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Rejection is Redirection

What is possible for you when you reframe your thoughts around the agony of not getting what you really need or want?

By Nicolette TuraPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
It sucks to be left hanging - don't let self-doubt cloud your greatness!

You know that crappy feeling when you applied for that perfect job, are waiting to hear back for that second date from 'the one', or you just really need that 'thing' to come through...because it feels your life depends on it?!

You are overjoyed with excitement, can't wait to hear back, planning out what you'll do when that 'thing' materializes.

It's the answer to all of your woes. The solution to everything!

Then... crickets. Nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada.

You keep checking your phone, email, mailbox and you know it - nothing.

Then those pesky thoughts come in - 'I'm not good enough. What the f*ck am I going to do now?!' 'My life is over.' 'I'm a failure.'

Yeah, I get it. I totally get it.

No one is alone ever and especially not now; with regard to the belief that we really need or want something - like that job, that 'thing'...

Stick with me here, please.

Yes, let's get it out of the way that we need food, water, shelter; that our basic needs must be met and yet outside of that, such perceived needs as that one job I really had my heart set on, or knowing they were the one I can't believe they ghosted me - is life or death. How true is that?

Every moment we are breathing, we are winning. Yet, why do we often lose sight of the power of the present moment?

Why is it never enough?

I see it all around me and I am experiencing it first hand with all of you. And I know we all are in our own way.

I am the first one to admit it.

Not hearing back after applying for a job or gig never feels good.

Worrying and stressing about where the money is going to come from doesn't feel good.

Not getting the response we wanted from a family member or loved one when we needed it most, yup doesn't feel good.

I can go on and on, so take a moment and consider what it is right now that you are so desperately seeking and is causing you suffering?

Honor your feelings + thoughts and experience around the situation. Stuffing it down or labeling it as good or bad are not helpful. These types of reactions compound the stress response potentially wreaking havoc on your body-mind-spirit and slow down your opportunity to learn, grow and move on.

It keeps you stuck and attracting more evidence of how you are currently seeing these temporary situations as bleak, abysmal, and like it's the end of the world.

Do you want more of that? No? Then take your power back and choose different thoughts. Only you have the power to do so.

How to reframe perceived rejection to redirection?

Let's define redirection - how is your faith/trust game these days?

Redirection is knowing, trusting and believing that the 'no's' or rejections are helping you get closer to where you are meant to be. Where you truly want to be.

Read that again.

Often times, we are in our own way. No one else is doing anything to us even though it seems that way! It doesn't feel good, we often feel like the victim because it's our ego's job is to protect us yet it keeps us small and stagnant when left unchecked.

We often consciously or unconsciously project our icky feelings onto others to let out some of that pressure and discomfort aka lashing out or judging others.

So what do you do when one door closes and before the proverbial other door opens?

Ask yourself: How are my thoughts, words and actions supporting my biggest and grandest vision of myself? What is one tiny thing I can do right now to flip the switch and take my power back?

I invite you to consider a quick practice and as always make it your own:

  • Acknowledge
  • Accept
  • Appreciate

I believe when you have some sort of process to honor your raw authentic feelings, accept things for as they currently are and then find even the tiniest thing to be grateful for - that tiny shift can be the start of some powerful momentum to get back up dust your shoulders off and know with every fiber of your being you are on your way and what you want is seeking you.

You are your own best cheerleader. The ultimate reframe IMHO is - 'Who is lucky enough to have me? I know I am always at the right place at the right time and things are always working out for me. Life is fun and I'm learning so much every day.'

From a soul perspective - You can't f*ck it up, you can't get it all done - because you are an eternal timeless being!

What kind of reframes are authentic to you right now? That is the key. Being present with what feels good and true in the moment and then elevating when it feels right to you.

It's your story, make sure you are the author - you are the authority of your life, right?

Thank you for your time and attention. I wish you the best AllWays and that you stay aligned and are at peace no matter what arises.

Feeling thankful + generous - send me a tip to support future work. Thank you so much, it means everything!

Curious about personal or corporate sessions? Email me at [email protected]

All the Love, All the Power



About the Creator

Nicolette Tura

A Guide for Sensitive Souls

*Be You and Create the World You Want To See*

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