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Keep moving even when the motivation isn't there.

By Lisa Published 4 months ago 4 min read

Sometimes I find myself questioning the purpose of life, the purpose of our existence in this world. Like what is it for? Do we just work hard to get the things we desire and then that's about it or are we looking for quality out the life we have. Is it about how much we have in the bank or about how popular and likable we are. These are all things that go through my mind but I never let them consume me because they can be deadly. I can't be thinking like that man. It's not healthy. One moment you're thinking these thoughts and the next you can't find it in you to get out of bed and go about your day. However one thing I have learnt is that somedays you won't have the motivation to do what you're supposed to be doing. You won't have the motivation to go on that run, to press record, to fight another fight but you have to keep going. You have to keep going even when you don't feel like it. I once saw a qoute that said discipline is what should drive us and not motivation. Motivation will run out somedays but the discipline that I have to keep doing something to see the results I want will never wear out. Through discipline you can achieve results that motivation never could.

Discipline is explaining to your brain every day that you need to sacrifice immediate pleasures to receive greater rewards in the future.

I have recently gotten into watching boxers and how they train and everything that goes on behind the scenes and boy was I impressed. Needless to say I am training myself to have the mindset of a boxer. They train so hard in isolation, away from destruction, away from their loved ones, their desires and a whole lotta of sacrifice. As I was watching this I just kept thinking to myself how I have been in situations where I have not been so understanding when I can't do the things that I want but through this I have learnt that sometimes we have to sacrifice immediate pleasures.

I have always been a girl with big dreams but never seeing a straight forward way of seeing them come to fruition. But it's been an interesting journey knowing that when you work hard and train your mind to constantly see the good and seek the good in every situation then nothing is impossible. You can do absolutely anything that you set your mind to and there is no limit. Not even the sky is the limit.

Sometimes the losses that we go through can be exactly what we need to help us tap into the best version of ourselves. They can be exactly what we need to see a side of ourselves that we didn't know was there. I once heard someone say, "don't define me by my wins, define me by my losses!" and that statement has always resonated with me. It's easy to be the best version of yourself when you're winning because everything is going well but who you are when you go through a loss shows exactly what you're built off. Do you get back up and be even better than before or do you stay down. Does the loss help you mature and be an even better person than you were before or does it bring out the worst in you. Every successful person I know of out there has gone through several losses and we call them successful today because they have learnt the sport of life. When you get down, come back 10 times stronger and better because that's just how life is. You try, try, try, try and try again but one thing you never do is give up. Never ever, ever, ever give up. No matter your background, the color of your skin, your gender, nationality or any circumstance that you think could hinder you, never give up. There is a reason you have that dream and purpose in your heart and you'll never be fully at peace or content if you don't go after it.

It's me, the girl with big dreams that will someday become a reality and it'll feel like a simulation.


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