I'm just saying that like

because gays are most likely more common

to hate on Andrew Tate right and they

don't know why I asked him why do you

hate him and he's like because he's been

told to but I've seen some Snippets and

I asked him

I asked him have you watched any

long-form content and he's like no but I

think I should you know I think is this

gay person was kind of like talking

behind his back talking [ __ ] yeah and

then I was like I was like hey man like

I want to talk to you about this because

I introduce you to all my friends and

then you're talking [ __ ] to the friends

that I introduce you to exactly and it's

just like these types of guys they don't

want to accept reality they don't want

to accept that they're lazy as [ __ ] this

guy doesn't have like a good job like a

really sustainable job it's just

something like just whatever and then so

like I really resonate with you when you

say like weak men or simps they're like

they're the problems man they're the

ones to blame yeah and that's the thing

is uh strong men blame themselves weak

men blame others so a lot of everyone's

playing blame women and how they're

different it's like no dude it's because

if you notice all these women who act

this way it's like they all have weak

fathers bad fathers or absent fathers

bro yeah so it's all it's all due to men

in society bro

these things yeah my parents have got

divorced when I was like seven and so

that that put a huge like you know when

it's seeing that I was like oh dude like

seeing how the relationship ended seeing

how all that stuff ended you know one I

obviously don't want to get married in

California obviously I could relate my

parents too of course really young yeah

I mean it's just like bro like it's this

whole this whole marriage thing nowadays

is not that not that cool because now

it's like your involvement in the

government you're involving you know

money it's like dudes love shouldn't be

[ __ ] yeah it's a whole business bro

they make money when you get married

they make money when you get divorced

like it is what it is but yeah going

back to that to the gay thing with with

that with that guy that's how people are

in the comments right they're all like

the weak people that are hating because

they can't accept there's one guy

there's one guy like watching it his

name is Jack Donovan he wrote The Way of

men and he's actually a gay guy but he's

a super masculine dude and he actually

talks about all the same things that we

talk about and the one biggest thing

that he talks about is a lot of gay guys

make it their whole identity and same

thing with feminism feminists make it

their whole identity like the lgbtq

people they make it their whole identity

so when the society and the Matrix says

hey Andrew Tate or us we're attacking

lgbtq people then those these people who

identify with that they're like oh I

hate these people now it's like why well

because they were told to it seemed even

feminist why do you hate this guy

um like they don't know it's because the

news told them to it's dude it's this

why orange man bad orange man bad it's

like bro cause you've been told to hate

these people but if you actually were to

hang out with these people in real life

or at least watch them watch videos

watch a full video you guys be like oh

this guy's pretty [ __ ] he's a new BBC

interview oh bro wild

that lady uh Lucy that's her name

is she didn't even watch like a full

content video and that's crazy because

like people don't have that attention

span now

um yeah

yeah dude um

anyways let's let's go on to like uh a

next video so someone this one okay I

think this is the one we kind of had you

uh reply to me we'll cancel work we'll

get fired from their job to see me why

because that's genuine true sorry

God damn it

I hate how IG like the friends that will

cancel work will get fired from their

job to see me why because that's genuine

true desire and once you understand

women this is what it's like when a girl

has true genuine desire for you she is

willing to do anything to see you

because girls are emotional they have

feelings if her feelings are stronger

towards you then that job she's willing

to leave or get fired from that job to

see you or be with you why should I yeah

so that goes back to what you mentioned

earlier with the girls who are making

that 50k a year whatever yeah here's the

thing if a dude that they really liked

and they got a dude that they really

loved told them I don't want you working

there I'd rather you taking care of

spending more time taking care of the

family and she would say yes but here's

the thing a lot of girls will say no

that's not true it's like Bro you've

never been in a relationship with a top

three percent dude you don't know how it

feels because you don't know you're you

don't even you can't even fathom it

being true but here's the thing I'm

thinking man because like a lot of guys

are normal and they're like probably

making like 50k or whatever [ __ ] yes

average salary average guys so they kind

of like this average guy needs a girl

that also makes in like Revenue right so

I know you speak on like terms where

like it's like a guy that kid take care

of the girl but what if it's like a guy

who can't really take care of a girl

so that's the thing man is like that

those girls are not even attracted to

those guys in all reality like

I mean take care of the girl financially

it just depends what kind of kind of guy

he is I mean obviously I I don't think

that any guy who is is really chasing

his mission and purpose and is actually

making an impact on the world is only

making like enough for just himself you

know what I'm saying like if you're able

to change millions of people's lives or

at least thousands of people's lives bro

that's worth a lot of money so that's

where I kind of differ from you because

like you've obviously been in my house

and then you know that I make over six

figures uh for my job so my house is

like my parents house so I have like

some you know like of like hand-me-downs

in a sense but

when I see a girl that doesn't work a

job and it's just like going to be a

housewife that's what she aspires to be

I see that as lazy and someone that can

really like pour her own weight and

really push herself because my mom right

I kind of Base it off my mom she works

full time she was able to take care of

three kids three three boys she wears

full-time she cooks she cleans do you

think like women if they could be like

that like that ideal woman that would be

like what most men would want

yeah I mean I I think here's the thing

though it's like yes the girls can it's

definitely possible it's not impossible

to work and then also take care of a

family but here's the thing though is

like it messes up a lot of that the

Dynamics and also it's just why would

you want like your girl also working and

taking care of of the family it's like

why don't you just have more time

spending with the kids because I

guarantee now the kids have to be at a

daycare the kids have to be taken care

of someone else that you don't even know

right I mean maybe if school is good

then okay yeah you drop them off at

school but gross school is brainwashing

these kids so who's watching these kids

while both parents are at work and

social media too on top of that but the

thing is like in our parents Generations

like especially in like the Asian

Community right there's a lot of Asian

moms that work full-time and are able to

take care of the kids successfully like

these are we're talking about households

that didn't divorce

like I go like Asian friend's house and

then it's like the the wife that is

cooking and cleaning and also working a

full-time job so yeah but when I see

those relationships bro I don't look at

those relationships like I want that

relationship I don't look at those

relationships and like yeah I want

what's your ideal dude that's the thing

is when I see super happy like the girls

are are head over heels in love with

this guy they're just taking care of the

family they're you know they're working

on the farm whatever taking care of the

the chickens and the cows and [ __ ] you

know you know [ __ ] you know you know

in those areas bro it's [ __ ] that

shit's I like that [ __ ] bro like those

when you see the girl like super head

over heels the dudes like I like that

like that's what I want to have but you

don't see that very often most

relationships you don't see yes the

parents might be together but are they

having sex every single day and they're

like head over heels in love with each

other no it's more of like a Business

Partnership bro yes they stay together

for just the kids too much invested yeah

they're not staying together because

they really love each other they want to

be around each other no they're staying

together because they have kids now and

yes in in Asian cultures like marriage

is super important when you get married

guys are staying together right that's

what I've noticed as well right and then

you see other cultures who don't value

marriage dude they're getting divorced

real quick so that's what shows me is

like okay yes these people might stay

together for marriage or for the kids

but would they really be staying

together if they didn't have those

things so I don't know I don't think so

is love more important or is the

capability of running the marriage more

important so that's thing marriage now

is just a [ __ ] business so what so

like you said you wanted like real love

right you wanted something

what's gonna that's absolutely love is

what's going to literally it's the most

cringiest [ __ ] ever yeah love is the

truth like literally love is the truth

too fixing all these problems right like

we said all the people who lack love

these are the people who are hating bro

everyone who likes love are the guys who

are looking for love externally anyone

who's who's lacked love within always

look it for externally all the girls

with daddy issues they never got love

from their dad who they go to a bunch of

dudes who give them dick that's their

form of love bro the same thing for Sims

they don't they never got that love from

their mom or the dad so now they have to

go externally to try and find love from

women that was me boom there you go this

guy's speaking mad facts right now it's

so crazy that's what I'm saying is love

is literally the key to everything bro

and so when you see loving parents and

that's the biggest thing is loving

parents that's that's literally what's

going to save everything bro that's why

I'm teaching guys to be in love and

relationships Not Only love yourself but

be in love and relationships so when you

have kids or when other people can so

other people can just look around you

and see wow this relationship I want I

can look up to this maybe their parents

are not doing that but I can look up to

this these people that's why all the

guys in my community talk about this I

talk about the most important things

that's going to cause a relationship or

just create a really healthy and loving

relationships and so because everyone's

gonna be looking up to us in the future

bro other kids other future Generations

our kids they're gonna be looking up to

us and that and that's what's going to

inspire them to want to have that or at

least have a basic Foundry like

Foundation or blueprint of this is what

a healthy love and relationship should

look like so now they know cool if a

girl if tries doing this or that I'm not

going to tolerate that or you know

respect that or I'm not going to just

tolerate and let her walk over me no I'm

gonna walk away from her right so a lot

of guys who are simps bro it's from

their parents bro it's because they're

downloading like relationship their

parents didn't have a long relationship

their dad was probably simp and that's

where they got it from it's been

programmed them programmed to see oh

well I saw Mommy and Daddy doing this

and they were together it's like well

they were together just for years in the

business because like you usually hear

this a lot like happy wife happy life

right so basically the simp is basically

just you know like being there making

the wife happy and then their perception

of uh what a healthy relationship's all

screwed up basically yeah you know I

could relate to that because


there's there'd be times like where it'd

be like um it's kind of like what you

said with like programming men obviously

I'll see all these like posts online

like Facebook IG it's like you got to

take care of the women especially are

you part of like subtle Asian dating all

that [ __ ] so subtle Asian dating and

kind of purported that and then it kind

of made me think that maybe I should

start treating a woman and start being a

Sim like I gotta start training a woman

like really dies and take care of her

and all this [ __ ] so that I could you

know have some success because like

there was a period of time where I

wasn't getting any I was [ __ ] dry

because I was just too Alpha I was just

too confident and I was like what the

[ __ ] is going on and I was like What if

I just be simp so I I completely turned

I was too simp so when like how I

explained earlier I would be like a nice

guy right and that's when I got like the

most amount of success but if you go too

far if you go too far where you become a

simp that's when things are just out of

balance I mean so you could have been so

that's the thing is like being a

gentleman and being a simp is very

different right so you are a gentleman

until the girl disrespects you walks

over you you know tries to do something

that it crosses your boundaries the simp

allows these things that's what simping

is is yes you're a gentleman right but

the general the gentleman does not

tolerate these things the second the

girl [ __ ] up walks away boom he's gone

do another check but he doesn't slap

that [ __ ] he doesn't slap her no he

just walks away because that's the most

valuable thing to women

so simps will keep giving the girls time

attention validation calling even though

she's [ __ ] other dudes even though

she disrespects him from all of his

friends in front of her friends anxiety

bingo so that's why simping and being a

gentleman are very different so it's a

lot like yes nice guy good guy simple

they're all kind of merged together and

they it confuses a lot of people

basically a simp is a guy who just keeps

tolering these things if especially when

he's not getting what he wants or

getting like reciprocated like whatever

he's doing should be reciprocated and

with a simp is not he keeps giving

giving giving he's not getting anything

in return so being a gentleman though is

yes he's giving giving because the

girl's also giving she's all also giving

his giving respect giving you know her

time energy her full attention right her

her feminine energy as well right until

that all ends until she starts

disrespecting him gone he's gone bro

that's the lesson I had to learn the

hard way too like I started off as like

a super simp right and then I was like

damn what am I doing wrong you know and

then like slowly not until after college

I was like damn I was being too much no

you know what you need to do because you

look like a nice guy right we gotta go

according what what Logan said you gotta

be polarizing bro like for me I gotta be

so who's like super nice gentleman opens

the door you gotta be someone who

doesn't open the [ __ ] door you gotta

be like you gotta be talking about like

you gotta be talking about like sexual

[ __ ] like Logan you gotta you gotta

teach this guy bro you gotta teach it

yeah bro like you you can't be like I

don't know man I just feel like I just

feel like that polarizing thing that

statement you said is totally on point

man it is it is because the biggest

thing is it just surprises women bro and

so like but that's the thing though

serious it matters what it matters long

term though so it depends what your goal

is so a lot of guys who are just looking

for sex because they lack sex they're

gonna do the short-term things for but

guys who already have abundance of sex

they're gonna start looking for okay

what's the what's the long-term things I

can get out of this right so like I said

that those are those are things that

might not be super long-term being a

scent for a girl just to get laids very

temporary because when she finds out

that you were faking it bro then she's

gonna walk away right now you're fake so

that's not temporary I mean that is

temporary so it's not long term and so

if you do want something long term you

have to be generally yourself you have

to actually be like the best version of

yourself and so whatever version that is

yes you might have to be a little bit

more of a dick or or an [ __ ] but

that's really just there's those are the

traits though there's some traits of

being a dick that's or an [ __ ] which

is having the balls to walk away a lot

of guys who walk away girls would

consider that being a dick but that's

actually a good thing daily right that

doesn't mean doesn't mean you need to

cuss doesn't mean you cuss at [ __ ] or

slap them around like Chris Brown

whatever you don't need to do any of

that [ __ ] it's just those are some of

the traits of those guys so if you could

pick out those traits and and you know

actually internalize it and actually do

those things because that's what you

want then yes the girls are gonna

realize oh [ __ ] this guy is actually all

that and then yeah that's gonna be a

long-term thing because the only reason

why those things are short-term assuming

the pickup guys like all the pick up the

OG pickup bars bro they never had

long-term relationships that's why they

strugged they're able to bang any Chick

they want it sounds like one of our

friends yep but they struggle they

struggle with anything long-term bro

Logan what do you give as what do you

want to give as advice for like the guys

who are like beta and like lack

confidence because you said like to be

yourself would you kind of just like

because for me I would recommend

you gotta get some confidence man you

gotta kind of change that personality a

little bit especially if you look um

innocent like both of you guys yeah you

got you gotta be polarizing you gotta

act more cocky yeah to be honest with

your wife I genuinely believe that all

guys are born like

like pretty [ __ ] based like alpha

male type of guys I feel like all guys

are normally born this way and then

they're programmed they're reprogrammed

into something else that they're not all

like all of us through Disney movies or

some [ __ ] like that everything through

parents bad parents bad bad

relationships right so I think when all

kids are little like we're all we all

want to do certain things that are not

good by Society climb on a coffee table

can I mention this right you caught my

coffee table as a kid then your parents

yell at you you don't want to ever do it

again right that's what sets these

limitations and these boundaries right

and a lot of alpha male type of dudes

tend to do things that people don't like

like most alpha male dudes they don't

they don't do anything that Society

likes at all like they're the Scoundrels

bro and so that's the thing is when

you're growing up and you have these

traits about you like me when I was

younger dude I was dude I was [ __ ]

crazy bro I was doing whatever I wanted

and it got being out of me and then I

started doing what other people wanted

that's when you're no longer doing it

for you you're doing it for someone else

so a lot of these guys when I say be

yourself what I mean is do do what you

want to do in the first place in the

very beginning of when you were first

born with those instincts bro because

all these all of us have these instincts

and they're being out of us and so

they're being being obvious by the media

social media our parents bad parents the

school system right all these things are

are actually built to make us submissive

because it's impossible to have a worker

that's not submissive bro all the

workers need to be submissive so that's

the thing is it's actually being out of

us to be this way and so when I say yes

I think all guys are are confident

without you know if if they didn't have

the bad parents and the parents who

actually had like you know you know

showed them like you know like hey

you're actually doing something good and

actually you support them then they

would have the confidence but you know

they grew up without it and so that's

like like I said it program them to not

be confident program them to be insecure

to seeking validation and approval

because they got they're always seeking

their parents approval and validation

because they never got it from them and

now they're seeking it from women now

they're seeking it from society now

they're seeking from their boss now

they're seeing it from everyone else so

it all stems from there bro have you

have you ever acted like that like uh

more beta I guess yeah to try to make

people happy yeah so when my parents got

experience yeah so when my parents got

divorced right I automatically

California you go you automatically get

the mom gets custody right so I was

living with my mom live with my sister

living around basically a bunch of women

bro and that's when I started to get

more simply started to act more like a

woman right more of my feelings more

emotional because I was only surrounded

by women right then once I started I you

know when I realized this [ __ ] and I was

like holy [ __ ] I need to make a change

you know right when I was like 14 or 13

I was like dude I need to live with my

dad so flew over to California wow right

and then that's when I started to see

more results with more women my business

started to do better right whatever I

want to do it was much better right and

so just being around men is super

important but it's also it's very

important to be around both both parents

right nurturing caring but I think it's

really important in the very beginning

stages of of like being a baby like when

you're little like maybe like one to

five is yeah the mom is most important

right but eventually the dad has to and

this has been inside for the longest

time it's like once the boy turns seven

and he stops living with his mom he goes

straight to like going living with all

the all the men in society bro like all

the Romans and stuff all the Spartans

that's what they did took the took the

boys out from their moms and bro [ __ ]

Warriors and so yes there's a little bit

of balance that's a little bit extreme

but it shows like yes they even knew

back then it's like a lot too much

feminine energy around guys is not good

and so a lot of guys I noticed who are

simps is they are they they live with

single moms a lot of guys who grew up

with single moms and only are raised

around their mom and their sister they

grow up very simply very feminized

because you're shown by women bro that's

that's just the reality if you surround

yourself like I said like any

entrepreneur knows this start yourself

with who show me your five friends I'll

show your future right and that's that's

completely true so if you start yourself

with a lot of women yeah you're gonna be

more feminine you're gonna you're gonna

be believing these things that they tell

you yeah and I asked that question

because you posted a video about like

talking about how if you if you live

with the mom and you talked about it as

if you

have like a divorced parents yeah which

is crazy because I predicted that [ __ ]

yeah so yeah I mean it's crazy how like

you live with your mom at a really young

age but then you're still able to become

like the really smart intelligent man

like how you are right now dude like at

a young age man yeah I was always able

to be self-aware like I was always able

to self-diagnose I'm like damn I'm not

I'm kind of struggling with girls bro

I'm kind of [ __ ] up with girls you

know and like and or I'm just not happy

bro and so that's when I was like oh

[ __ ] I need to go do something and so

yeah that's that's when I just took

action I was self-aware enough and sadly

too many people are just not self-aware

enough to like self-diagnose himself

so I've always been able to realize if

I'm showing with something I got I gotta

do something about it like when I'm

starting with girls I didn't mind

reading a book on how to understand

women right a lot of guys when I tell

them hey go read this book on how to

understand women they're like oh [ __ ] no

I don't need that it's like yes because

a lot of guys they have a huge ego and

whatever but I think that's what

something that's what Society thinks

about confident people like for example

me and you right they would think that

we're stubborn we don't want to listen

to people

people probably think we're

closed-minded but we actually think that

we have a lot to improve on like like

for for example me and you like we we

are alpha males but then we we still

think that we have a lot to improve on

even though we know that we're

established right yeah so it's like I

look at you I don't think of someone as

like stubborn but everyone else Society

comments all those people in the

comments they would be like this guy he

wouldn't listen to anyone he's just in

his own [ __ ] level I mean and that's

pretty stubborn of them as well so I

mean it is yeah it is right so I mean

yeah I mean that's the thing Bros like I

said like a lot of people are not happy

a lot of people who who type anything

negative they're not happy like if you

have the time to type something negative

bro it's like I guarantee your life is

is very miserable because misery loves

company they make you seem like you're

the one that's miserable too which is

broken it's like they're gaslighting you

bro it's like hypocritical man that's

the thing is like that's what gets a lot

of guys like I said a lot of guys are

programmed this way because a lot of

girls nowadays they're a lot of girls

are controlling Society bro women to

Sims at least to Sims women of control

control their entire lives bro because a

simp will see a guy like me like Damn I

kind of want to be like that guy and

they start trying a little bit then all

their girlfriends or a lot of girls tell

them oh you're being toxic and he goes

shuttles away and he goes in his corner

he goes back to being his older that's

why men don't have a voice man yep it's

harder for us yeah and so that's the

thing is like yeah that guy can never

never be an alpha male right that's just

a beta male trait bro and the thing is

like alpha males bro and Society they

don't give a [ __ ] what anyone thinks

they just do whatever they want like and

that's the thing is yeah you're not

gonna be liked I mean but girls are

still going to find you attractive

they're still going to [ __ ] you still

have to press on right yeah that's the

thing is you have to look at people's

actions bro that's the thing is like

it's a very bad email thing to just care

about what people think about you and

what society says because bro the second

you do that bro you you're not gonna

you're not gonna be happy any guy who's

experienced this you just follow Society

what they say you listen to the teachers

or listen to the girlfriends that tell

you oh yeah keep giving your time

keeping me all this attention yeah she's

talking to other dudes but if you give

her more then you'll you'll be all those

other guys you do all that [ __ ] dude

you're unhappy you're Miss and that's

what you experienced before too because

you you had phases where you were like

okay I'm gonna be a beta [ __ ] or like

for example for me I was like I'm gonna

be a better [ __ ] at the age of like 20

probably like after like my last last

girlfriend 2017 that's when I started

realizing holy [ __ ] the whole dating

world is a little [ __ ] up like I was

on Tinder 2013 10 years ago almost yeah

yeah and then that time girls women

would like respect and you just talk to

like any girl you could find any girl

that would just like respect but you go

to dating apps now it's [ __ ] crazy

like it's like you have to beg a woman

for her attention but obviously we don't

we don't yeah bro if I ever texted

people on Instagram I understand I'm

gonna ruin your life and then she's like

okay I'm down like bro these girls don't

give a [ __ ] bro that's the thing dude

it's like that's part of the pool I

think proofing right yeah but even on

social proofing is even just on [ __ ]

on dating apps where I'll just say that

[ __ ] and they're like okay I'm down

because bro so many they're not getting

messages like that from right let's be

real your dating app has at Logan Duong

right no it no in your book bio no Logan

I don't I dude I don't like showing

girls my ding I don't like showing girls

my Instagram bro humble humble as [ __ ]

only girls who've messaged me on

Instagram the girls who've just seen on

Instagram my videos go viral but I don't

hook up with English chicks bro [ __ ] no

like like

you know sis would hook up with those

chicks Sizzler like oh [ __ ] I need to

hook up with anything bro yeah yeah so

it's like yeah even when I meet a grown

person she'll be like can I have your

Instagram or what's your Instagram like

oh dude I don't use Instagram on touch

Instagram It's like because that's the

thing is like you show a girl your

Instagram bro especially if you have

this many followers you have 60k

followers bro they're gonna They're

Gonna Change bro and I want a girl who

really likes me for who I am and usually

they do so it's like I don't really have

the need to show on my Instagram it's

like it's not like oh [ __ ] I'm messing

with a granny show on my Instagram it's

like no dude I don't even do any of that

[ __ ] it's like you know why would I even

want to do that it's just weird same

thing with like flexing money it's like

it's the same thing bro it's like I

don't need to do that [ __ ] bro and you

don't want to anyway why would you want

a girl who's into you for the money or

the followers it's like yeah some guys I

remember I think nelk they were talking

about this previously they're like yeah

I want to have been able to bang half of

the chicks without this following in

this in this clout what that's wild

that's like that's sad that's sad bro

that's sad that you have to use that

social for proving for that yeah but it

just shows that's just the reality a lot

of guys yeah a lot of guys like strive

for that social proofing because they're

like I want to get more [ __ ] like

like our friend that we were just

talking about

um he he wants to get like to a point

where he's so established so he could

[ __ ] more [ __ ] because he's so

thirsty his dick is always like

sharpening his pencil bro you know he's

always sharpening his pencil and like

bro if you keep focusing on [ __ ]

[ __ ] you won't have time for other

things and that's what like what really

distinguishes a a true alpha male from

like a knockoff alpha male that just

wants to be a [ __ ] boy so a [ __ ] boy

versus an alpha male right fuckboy just

wants to [ __ ] alpha male is very um

attuned to like wanting to get his

business or he's like uh work done and

yeah and and because of that then he

pulls the girls yes he focused on his

mission he makes his priority his

mission and purpose and the girls are

the cherry on top too it's already in

fantastic amazing life other like guys

who just chase women and try to make

women the priority bro one women are

never gonna like this guy long term

that's not a very long-term strategy

because here's the thing girls that's

not that's what girls want bro girls

will never find that attractive yes you

might be able to bang these chicks once

in a while but that's the thing why are

these guys struggling to build rotation

because they can't even maintain one

girl bro so that's the thing is the guys

who have rotation the guys are just

purely focused on the mission purpose

like I know any guy out there is when

they were most focused on just

themselves working out on their business

that's when they got the most female

attention bro oh yeah the second this

insane another example is when you're in

a relationship that's when you get the

most female attention because you're no

longer focused about sex because you're

already getting sex you're arguing you

got that confidence too you're like I

already have like a man [ __ ] need you

yeah and that's and the girl's like oh

my God I want him now he's like that's

just the [ __ ] reality bro dude the

guys once you're in a relationship any

guy who's been in a relationship which

most guys the second game relationship

bro you get more female attention you're

out of the relationship you're like all

right cool where's the girls at all gone

I can agree we all know this bro that's

the thing is the same thing with your

mission purpose Mission purpose needs to

be number one priority bro and when you

do that everything else will come

everything else will come money status

whatever you want it's gonna come the

women are gonna come and but those are

all cherries on top right so that's how

it should be

okay uh Dylan do you have any questions

because um I have another question but

I've been asking questions

say some questions bro

come on bro

can I grab this water right here yeah

for sure

take a little short intermission

oh yeah I want to ask about that that um

Perfect 10 that walked off dude


you know did she ever explain why she

walked off no I think uh I was just

talking about like I don't know if it

was uh Brian said it's because he the

comments got to her but I don't think so

I think it was I started talking about

dads and it got really deep and dark

because I was like hey how's

relationship with your guys fathers and

then one girl was like I don't know my


um my dad and my mom had a really bad

relationship oh my dad has I have bad

relationship with my dad oh I don't know

my dad and it's fine only fans yeah

because I saw like after the whole like

rating and then like all the comments

her her face just was like down the

whole time yeah but wait so you don't

think she's a perfect attendant

is it looks like kind of subjective

someone kept saying she's a [ __ ] bro

[ __ ] no wait but that like that that's

kind of mean though to say she's a

[ __ ] man like you don't think she's

like good looking

well that's the thing bro is [ __ ]

if I'm just looking purely at her vibe

and energy right I don't want to be too

subjective if I'm looking at my energy

we just didn't click bro she's just not

my type bro so what would you rate her

[ __ ] zero bro

zero dude that that's a little [ __ ] up

man I mean I think she looks like a 10

dude wait can we see yeah

um where is that

Nathan yesterday and by hook up

I am to like a lot of Outsiders

was it this one where she believes

Nate risen all right let me um let's go

to uh let's just click on the main page

the AOC content yeah

and then uh it's going to be that one

yeah this one yeah okay

go sleep around with everyone else

uh let's just look it up yeah

yeah so

let's see


10 walks

[ __ ]

walks off

oh dude just didn't update and [ __ ] it


I'll change the thumbnail after

it's oh right here let's do a short


oh that one yeah yeah

Xander I think right now I'm active that

one dating and talking to like this one

like seven guys seven eight I don't like

talk to all of them regular I don't see

them regularly but how old are you I'm

25. okay so she says like basically like

a recap

she she keeps saying like she's gorgeous

everyone's a 10. the blonde yeah

okay so you think you're attacking Chung

is in the middle yeah yeah don't think

I'm [ __ ] gorgeous listen don't take

this the wrong way you're not a test

bro okay okay I'm reading the comments

on the screen live and I'm just [ __ ]

me Nathan are just [ __ ] if I hire my

God bro this is hilarious and then she

uh she walks off the show right

I I don't know

but okay anyways so let's let's put a

picture on her

way you're not the time play it on me

you're not the 10 okay okay

so I I think she looks like a perfect 10

dude are you [ __ ] with me she's

pretty hot dude like why why do you have

to be

like honestly I feel like it's a little

bit subjective to say that she's not a

10. she's a zero you know what's funny

is she can make an Instagram post and

there's gonna be a bunch of girls that

say yeah you're 10 Queen yes go Queen

and they're going to be Carpenters

do you feel like looks are subjective

where it's like she could look like a 10

to me which she does right

um but then she looks like a zero two

that doesn't really matter because any

guy will [ __ ] her that thing he's got

bro guys are pretty [ __ ] a lot of

guys are down bad I would probably wipe

her dude okay [ __ ] yeah so that's wild

then that's [ __ ] wild so why is that

wild then it really

I'd be down to marry her can I slide in

the DM on her size

or weight class all right I'm [ __ ]

with you dude uh yeah I hope you I hope

people don't take Snippets out of this I

[ __ ] twist my words dude

wait all right okay so I got another

question so what about what about the

red hair chick

oh yeah so Nathan like I said uh would

you smash no I would not smash I heard

you say you would not smash oh [ __ ] no

that's wild but if Nathan didn't smash

would you smash no no no why

not do it too many issues bro but okay

let me let me give you guys the scoop

though wait can you enter the mic a

little bit oh yeah yeah so let me give

you guys a scoop so basically this girl

hops on the podcast she's beefing with

us on the pocket there's a few things

she disagrees with for the most part

um because I I made sure that I stay

quiet in the car I didn't want to give

out too much information and so when I

start dropping bombs on the podcast

there's truth bombs oh [ __ ] her eyes

open big she's like oh [ __ ]

because bro I would say some [ __ ] in the

car I was I was we were already

brainwashing her in in the car ride on

the way to the podcast like we were

already dropping truth you're being

polarizing right yeah we're already

dropping truth bombs bro me Nathan were

already brainwashing her in their car

and then um basically after the podcast

uh yeah she was trying to talk like [ __ ]

on Nathan during the podcast just to

test him he didn't really give a [ __ ]

she wanted to [ __ ] again whatever really

she wasn't pissed off after all that oh

[ __ ] no dude that's the thing bro when

you understand this [ __ ] the girls will

act piss off and it doesn't matter yeah

it's just for like the cloud right yeah

that's the thing is a lot of that's why

it turns off a lot but you know like I

would imagine someone like her she would

be pissed off but like what you said all

that you know you said all this stuff

you know who's pissed off after this

podcast after she revealed like she got

[ __ ] by my brother in 10 minutes all

the simps on her phone started blowing

up her phone texting her calling her

like oh that's what she talking to you

for two years yeah and I never even got

to hold your hand in these symptoms are

just exciting themselves and me and

Nathan are dying damn laughing our ass

off bro this [ __ ] those are the Sims

that comment like mean and hurtful

comments to to you to your channel right

yeah and they were like they're making

fun of me and Nathan and until she drops

the bomb that oh yeah I [ __ ] I [ __ ]

Nathan and all these guys like oh my God

I need to start looking at these guys

for advice it's [ __ ] hilarious all

these guys nah they wouldn't look at you

guys for advice no they would just hate

the world yeah yeah they just yeah I

hate their lives so basically that's

what happened then a week later she got

rid of the dyed hair she got rid of all

the makeup and stuff and she came in the

pocket of the podcast again really she

came on again it's like uh she got

brainwashed or something look at her

lips I'm gonna jack off to this no I'm

just gonna let me see was it I don't

know uh she got

brainwashed whatever clips


course because it's actually super

important what were we looking for just

click on on one of the parts where you

can see her face so the audience can see

dyed hair black back to a normal hair

color oh none of the makeup none of that

[ __ ] right all these girls because now

she she comes on the podcast a week

later after my brother's [ __ ]

dignitizer into being a normal girl he

got rid of all the feminism yeah oh like

[ __ ] really she goes on the podcast and

she's actually debating all these chicks

oh about feminine and now she says girl

should be cooking cleaning taking care

of their man [ __ ] girl shouldn't be

working oh wait because when she still

had red hair at that towards the end she

was like she changed she started

changing her mind a week later bro and

now [ __ ] I don't know if he's telling

her shoulder but she has my brother's

name tat on her shoulder a week later

that's why I'm making my course but

right here wait on the shoulder yeah

yeah okay I don't know I swear so this

is why I'm making my course because this

is through this course I'm literally

going to show guys how to [ __ ] like

save the world bro like yeah one dude

that's what I'm saying is it only takes

a certain amount of type of Dude to do

this [ __ ] not every single dude can do

this [ __ ] to girls it's only the top top

percentage of dudes who can literally

[ __ ] put a girl back into her default

settings bro that's what I'm saying is

we need to create more dudes who are on

this level so more girls are acting

right we also like don't want to get

hated you know we don't want to be like

to a point where we're just like looking

like we're just misogynist so I think

like there's a there's a certain angle

we could take this like especially on on

controverty like we want to promote like

equality but at the same time we want to

give men a voice as well so but you know

you don't give a [ __ ] what you say so I

get called misogynistics I Don't Give a

[ __ ] Yeah because at the end day bro I

just speak the truth like even if a lot

of people say a massage this thing bro

it's to a lot of people they know

speaking the truth and they can actually

resonate with it because we've gone

through actual experiences that show

that's truthful Society has been telling

you since the beginning of time not even

to trust your own experiences now you're

going to trust your own eyeballs but to

trust what they say so you guys no I'm

not misogynistic but a lot of people who

haven't experienced the things that

we've experienced the heartbreaks

getting cheated on you know being around

better relationships they cannot they

cannot fathom that being true right and

so that that's just the reality bro and

basically a lot of dudes are are told

you know oh yeah you gotta you gotta

care about Society you gotta care about

what these people are saying but bro

it's not the truth bro once you once you

actually experience your first

heartbreak and this is why I laugh when

guys tell me oh you don't say anything

that's true I'm like I'll wait and I've

had so many guys from high school when I

created my first podcast a lot of guys

they disagree with it they they hated it

bro they were so angry at it and I told

them I understand because you haven't

experience it yet a year later 10 months

later six months later they'd all come

back saying bro I'm so sorry I used to

hate on you bro and I used to hate on

the podcast but everything you say is

completely true I'm like yep I know

because a lot of guys say a lot of the

dudes use hand me they text me like hey

bro I'm like what happened and he like

got my heart broken everything you say

on the podcast is true but yes I know

the reason why you guys don't you guys

cannot understand what I'm saying is

because you guys have never experienced

it until these guys experience what I'm

talking about they will understand and

same with the women all these girls who

call us misogynistic until they hit the

wall and they struggle to find a guy who

wants to marry them they're they're

going to come back to me and be like

[ __ ] you're right I should have been

hooking up with all these dudes but

that's the thing guys hit the wall way

way sooner for the girls the girls will

hit the wall when they're 30 40. I don't

want to settle down how the [ __ ] do you


I have girls in my DMs who are 30 40 and

they're struggling with to find a dude

dude okay I'll give my experience dude

because I'm 29 right now I'm starting to

date like girls that are older as well

um so I find it very easy girls past 30

because it starts to hit them you know

the infertility all that [ __ ] it starts

to hit them and then they just want a

guy and then all that [ __ ] feminism

[ __ ] where it's like a guy just

should take care of me financially and

all that [ __ ] it's like all that

[ __ ] gets dropped and then they start

paying for me dude it's crazy because at

that point reality hits them and it hits

them to a point where it's like

you know I just gotta find a decent guy

because having kids is my priority right

now and it's [ __ ] crazy amount of

time when I was like 20 years old when I

was 20 years old it was slowly starting

to build up feminism and then once I hit

like probably 24 [ __ ] Peak feminism

and then Peak women just like expecting

men to be simps and women just trying to

take uh take advantage of Sims and then

now dude like when I'm 29 I start dating

girls that are older this is kind of why

I like to date older chicks they're just

like in reality now they're back to

their default settings like what you

said yeah yes so it's crazy how you know

that dude yeah Pro [ __ ] and this all

from experience a lot of guys like oh

how do you know this stuff or you're

just copying this [ __ ] no dude I

actually know this stuff I've actually

experienced all of this [ __ ] I talk

about bro I have literally I talk I

don't need to read a book I don't have

you dated a 30 year old dude

some older women what's the oldest

probably like 27. oh [ __ ] okay yeah but

you know same same thing bro she's

trying to [ __ ] settle down yeah

settle down


28 above 28 that's when they start like

slowly started like building that like

reality setting

but under that all the girls like [ __ ]

gen Z's right now dude especially yeah

and and what is it with Gen Z's and

depression dude so that's the thing is a

lot of people are lost bro a lot of

people are told to believe in in things

that are don't even benefit them like I

said these people don't even believe in

themselves so much to gen Z's though yes

because a lot of these people are lost

bro a lot of people are being told to

not even believe in themselves but to

believe in teachers scientists

politicians yeah and bro they don't even

believe in themselves they don't have

the mindset to overcome these things

because they've been told you can't

you're not even strong enough to get out

of this depression you need medication

you need this you need that it's like

bro they're literally being they came

and fathom like you're having this

mindset but there's no it's impossible

to be depressed you you can't allow

yourself to be depressed bro and if you

ever catch yourself unhappy that means

something needs to change either your

environment what you're doing whatever

your job something needs to change I'm

just really confused like what do you

think like the dynamic is from

Millennial to gen Z's because a lot of

my gen Z friends they're just like

always focused on depression like the

gay guy I talked about earlier and also

the the girl that I talked about earlier

they're both depressed people hate life

and then that's why they hate people

like us who just speak facts well what's

the difference depressing they're just

more miserable in in their situation so

that's the thing is a lot of these

people say they're depressed I don't

think they're actually depressed I think

a lot of people who say they're

depressed I've actually talked to people

who are depressed real depressed people

hate these types of people because I

don't say it too yes because these these

people who say they're depressed do a

lot of time for attention and validation

from other people oh you're depressed oh

oh okay like let me let me talk to you

right [ __ ] no you see girls on on

social media saying I'm depressed and

they get all these followers and likes

and views from it and all this support

that's the validation they need bro and

real depressed people they hate that

[ __ ] you know who's who what what gender

is the most impressed men more men kill

themselves than women look at the stats

I think it's a [ __ ] huge like double

they don't want to look at the stats so

this thing you don't see guys go on

social media saying the Press because

they don't get anything from it bro you

only see girls going on social media

seeing their dress when a guy goes on

social media rest everyone in the

comments says man up stop being a

[ __ ] [ __ ] and that's why guys in the

first place they don't do that those are

the real depressed people bro these

dudes and maybe some girls as well who

are not on social media are not talking

about it these are the people who are

really depressed the people don't that

can't even talk about it bro yes then

those are the people who are actually

depressed and I know those people for

sure do not like these people going on

social media faking it for sure I've

talked to real depressed people and I've

seen the people who fake it for

attention and validation bro do you

think depression is a choice then no I

so that's the thing is I think it's an

outcome of of of your environment and

what you're doing is it starting to

become a choice for like these fake

depressed people

so yeah I mean that's the thing is like

I guarantee bro it's like how can you be

depressed if you have everything you

want exactly they don't have everything

that gay friend of ours who drives the

Benz he's like just a forward die how do

you say foreign

no like he gets everything handed to him

like rich rich family background but

then all the money just like goes to him

and he doesn't have to do uh work that

crazy I mean but he doesn't value money

it's like if if the poor dude then he's

gonna value it then to him like that's

amazing and maybe maybe he needs more

higher standards right like so for for a


for a dude maybe like a guy who it says

he's depressed [ __ ] bro the same

thing with dude bro dude who doesn't it

doesn't gain girls bro I'm like okay I'm

gonna hand you 10 girls right now tell

me you're still depressed bro he's gonna

be like okay he has a boyfriend though

that's what I'm saying yeah and then

he's not a bottom he's a top oh okay

interesting so I I don't know why he's

so depressed I I feel like depression it

stems from a little bit of entitlement

as well because if you're so entitled

then you have a higher standard of

living if you have a higher standard of

living then you're easily more likely to

be uh not to that point of happiness and

then I can see that you know if you're

not to that point of Happiness you're

gonna be depressed but you're actually

not [ __ ] depressed because real

depression is when you absolutely don't

have [ __ ] anything like when I was

expelled I got sent to a [ __ ]

Hospital dude like a mental hospital

they thought I was [ __ ] crazy and

then that's when like the whole world

like I lost my girlfriend too she didn't

want to talk to me because she she

thought I was [ __ ] simp dude she's

like loser and then so my girlfriend

didn't want to talk to me she didn't

even come see me at the hospital that's

[ __ ] it's crazy because like a lot of

my friends came to see me and she was

the one the reason I got [ __ ]

expelled and the reason why I got locked

up into like a mental hospital

[ __ ] crazy so um like I just I just

think that like real depression is when

you actually lost everything I almost

lost my life too and that is actually

real depression I lost like my car that

put so much work into that I modded

heavily bro and then I lost my car

because of of a car car wreck and I

almost lost my life almost lost

everything that was real depression for

for me I think that was real depression

and then you're gonna sit here and

[ __ ] tell me I'm depressed I drive a

[ __ ] Benz I don't have to work I'm

just depressed because my friends don't

give me attention Panda doesn't give me

attention [ __ ] out of here man yeah you

know that's what I'm saying bro like the

guys who have actually experienced like

real depression they don't they they

don't [ __ ] with the [ __ ] people

waiting for attention I even said it bro

I even said it do you think you've been

depressed ever no I don't think I've

ever been depressed but I've been I've

been in situations where I wasn't happy

and so there was something I needed to

do and a lot of guys I think they just

they're super miserable

um because they know that they need to

do something but they don't do it and so

whenever I felt like I needed to do

something I always made sure that I

needed to go do it whenever whenever I

was unhappy about a situation or about a

girl or where I was at I always made

sure that I did something about it and I

actually made you know some and took

some action towards it but going back to

uh to to the chick right so basically

she goes on the podcast talking about

how important cooking cleaning is and

being a chick basically and all these

other girls are saying I can't believe

you do this for this guy you met on a

podcast and I can't believe you you you

you're not he's not even married to you

he's not even like seriously dating you

he's still [ __ ] other chicks and

you're still doing this and it's all

these girls are trashing this one chick

who was uh now actually normal too I

gotta watch this man and uh basically

it's funny because now she's defending

all of our beliefs oh my God because

that's crazy we bring our but we

brainwash her in a good way though like

I know like women will say you guys

brainwash her badly yes which we

actually reprogrammed her into her

default settings and now she's way

happier she's more normal she's [ __ ]

natural everything's natural bro it's

like that's the thing bro like

this is this is the outcome of like

of everything so

hopefully more dudes can get on this

level hopefully this can motivate more

dudes but that's why I created my uh

manipulation Mastery course and that's

coming soon because a lot of a lot of

things that are used

is is manipulation everything nowadays

is is used to manipulate everybody

Society social media it's to get what

they want and so manipulation is not

always bad though but feminism is bad

and that's a bad form of manipulation

but putting a girl back in our default

settings that's a good form of

manipulation like we manipulated her in

a good way and it's good for her as well

right and so that's why I want to that's

why I'm working on my manipulation

Mastery course because I want more guys

to understand if they're game

manipulated by women because women are

manipulating men all the time right it's

their natural that's what women are best

at bro they're Naturals at it guys it's

very it's very rare when a guy can

manipulate women he has to be in a

certain position he has to be a certain

type of Dude to manipulate women that's

why girls are so fearful of guys who are

toxic manipulative because it's only a

very small percentage of dudes but those

are the only small percentage of dudes

that they actually find attractive and

that's the only guys they see so that's

why I say if you understand this stuff

you will have the power to get whatever

you want and you'll be able to utilize

one as an asset bro like

a lot of guys cannot fathom that being

everyone feeling sorry I mean you guys

so you guys know Sterling Cooper right

yeah so Sterling knows about this very

very well bro and he uses all the time

on all of his girlfriends as well he's

like bro I use sex against all my

girlfriends to get to get them do

whatever I want it's totally true

because a guy who has a good day game is

is very rare for women bro because girls

know like good sex is hard to find for a

girl bro because most guys can't can't

last in bed most guys cannot perform in

bed and that's why Sterling heavily

relies on like sex that's why he was

exporting started not teaching guys how

to get how to actually lay it down

properly in the bedroom that's why he's

so popular because a lot of guys

actually struggle with that and a lot of

girls love Sterling because he's

teaching guys how to [ __ ] and that's

another reason why girls don't like nice

guys because a lot of nice guys can't

[ __ ] that's why they rap that's why a

lot of these girls do you think you can

[ __ ] huh do you think you can [ __ ] bro

if you if you see if you see if you saw

what happened to that girl that one girl

you should see what happened to all my

other girlfriends bro let's play this



I know

all right so first question first



how many girls did you smash from here


oh [ __ ] that's a lot yeah

second question

second question second question you're

[ __ ] rolling huh

you're rolling bro no no this was that

this is these were high school no no I

don't know oh God these were like high

school parties bro like oh really it

looks like a [ __ ] Rave what's this oh

you just pranking yeah

damn bruh

it's funny bro [ __ ] that's some of

the reasons 20 years old the only reason

why I showed like those those videos is

because I wanted to show dudes like

this is just proof and evidence there's

this is undeniable proof in evidence

these dudes are wrong because they're so

they're so blue pill to a point they're

at their Sims dude yeah I mean they even

the girls who in the comment section are

saying oh this guy doesn't get laid

don't take his advice I'd be like all

right watch this and then it'd be me

like you know getting with some chick I

had I have more explicit videos but

those got taken down when you post stuff

like this right does it make the girls

feel uncomfortable like you're just

using it as like a ploy to kind of like

do some social proofing oh yeah oh yeah

for sure bro oh yeah so you've had like

girls like unfriend you because of this

[ __ ] oh yeah all the time that's the

thing though it's like that's the

sacrifice that I took just so I could

teach guys that this [ __ ] actually works

and a lot of guys ask me well does it

hurt you that you have like a podcast

teaching guy or teaching guys how to get

laid by girls or teaching guys about

everything girls do to guys and I'm like

dude here's the thing bro like those

girls I don't even want in the first

place so it's not even a big deal to me

it's like yes I lost out on a lot of

girls who find this stuff weird or

whatever like like a lot of dating

coaches as well like we all go through

this stuff about the end you don't even

want them because like that takes a lot

of stoicism dude yeah because that's the

thing is like I've already had plenty

I've even mentioned some of the podcast

where I was like I I don't need any more

girls bro I want I'd rather have all my

boys around me having girls like so they

can experience it because it's like I've

already I've already had like you know

playing girls I don't I don't need

anymore I don't I don't need any more

experience like bro I'm straight

chilling bro I don't need anything else

so that's why I don't mind like showing

this stuff yes to to a lot of girls it

might it might turn them off or they

might not like it but I guarantee bro if

I meet these girls in person completely

different bro it's always online because

in person it's very very different can

you invite me to the next party this

[ __ ] looks good this [ __ ] looks really

lit dude hey I I haven't had a non-asian

though like for real

no I haven't I haven't been mostly girls

I hooked up with are Asian bro yeah yeah

yeah but most yeah I've hooked up with a

few like few white girls who Latinas but

yeah a few Asians but yeah bro I don't

regions was that wages yeah are you

comfortable giving your body count on

podcasts or is it yeah

he's not comfortable yeah yeah

don't kiss and tell bro gentlemen don't

kiss and tell it's it's just something

bro that's the thing is like even if I

were to it's just we'll talk off camera

yeah yeah I'll share mine too yeah yeah

[ __ ] uh I think only Nathan knows

like the real number yeah he's making

those real number for sure you guys you

guys are on the same

uh he's probably he's probably On My

Level now yeah yeah for sure so you and

Nathan who has more game

so here's the thing is uh I I would say

you mentored him he mentored you or I

mean we we both we both have the same

level understanding of things I mean I

still the reason why I think I am better

is because I could coach it better I

could actually teach it better right

he's actually just a good he could

actually just do it look at this [ __ ]

biceps though man yeah yeah like he he's

he's just that guy like he like that's

the thing is like I think uh when it

comes to coaching though like I'm

definitely a lot better at coaching and

teaching people which I think is you

know is is very fundamental I think I'm

gay bro I think I think I got gay bro

can you give me some workout tips bro

yeah I'll make sure when I bring Nathan

next time on the podcast so yeah we'll

we'll go do some fun stuff Alpha's only

Fitness right so yeah just for the

viewers who's watching yeah I guess you

reach out to Nathan at starnate if you

guys want to get some fitness tips or

whatever or if you want to get some good

dick yeah

what's up bro hit us up

it's so true though bro when I see a

girl who's unhappy and angry the first

thing I think of is yeah she's not

getting good dick bro she's super

unhappy bro and it's it's hilarious

because a lot of Sims can't fathom that

like oh girls don't care about sex They

Don't Care About Sex I'm like bro trust

me bro girls care way more about sex

especially if the dude that they man who

says girls don't care about sex who the

[ __ ] says did some Sims they they do

symptoms are really in a fantasy

thinking that girls are perfect

princesses and they don't care about sex

what the [ __ ] how old are they like

probably at the age of 15 they don't

care about sex I mean but I don't know

dude I think a lot of you see a lot of

Sims still have that that thing of like

girls girls prefer you know being

treated out and being you know being

treated like a princess and holding

hands and [ __ ] I'm like no dude these

girls want to get [ __ ] bro like you

see that [ __ ] too simply can't fathom

that [ __ ] I've seen it I've said it's in

front of so many Sims they're like what

that's crazy I'm like bro what are you

guys on bro I've seen girls like they

break up with guys because this guy

doesn't know how to give good dick like

for real yeah yeah dude all day bro

that's what I'm saying why is why those

girls make it super hard for them to

leave uh the toxic ex-boyfriend or the

guy who's super manipulative because he

gives good sex bro if sex is good same

thing with simps have a very difficult

time leaving their ex because the sex is

good right he hasn't had enough sex or

he doesn't have any other options bro

and so if the sex is good with his ex

he's always gonna have a hard time

breaking in with her walking away from

her so that's the thing is as a guy you

cannot give a [ __ ] about sex because

girls are gonna use against you that's

like one of their biggest superpowers

especially your alphabet


well um we're hitting like the one hour

30 Mark um daily do you have any other

questions oh when's your uh manipulation

Master course coming up might be the

first to enroll in that [ __ ] yeah does

he get a special or what yeah of course

of course but yeah it's coming out in in

two two to three weeks obviously uh it's

just a lot of high level game and a lot

of game that obviously cannot be put out

how to

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