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Self Discovery-Unforeseen Talents in an Endless Exploration!

Unrealized New Found Abilities in a Never-Ending Journey!

By BettyPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Self Discovery-Unforeseen Talents in an Endless Exploration!
Photo by Randalyn Hill on Unsplash

If you think about it, our lives revolve around time

  • What time to wake up or go to bed
  • Being on time
  • What time to cook or eat
  • Time for grocery shopping, getting gas, lottery or other errands
  • Time to clean house, do laundry, take a walk, read a book
  • Time with our children
  • Time for ourselves

As we dash about minutes tick by, so when something unexpected interferes it messes us up. We get flustered, shaken, upset, pissed off and even rude, like–

  • When someone else grabs that parking space
  • If someone is driving too slow and is in our way
  • An unexpected higher bill
  • Something takes longer than we thought
  • Impatient waiting
  • When the car, washer or other stuff breaks down
  • The sink or toilet gets plugged or over flows

I think that's how sayings like Shit Happens, Life’s Ups and Downs; Go with the Flow, came along, including–

  • In the wrong place at the wrong time
  • Caught in the middle
  • Just forget about it
  • Between a rock and a hard place
  • Focus on the future
  • Move on

We also get all messed up when a friend or loved one is, in pain, hurt, sick or in trouble as it fills us with anxiety, concern, panic, nervousness, even fear, shock and terror.

My siblings felt all those and more!

In a split second, a totally unexpected unbelievably gigantic interference completely messed me up!

I’d been involved in massive highway traffic accident, was in severe critical condition and being transported to hospital in an emergency services helicopter!

So happy I don't remember any of that– I'm terrified of heights!

In all honesty, I'm pretty happy and actually relieved that I don't remember the accident or any of the horrible nitty-gritty details!

However, some family and friends didn’t quite understand that– or in some weird way thought talking about it comforted me, it didn’t! I heard stuff like–

  • My car being totally twisted and mangled
  • The jaws of life to get me out
  • Eight other cars and four transport trucks involved
  • Highway closed for many hours
  • Traffic completely stopped and re-routed by Police
  • Surgical team waiting
  • Emergency surgery
  • Being in severe critical condition
  • Nobody knew if I was going to make it or not

I was probably rude but I’d abruptly stop them!

I’d be trembling inside, could feel my heart thumping so hard and fast and vomit in the back of my throat!

All I wanted to know– was it my fault?

Thank heavens, No!

Just in the wrong place at the wrong time and caught in the middle!

Shit Happens!

Photo by JC Gellidon on Unsplash

Deep sadness filled me when I found out that two people died in the accident– it never donned on me that I could have died!

Definitely felt blessed and happy to be alive!

Disoriented and totally shocked– mind blowing confusion consumed me upon waking up in hospital– panic set in realizing I had a big tube down my throat– I couldn’t talk– all kinds of wires were hooked up to me!

My ears throbbed from the loud ringing and beeping noises, nurses and doctors were all about talking too loud, looking at machines– hands, arms and stethoscopes zooming in and out of my vision!

The room was so bright, a nurse put a dark pair of sun glasses on me as a doctor was saying something about being in a medically induced coma for the past ten days. Thus explaining why my eyes were so sensitive!

Furthermore– my spine had sustained tremendous trauma and all of my lower vertebra were crushed– severing my spinal cord! A condition called Complete Paraplegia, in laments terms, paralyzed from the waist down, forever!

Hearing those words encapsulated me in such horrible heartbreaking and excruciating pain!

My entire life changed– Life as I knew it– Gone!

Photo by Marcus Aurelius on Pexels

Weeks turned to months and months of hospitalization, counselling and physiotherapy!

At times I was so pissed off, swore like a trucker and always seemed to be sweating profusely, so gross!

There were days when I just wanted to be left alone and let rivers of tears flow down my face! I was told this was “normal”– part of emotional healing!

Thanks to many awesome nurses, doctors and physiotherapy people, over time my spirits lifted and somehow I dug deep down inside and found everlasting courage and determination to forge on!

Each and everyday I worked hard building strength and muscle. Becoming skilled to use, steer and transfer to and from a wheelchair– how to move my body along the floor so if I fell out, I could get myself to a safe location, especially if I was outside. Alongside learning “fall” techniques so I wouldn’t break my wrists or arms, as they are my lifeline of movement.

In addition, how to properly support and lift my legs when transferring or getting in and out of bed and best of all, special techniques for the toilet and shower! OMG! All these unknown territories and unexpected challenges were scary to say the least!

However, I was amazed, astonished and very proud of myself, discovering these unforeseen talents and new found abilities I unknowingly possessed!

Living in rehab for over a year, with everything being totally accessible and designed for wheelchairs– it hit me like a ton of bricks realizing I couldn't go back home– so many issues and problems, especially the overall doorways and bathroom being way too small to fit, my new best friend, Wheelchair!

Visiting with my sister, we decided that she'd sell my house and find me a more suitable place to call home; after all she’s the Real Estate Guru!

She gathered my brothers and a few friends, packed everything I own and put it in storage.

Searching was stymied because authentic wheelchair accommodations are extremely hard to come by.

Eventually she did find a lovely ground floor unit with lots of huge windows super close to the local mall which is very handy. Knowing I'd love it for the convenience of grocery shopping and doing other errands easily!

She leapt through many hoops dealing with the property management red tape to get renovations done so I could move in– the pictures of my new apartment were overwhelmingly stunning!

Photo by Marcus Aurelius on Pexels / Below Video by Vinnie Romano on Vimeo

Photo by Marcus Aurelius on Pexels

It’s definitely taken some getting use to, especially the visits from the PSW (Personal Support Worker). She helps me in the morning to get out of bed, shower and dress– then at night comes back to help me get changed and back into bed.

I’ve come a long way and will continue to– as I forge along on this endless exploration of wheelchair living!

Photos by Marcus Aurelius on Pexels

Returning to work was exhilarating; I work with Guru– that's my sister's nickname– as her secretary. Happy to be back, but definite challenges exist, the biggest is the carpeting as it’s difficult to wheel around on. Sure an electric wheelchair would make it easier, but my doctor doesn't recommend it as I would lose the arm strength and muscle tone I worked so hard to build.

Photo by Burak K. on Pexels

Business grew like crazy in my absence, making me feel a bit worried and stressed.

In Real Estate, everything is time sensitive and urgent– we're dealing with people's homes, thousands of their hard earned dollars and the relocation of their lives– it's a big deal!

Photo by Marcus Aurelius on Pexels

It is imperative to be on top of sales and purchase agreements, lawyer and mortgage enquiries, client requests and questions and much more.

Guru is barely in the office, so I need to ensure she is kept up to date, more or less minute by minute!

Photo by Marcus Aurelius on Pexels

When going through emails one was from the hospital– that's weird, I thought reading, "...the Accounting Manager needs to meet with me...could I come in on Monday afternoon..."

Leaving early on Monday was ok with Guru and kina baffled us as to why they wanted to meet with me.

Photo by Marcus Aurelius on Pexels

I thought I was just meeting with the manager lady but there were also two other men with a box of files. I was a bit freaked out, as one guy was some hospital big wig and the other a lawyer!

Rummaging through the box pulling out a bunch of files and paperwork, they explained about doing a complete audit including the insurance records and found an error– apologizing left, right and center!

Further explained about some human error caused miscalculations in the computer and a significant error was found and something about interest!

The bottom line I was handed a cashiers cheque for $20,000!!!

My thoughts, WOW!! Right On!! What a frigging awesome surprise!

I signed whatever they gave me and left the building!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

"Wholly crap!" my sister yelled when I showed her!

As we chatted, I mentioned the carpet and with this surprising and unexpected money, I want to have it changed. In addition, the bit of water damage in my bathroom at home needs fixing. Lastly, a ceiling lift installed in my bedroom so it will be easier to get in and out of bed.

She's the best saying she'd handle the carpet issue and gave me the information for the renovation company she used a few years ago.

Over the next few months, these changes significantly eased and improved my everyday life and independence!

Photo by Marcus Aurelius on Pexels
Photo by Vecislavas Popa on Pexels

Cold weather reared its ugly head– in the real estate world things slow down as people are tied up with the approaching holidays.

My sister is a huge Christmas fan, each year she gives me a list of names to buy gifts for. Everyone gets a fine bottle of bubbly and one of the amazing products from her favourite place– Moleskine!

This has been our go to place for years! Their superb selection and custom personalization are some reasons we love them, along with their superior ethics to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Dedication to customer and community safety in their choices of materials and best of all, they simply captivate and impress everyone for life with their trademark authentic style, distinct appearance, true beauty and exceptional quality!

Wanting to take my time with no distraction, I wait till the weekend, order pizza and go online browse away and fill my cart!

Photo by Marcus Aurelius on Pexels

I read, "...bridging of page and screen is essential to fulfill our users' needs."

Those words immediately caught my attention– my gut feeling was definitely talking to me! Eagerly continued to read and all of a sudden– there it was, Moleskine Smart!

Voila!! I found the most incredible little black book!

Photo by Alin Luna on Unsplash

This little black book will streamline so much and enable quick information to Guru along with many other great features and functionality–

  • Effortless smart technology
  • Syncs with Google calendar
  • Works on any preferred device
  • Consult and share information anytime anywhere
  • Real time via Bluetooth
  • Hands-on immediacy
  • On-screen organization
  • Designed to enable user productivity
  • Made of environmentally friendly acid-free paper


I order two, hers and mine, to start with along with the associated Smart Pen

With excitement I ripped open the package when it arrived, the instructions were straightforward so it was quick and easy to set up!

Over the next two weeks I took it for a test drive to learn everything and become the expert– now it’s time to introduce and implement with my sister and the office.

Their minds were totally blown away– this magnificent little black book definitely bridged and fulfilled our needs and completely took away all my worries and stress!

Move over Santa!

Christmas shopping was done– everyone’s getting these!

At the office Christmas party, I made an out-of-this-world SMART presentation– everyone was amazed and astonished– a smash hit to say the least!

Everyone loved them, everyone was happy– my thought was I love my life!!


About the Creator


An average person that enjoys DYI and History shows.

A huge Downton Abbey fan that would have loved to live that life.

Nanny to 2 sweet grandchildren.

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    BettyWritten by Betty

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