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Shedding Skin

Memoirs of a not-so-normal summer

By Nicholas SodenPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
My nightly ritual

Sitting atop an oceanside bluff, listening as the echoing clap of waves fizzle into a delicate sea simmer. The pink sun is swallowed by the distant shoreline as I peer out to the horizon. Summer is reborn--a time of pure bliss that comes once a year, filled with intangible, precious memories. Spontaneous road trips, carefree campfire adventures, and deep conversations that go late into the starry night. What characterizes the season is its arid, tropical climate, but what sticks with us most are the outdoor excursions, vacations, and the indescribable nostalgia of our childhood traditions. To put it lightly, the summer of 2020 is unlike any other--our world is navigating a tumultuous pandemic, experiencing tragic events that have spawned radical social change. Humanity has been dealt unwarranted changes that have knocked many off of their feet, postponing major milestones and events such as graduations, weddings, and national conventions. Despite these ever-changing circumstances, we all owe it to ourselves to take advantage of the summer and focus on its true meaning: happiness.

I grew up in a small, rural town in central Minnesota. Needless to say, winters were brutal and lengthy. As soon as April arrived, the sun’s heat felt slightly different--it gave me hope for the coming days of warmth and rejoicing. Watching the drastic change of seasons has left a significant mark on my perception of what summer means to me. Not only did it feel like an immense wave of joy, but I was incredibly fascinated by how nature ran its course and my surroundings could evolve in such a short period of time. As a resident of California, I strive to adopt this same mindset--regardless of the fact that I can’t willfully book a ticket to the destination of my choice, or attend my favorite concert, I can spend as much time as I please outdoors. I plan on making a running list of hiking trails, beaches, national parks, and tourist points I haven’t been able to explore in my three short years as a Californian. I consistently remind myself that the one constant amidst our pandemic state is change, and nature is the perfect example. In other words, I can rest assured that the tide will subside, the sun will set, and the air will become cooler in the evening.

For twenty years, my family and I would attend the Minnesota State Fair in late August. People watching, grease-laden deliciousness (I’m looking at you, deep-fried Twinkie), and amazing music, I never missed it for the world. This year it’s a different story; while living in CA, I’ve quickly realized the abundance of fresh produce in my area. I would like to utilize this time to cook and become more creative with my recipes. I even started to follow Instagram accounts with some of the most decadent, aesthetically pleasing plant-based meals. Not only am I nourishing my body and exercising my creativity, I am saving a boat load of money by preparing wholesome, home-cooked food for myself. On the topic of creativity, I plan to improve my artistic skills. As a musician, live performances are unfortunately not an option, but I can still play for a virtual audience, take online lessons, and carve out time each day to practice.

If I could give a theme to my summer it would be simplicity. If there’s one lesson I’ve learned from being in quarantine, it’s that the majority of people have too many frivolous material possessions that don’t contribute to their own well-being or to the common good of humanity. In five years, I won’t remember how I missed out on going to the mall and buying my favorite pair of jeans, or staying in a fancy resort. I will remember how I reacted in the face of adversity, what I did to overcome seemingly impossible hurdles, and the ways I can apply these newfound skills to the challenges I face in the future. As we remain in the face of a global health crisis and vigilantly unlearn the shortcomings of our nation, I dedicate the summer of 2020 to a simple living, mental and physical healing, and a relentless drive to shed old skin and create the new--to evolve.


About the Creator

Nicholas Soden

Hi there! My name is Nicholas and I am a dancer, musician and avid recipe researcher. I aspire to help small businesses gain traction during these tumultuous times, showcasing those who’ve made a profound impact on my life.

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