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How to build aesthetic body

Sulayman Kone

By Sulayman KonePublished 11 months ago 8 min read

let's get real for a minute shall we

building an aesthetic body isn't easy

and if you're someone who isn't blessed

with the greatest genetics the road can

feel even tougher

but here's the truth that should turn

you around your genetics do not define

you you define you

the habits you build the disciplines you

cultivate that's what makes a difference

and I'm here to tell you that even with

bad genetics you can sculpt the body

that's impressive and aesthetically


so these tips I'm about to share they

changed my life so buckle up mate the

sooner you Embrace these habits the

sooner you'll be well on your way to

achieving the perceived that you've

always wanted

chapter one the harsh truth about

alcohol and muscle gain

you know that liquid that you're so fond

of drinking in on the weekends or even

after a rough day oh yeah I'm talking

about booze if you're serious about

carving out an aesthetic body that is

the first thing that's got to go

it's a harsh truth no doubt but it's one

you need to hear now you're probably

wondering why after all it's not like

you're drowning a six-pack every night

right well here's the thing mate doesn't

really matter how much you drink okay

what matters is how it affects your body

and it obviously does matter how much

you drink there is a difference between

drinking a fifth and taking two shots a


but the point is it all matters and I

hate to be the bearer of bad news but

even moderate drinking and have an

impact on your fitness goals

while you're going to the journey of

self-improvement you need the right

guidance to efficiently level up in life

all the different aspects of

self-improvement are brought together in

the 0.1 percent blueprint the name

already gives it away you're gonna have

access to all the information that'll

drastically transform your life

since the gym plays a critical part

we've included an advanced gym program

that's fully customizable to your needs

if you're ready to take that next step

in your journey click that link in the

description down below

firstly let's talk about sleep a pine or

two might knock you out faster but the

sleep you're getting isn't good it's not

restful alcohol disrupts your REM sleep

that is the Deep dreamy part of your

sleep cycle where Real Recovery happens

when you don't get enough sleep you wake

up feeling groggy and tired

or you know what you know what I mean

obviously you do get enough sleep in

this sense but when you don't get enough

REM sleep yeah done shooting yourself in

the foot like an idiot

getting good sleep is the ticket to

having a good refreshing day

you won't have the energy you're Focus

to push yourself in the gym and over

time this leads to crappy workouts and

minimal gains

then there's the issue of nutrient

absorption you need proteins and

nutrients to build and repair muscles

when you drink alcohol your body

prioritizes the alcohol instead of the

nutrients you need to build muscle

this means that your nutrient-rich meals

you've been eating not being fully

utilized and your muscles aren't getting

the nourishment that they need to grow

and here's a final blow alcohol directly

interferes with muscle protein synthesis

the process where your body repairs and

builds new muscle basically when you

drink your body's ability to build

muscle slows down see opposite of what

you want to do if you're trying to build

an aesthetic body duh

chapter 2 fuel your body right all right

we've tackled alcohol now we're moving

on to another critical aspect of

bodybuilding your diet no I'm not gonna

hand you a detailed meal plan or preach

about cutting carbs and counting

calories just some hard to hear facts to

build a killer physique especially with

bad genetics you need to fuel your body

with good healthy food

especially with bad genetics if you want

to catch up with everyone else at least

and I'm not just talking about protein

shakes and chicken breasts but Whole

Foods a pack of nutrient punch kale

smoothies and the like

you see it's not just about bulking up

or slipping down it's about providing

your body with the nutrients that it

needs to function optimally to repair

itself after grueling workouts and keep

your hormones in balance

we're talking vitamins minerals

antioxidants and yes the much hyped

proteins carbs and fats each of these

nutrients plays a crucial role in your

body and you need all of them in the

right amounts so how do you make sure

you're getting these right amounts of

these nutrients

the answer lies in Good Foods fruits

vegetables lean meats whole grains

legumes nuts these foods are packed with

the nutrients that your body needs and

it forms that your body can absorb and

use efficiently

you might be tempted to take shortcuts

pop a few vitamin bills go down a

protein shake and call it a day surgeon

but let me tell you this supplements

have their place but they cannot replace

a good diet they're called supplements

for a reason they are meant to

supplement your diet not be the diet

chapter 3 get moving on rest days

do not skip cardio I'm not talking about

running marathons or spending hours in

the treadmill

nah it's not at all what this is about

I'm talking about using your rest days

to get your heart bumping and your blood

flowing even if it's at the a slower

Pace than your typical sweat trenched


now you might be thinking why the hell

would I do cardio on my arrest days as

you're not the point of a raste

sure you got a point but stick with me

for a second you see doing a bit of your

cardio on your rest days also known as

active recovery can actually help your

body recover faster

it increases blood flow which in turn

helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to

your tired muscles speeding up recovery

it can also help flu or flush out the

metabolic waste your muscles accumulate

during those brutal lifting sessions

I'm not saying you gotta go all out and

leave yourself panting and gasping keep

that intensity low keep it enjoyable go

for a little bike ride take a walk in

the park play some basketball with your

friends but not too hard you get the

idea and while you're at it remember to

hydrate of course water is your best

friend when it comes to recovery no not

bare water doing cardio in your rest

days might sound counterintuitive but

trust me it is one of those things that

will make a massive difference in the

long run and believe me you're gonna


chapter 4 Master your sleep all right

here's a real deal sleep it ain't sexy

it ain't thrilling but let me tell you

it's a goddamn game changer if you're

not sleeping right you're not living

right you're not just messing up your

muscle gains you're shooting your whole

health of the foot

but let's keep the focus on getting that

aesthetic body yeah

when you're out cold your body ain't

it's busy doing some serious repair work

your muscles aren't growing in the gym

they're growing while you're sleeping

you want more energy for those killer

workouts better sleep you want your

muscles to recover faster better sleep

you want to shake off that central

nervous system fatigue you against it

better sleep

I see you raising your eyebrow

central nervous system fatigue what's

that now

it's a fancy way of saying your body is

overworked and under arrested heavy

workout stress your nervous system and

without proper rest it won't recover in

either way your muscles in simpler words

you'll feel like a truck hit you in your

performance in the gym will tank

here's how to win that sleep game tip

one block the Blues

and by Blues I mean blue light that evil

glow from your phone TV laptop screws up

your sleep by messing with your body's

natural sleep wake cycle so slap on a

pair of blue blocking glasses in the

evening especially if you're going to

use your screen a lot

they're cheap they're effective and they

don't look too bad

tip two no more late night part Haze

okay okay occasional late nights are

fine we all need to let loose now and

then but if you're getting wild every

weekend coming home at 4am then you are

messing with your sleep cycle balance is

key here tip number three dump the late

night entertainment you know

what I'm talking about the endless

scrolling the binge watching the

Mindless gaming all that crap keeps you

up late for no good reason use that time

to wind out and prepare for a good

night's rest instead spend that hour

doing something productive

reading a book is the best alternative

you learn you give your body a resting

chance win-win

sleep isn't just about quantity it's

about quality you need deep restful

sleep for your body to be able to do its

thing to repair effectively

Master the art of sleeping and you'll be

one step closer to mastering the art of

building an aesthetic body

don't just read this and say sounds good

I'll start tomorrow do it today start


this is your wake-up call you're shocked

to build that body you're always

dreaming of don't let it slip away

get after it tiger


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