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Rules For Mastering Happiness

Mistakes You'll Never Make Again To Be Happy. Learn How To Train Your Brain.

By Lokesh KumarPublished 3 years ago 8 min read


The word "Happiness" doesn't need any explanation as it reflects through you and we can get a glimpse. In this complex world who wouldn't benefit from happiness? obviously we would like to take the benefit in fact everyone wants to achieve a high level of happiness in your life. Is there any science behind achieving happiness? or well-researched wisdom? whatever the way is one thing is sure there nothing more vulnerable in life than happiness. Do we have more control over mind than we think? what is the science behind it? in this blog I would explain how can happiness be achieved with simple and clear explanations which will go in your heads and then in your life.

Happiness is not what you find but the way you feel. When I say this it means materliastic obsession like social status big house, positions, money non of these will get you happiness temporary happiness can be there for sometimes but lasting happiness comes within you.

Who Runs Us?

Undoubtedly the answer would be "Brain" isn't it? The brain runs the entire body our actions and all it runs around 90 percent of our thoughts and actions we're sailing in the state of art the brain always hungry for information surprisingly occupying only 2 percent of our body mass but consumes 20 percent of our energy supply do you know how it runs? our brain runs on glucose (metabolized sugar) and oxygen if you take away these two from your brain it can be dangerous in-fact if there is less oxygen for around 4 to 5 minutes your brain suffers irreversible damage.

Have ever been in a situation thinking alone and a witness of your own self watching and observing at the same time? just like putting a watcher on watch basically that state of mind is pure awareness also refers to the inherent knowing capacity of "Awareness". The capability of the brain is limitless even still some scientist are cracking the code of the brain as most of our emotions control by it hence it's really important to set the discipline in your work as without an order to discipline your mind automatically takes actions and keeps you busy in random thoughts pushes you more to think.

Help Others

"There is a famous "Proverb"

"Happiness for an hour: Take a nap Happiness for a day: Go fishing

Happiness for a year: Inherit a fortune

Happiness for a lifetime: Help someone else"

The satisfaction of helping someone can't be replaced by another thing available on this planet kindness gives the true meaning to live life as living life for someone is a life worth it. every step of helping others brings us closer to happiness. As the world constantly changing humanity is something we talk about on social platforms yet difficult to find in real life even for some people help means money its has nothing to do with money sometimes moral or emotional support is enough to help on the flip side The social platform put us in the shallow because our happiness is more in someone's hands more likely depend on quick "likes" or "Dislikes" is it real way to connect with happiness? Do we have a connection in real life with people?

Connect Yourself With Real People

Connection with people in real life is no longer simple just notice the people sitting in a cafe or coffee shop how busy are they with their phone? how many people are actually looking at their phones? people often look at their phones not at each other. it's very important to have a small interaction with people as it registers in the brain and creates the connection even if it is for only a few minutes your mind is full of emotions connect them with real people as the brain is very smart to recognize it.

Smile Makes A Difference

When you smile in real life with someone it actually activates mirror neurons sort of special signals that come into play when we act or observe the grin is contagious. Smiles are like a party to your brain give to it as it reduces the stress level and spread the happy message throughout the body other things like Dopamine, serotonin and endorphins also set the fire of happiness that cool down your blood pressure. Smile is the mood booster tonic of your brain so onwards put the smile on your face.

A lot of people don't know but our eyes can do the magic it works better with smiles a lethal combination to kill the stress. Purdue University study found that eye contact even sparked the connection even if it is a glimpse sometimes it happens with all of us even in a casual setting just a glimpse of someone around makes us feel connected. The right way to understand this just to picture yourself at a party full of people but no one would look at you what would you feel? ignored and unseen? the connection will be missed or sometimes it hurts feeling.

Be Volunteer & Patient

In every community there is some yeoman service you can simply join the community to help people because what they all believe in is "HELP" as you can be the rainbow in someone's cloud and satisfaction level can't be compared I would say this is another way to nurture your brain and bring the heart-filled happiness from this satisfaction. Start contributing little not only this but somewhere inside you know the key connection to happiness is patient or to be with someone because the feeling of loneliness or isolation is like an indication that you want something else in your life Sitting in front computer on the social platform doesn't mean you have someone meeting with real people you must consider first.

When we often alone or tend to live our lives in loneliness it actually makes us more self-protective and if there is any kind of threat even if it's little feeling of threatened we tend to lock ourselves in our own way and start blaming ourselves the more you think the more you lock your self in the loneliness.

You're not the only one who is facing problems in life nor your problem is the biggest problem in the world everyone has some problems to deal with what does matter most is how to train your brain accordingly think of connection, glimpse, eye-contact & smile or even small talk the more you will train yourself the more you will be the master to handle the situation boost your core strength.

Is it really impossible to mastering the mind? is impossible to control? well the answer is "No" it could be challenged though! or difficult at first but not an impossible task to do. We know perfection takes time the same goes with the mind! mastering it means focusing it it's all about the practice diligence, courage and of course your commitment to yourself everyone wants to be successful in his/her life? but why some of them only able to succeeded it happens because of attention time and focus are precious currency in your world if you infuse your mind with this the result will be in front of you.

Do What You Care Most?

Perhaps nobody can be more excited about the cleaning house or your favorite motorbike than you always associate yourself with a task that excites you don't take me wrong here! it has nothing to do with your big-screen habit set a place to paint decorate your room collect what you care most and so on just like the old days in school when you were given a project to accomplish with your team how hard work helps to meet the goals.

Do the same thing in your life change your routine a bit maybe start from morning routine be like an old guy energetic excited as were before way in school time hence it's time for you to break some habits some can be difficult to break I know have you ever experienced this before? "I'll break this habit soon" or I think I need to change this soon".

Sometimes it's uncomfortable to break the habits this is one of the strongest tendencies of the brain take this as training to your brain. Make the true commitment to yourself and believe in you that can do it do you notice? heavy-lifter is about to lift the weight murmuring something motivating himself boosting that yes he can do it and just then "YES" A noise of audience supporting cheering celebrating his efforts not only this but you can take the example of every athlete. In the same way this commitment and self-motivation are much needed for personal growth and for happiness. You can't be a slave of someone nor your happiness it should be in your hand you have every right to be happy on this planet and no one can this right from you. Every little thing in life teaches you something wise people accept it and move on. Be fearless in every possible way accept life the way it is or change it with courage or smile stop brooding on things. You are the true master of yourself.


About the Creator

Lokesh Kumar

A Passinoate writer who has been wrting for almost 9 years, playing games, going on a solo ride "YES" I am rider too, every little thing in life gives you something to experience sharing with world is what we should care about.

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