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Quantum Leaping into Your Next Self

Embrace the Unseen and Unleash Limitless Potential

By Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17Published 3 months ago 4 min read
Quantum Leaping into Your Next Self
Photo by Kid Circus on Unsplash

Day 44/366 days of writing pieces in 2024.

The fastest way to accelerate is to jump in before you think you’re ready. It's about taking risks and challenging yourself to reach new heights.

When I was twenty-nine years old, I made the bold decision to move to Hawaii. I was offered group fitness opportunities at two different resorts, which not only gave me the chance to pursue my passion but also granted me full access to resort amenities. The catch? I would be teaching 16 classes a week, totaling 16 hours of exercise. While I was in shape, teaching that many classes was a whole new level of physical demand.

In my younger days as a figure skater, I had trained for 16 plus hours a week. However, at twenty-nine, my weekly workouts were only about 5-6 hours. Despite this, I didn't hesitate to say yes to the opportunity. I saw it as a great challenge and a chance to be in the best shape of my life while being paid and enjoying the luxuries of two 5-star resorts.

At the beginning, my body ached, and it was tough. But I knew I would get stronger and faster with time. And eventually, it became more manageable.

Reflecting on that period, I realize that what helped me prevail was not just the physical aspect but also the amount of food I ate and the rest I allowed myself. It taught me a valuable lesson about our untapped capabilities and how we often limit ourselves.

Our minds often try to convince us that we need more preparation. But that mindset only keeps us in a perpetual state of getting ready without ever truly diving in. Sometimes, the key is to take the leap before we think we're fully prepared.

Now, at forty-eight years old, I continue to challenge myself. Last year, in January 2023, I made a commitment to consistently lift weights four days a week for the entire year, and I accomplished that goal.

This year, I've taken it a step further and incorporated double workouts on certain days. While it may seem like overtraining, I've gradually worked my way up to this level. It's important to note that doubling up on workouts is possible as long as we avoid under-recovering. My intention this year is to set an example for my clients and show them what's possible when you remain consistent and when you're willing to jump in.

This philosophy extends beyond just fitness. I apply it to my art as well. After attending Art Basel last December for the eighth time, I immediately pitched a collaboration to someone I had been considering for months. Initially, I had convinced myself that I would pitch the owner of the business once I had completed 12 pieces in the theme I envisioned for his space. However, fate had other plans. On the day I returned from Art Basel, I ran into him, and I only had three of those pieces done. Despite this, I didn't wait for the "perfect" moment. I pitched him anyway because when an opportunity presents itself, you have to seize it. Sometimes, you have to dive in before you think you're fully ready, even before the conditions seem perfect. Because perfection is not always what we imagine it to be. It's created by saying yes before we think we're ready.

Now I’m a week out from having that show in his space like I envisioned. In the last two months I’ve challenged myself painting pieces outside my norm, and even venturing into a new style of art that I didn’t know how to do when I pitched him almost two months ago. I’m showing seven pieces of art in this style at my upcoming show. And I’m writing poetry to go with a lot of the pieces which I’ve never done before. You can see that style here.

Looking back, everything amazing in my life has happened because I took risks and challenged myself. When you stretch and challenge yourself, you fast-track your learning and open doors to incredible possibilities.

Whether it's a physical challenge, a creative endeavor, or any other aspect of life, progress is achieved by immersing oneself fully. As we conclude, I urge you to reflect on this thought: How many opportunities have slipped through our fingers simply because we awaited the elusive perfect moment, the impeccable circumstances, or the illusion of complete readiness? How many instances have we hindered our own growth and success due to our reluctance to take that daring leap of faith?

The truth is, the path to greatness is often paved with uncertainty and discomfort. It requires us to embrace the unknown, to push ourselves beyond our limits, and to jump in before we think we're ready. It's in those moments of stepping into the unknown that we discover our true potential and unlock the doors to extraordinary possibilities.

So, the next time you're faced with an opportunity that feels like it will stretch you, remember this: It's not about waiting for perfection or endless preparation. It's about having the courage to say yes, to embrace the challenge, and to trust in your ability to adapt, learn, and grow along the way.

Embrace the power of jumping in before you think you're ready, and watch as your life transforms into a journey of constant growth and limitless potential.

If you live in the DMV area check out my upcoming art show on 02/24/24. Details here.


About the Creator

Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17

Multidimensional Creative-preneur

Life Coach, Personal Trainer, Artist, Writer. Formerly in restaurant business for 3 decades. Soul expression is my ❤️ language. Spirituality,music, art, food and creativity fuel my life. IG @jenergy17

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