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Self Healing Is Simple

Be easy on yourself.

By Kamalini DeonathPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Over the years, I have tried many forms of healing—from meditation to dancing to punching a bag—and I found that “it depends.” We hear that phrase circulating humanity more often now than before, and I believe there is so much truth in it; however, millennials don’t have the time to explain what “it depends” really means. They quickly say “it depends on a lot” and keep it moving. The truth is, of course, it depends on a lot. It depends on your mood, your emotions, circumstances beyond your control, the weather, the time of day, the season, the job you have, your hopes, dreams and goals, and so many other factors.

In my search for finding my truth and inner stability, I ventured out and explored various forms of expression. There were days I felt overweight, bloated, and depressed, so I took a yoga class, other days I felt angry and wanted to punch someone in the eye so I took a MMA class, sometimes I wanted to be pampered and treated with TLC so I had a spa day, at home with dollar store candles and meditative chants on YouTube. The fact of the matter is that it all depends on the emotions. According to Kendra Cherry, “As early as the 4th century B.C., Aristotle attempted to identify the exact number of core emotions in humans. Described as Aristotle's List of Emotion, the philosopher proposed 14 distinct emotional expressions: fear, confidence, anger, friendship, calm, enmity, shame, shamelessness, pity, kindness, envy, indignation, emulation, and contempt.” (Kendra Cherry, 2017)

The decision to feel a certain way about a situation is dependent on the emotions that are triggered. I decided to take a yoga class because I felt emotionally distressed and depressed. I associate yoga and meditation with uplifting a depressed spirit. After 50 mins of down and up dogs, chaturangas, and tree pose, my spirit felt lighter and more uplifted. Similar to taking an MMA class, I associate MMA with the feeling of anger. I chose to channel my anger in a sport that was aggressive enough to make me scream away the anger I felt inside me.

My idea of spiritual self healing comes from the notion of emotions. I came to understand the difference in these emotions and channel them in their designated areas. So, if I am asked if I prefer dancing or MMA, I may also say “it depends” and give a little explanation on why. I may choose to dance if I feel happy or if I ate something tasty, or I may choose to lay on the floor surrounded By crystals if I feel emotionally depleted. Every form of self-expression comes from an emotion or feelinG. As humans, we have to align the action with the emotion. Don't get me wrong, I am still finding out new things about myself each step of the way, except now I am not afraid to look when I see something I don't like. Part of the healing process is being about to uncover that which makes you ashamed and uncomfortable.

Be easy on yourself, be easy on your body, you mind, your emotions, and remember you are enough. You can do more than you know, and if you have given all, you have done your best. Take a few minutes each day to love yourself and thank yourself for carrying you.


About the Creator

Kamalini Deonath

NYC based lover of life, beauty, travel and emotional renewal!

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