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Right Leg Is Longer Than The Left

A gentle conversation

By FLVCOPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Right leg is longer than the left.

That’s just one of the many things I’ve learned while doing yoga. Small intimate things that I couldn’t notice before. Like when you’re trying to fix your posture due to the overwhelming pain of sciatica mixed with an unwillingness to become dependent on medication, you learn things about balance. And how paradoxically, due to your body needing to find homeostasis, you can find balance in imbalance. I don’t want to come off too Taoist here. But the path is indeed in the middle, and the middle is everywhere.

Whether that sounds ridiculous or legitimate depends on where you choose to stand. And the answer is there; where you stand. By the way we’re talking figuratively now, no more talk about the physical practice of yoga. I think the most wonderful part about medium position is; whether you own it or disregard it, you are still apart of it. To understand it, you would have to try and conceptualize infinity. Though it is inconceivable we can atleast try. We owe it to our existence to examine the reality around us. Close your eyes and visualize a vast emptiness. Darkness with the potential to be anything. Feel it’s abundant nature; the well of endless withdrawal. And place a point anywhere inside of it. Just pick a place. Anywhere will do. Now gathering the general concept, the most basic understanding we can have about infinity, we would be forced logically to consider that this point is in the center of all that is. After all, it is at the center of focus.

Now that we have placed our attention on this point in this incomprehensible potentiality, try to picture that point being anywhere else. You can’t really. Sure you can move it; but to where? The idea is that it is already where it is and forever will be. So how can it be wrong in it’s position? Or right for that matter? It wouldn’t even exist without first having a position. A position, that at a quick glance, can seem arbitrarily placed in a infinite game of “now you see me.”

Now let’s say that position is undesirable. Well the position itself is apart of the fabric of this potential which is unchanging. So imposing your will upon something outside of your range of influence is futile. So now you would say, “well what the hell do I do now?” Well you simply add another point. Wherever you like; anywhere will do. And now you have something to reference to when you measure your progression. Note that when I speak of progression, I’m not referring to a linear path of forward movement. I’m simply referring to any movement at all from our original point. And this is where we begin to get into a little trouble. It is at this stage where we begin to look at one point in contrast to the other. And we proceed to place judgment upon both of them; automatically judging one when we judge the other. But something beautiful also happens here. As soon as the other position is born they immediately become dependent on each other. Finding knowledge of itself by contrast to something else. It is the understanding of that information that brings us back into state of balance.

To balance anything you first have to have an opposing force to either cancel out, over weigh, or under weigh whatever it is in comparison. Life appears to need this balance to function properly. Keep in mind that the the scales are also created in the minds of men and women. As far as we know, there’s no real stock in anything that we perceive to be real. Including ourselves! The point that I’m getting to (no pun intended) is that no matter where these points are placed; Up, down, left, right; that they could all argue that their place is in fact the center position. The position that all is derived from. Much like our viewpoints of the world and our willingness, or lack there of, to accept another beings perspective. So even on the mornings when you step out of bed and you’re feeling all of out wack. As if your right leg is longer than your left. Find comfort in knowing that nothing means anything. And as far as you know, this is the weight you needed today to be compared to the light nature of your less challenging days. In closing, anything you will ever need at anytime is always with you embodying the nature that is the essence of the position you are currently in. So remember to be allowing and aware. And as my yogi friends would say, Namaste.

self help

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Just a creator. In every way.

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