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Piñuela: The Yucatecan Jewel of Impact Hub 2023

Piñuela: Championing Social Change Through Natural Cosmetics

By Leticia RamosPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

At the epicenter of social innovation, Impact Hub stands out as a global entrepreneurship platform that powers emerging companies on a mission to bring about positive societal change. In 2023, attention was drawn to Piñuela, an extraordinary natural cosmetics company from Yucatan, which tirelessly works to support vulnerable women who have experienced violence. In this article, we delve into the world of Impact Hub and how Piñuela emerged as the 2023 winner, changing lives through its products and mission.

Impact Hub: Fostering Social Entrepreneurship

Impact Hub is more than a co-working space or typical entrepreneurship center. It's a vibrant, diverse community of entrepreneurs, activists, creatives, and professionals working together to drive social and environmental impact. Since its launch in 2005, Impact Hub has grown to include over 100 locations worldwide, each contributing to building a more equitable and sustainable world.

At the heart of Impact Hub are its programs and competitions, designed to assist startups and entrepreneurs in turning their ideas into reality. These programs offer a range of resources, including workspace, mentoring, training, access to investor networks, and project development support. Each year, Impact Hub acknowledges companies that are leading the way in social entrepreneurship through its annual competition.

Piñuela: Beauty, Nature, and Empowerment

In 2023, the Impact Hub winner was Piñuela, a natural cosmetics company based in Yucatan, Mexico. However, Piñuela is more than a cosmetics company. It's an organization with purpose and mission: to support vulnerable women who have experienced violence.

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Piñuela produces a line of natural beauty products using organic, local ingredients, reflecting the rich biodiversity of Yucatan. Their products blend tradition and science, utilizing ancestral techniques and modern knowledge to create products that are both effective and kind to the skin and environment.

Beyond Beauty: Piñuela's Social Mission

What sets Piñuela apart is not only its high-quality products but its commitment to empowering women. The company actively works to support women who have suffered violence, providing them with employment, training, and a safe space where they can rebuild their lives. By employing these women, Piñuela helps them gain independence and confidence and develop skills they can use to improve their lives.

In addition to providing employment, Piñuela also commits to educating the community about gender-based violence and advocating for women's rights. The company organizes workshops and educational programs and works in collaboration with local organizations to support women in their recovery and reintegration into society.

Piñuela also strives to promote sustainability in all its operations. The company uses organic and local ingredients whenever possible and is committed to waste reduction and sustainable packaging. This combination of high-quality cosmetics, women's empowerment, and environmental sustainability has made Piñuela highly valued by both customers and the wider community.

Impact Hub Recognition

In 2023, Piñuela was recognized by Impact Hub as the winner of their annual competition, standing out among hundreds of innovative social enterprises. This award recognized not only Piñuela's quality products and commitment to sustainability but also their social mission of supporting vulnerable women.

The recognition from Impact Hub provides Piñuela with a global platform to share its mission and products with the world. Additionally, the company will receive further support from Impact Hub in terms of mentoring, training, and access to investor networks, enabling them to further broaden their impact.


Piñuela is a clear example of how businesses can go beyond simply making a profit and play an active role in addressing social problems. By combining the production of high-quality natural cosmetics with a social mission of women's empowerment, Piñuela is changing lives in Yucatan and beyond.

Impact Hub's recognition of Piñuela underscores the power and potential of social entrepreneurship. Companies like Piñuela are demonstrating that it's possible to succeed in the business world while promoting positive social change. And in a world facing numerous challenges, from gender inequality to environmental degradation, this kind of social innovation is more important than ever.

In summary, Piñuela is not just a cosmetics company, but a force for change, demonstrating how beauty and business can come together to empower women and create a better world. Its victory in Impact Hub 2023 is not just a recognition of its products and mission, but a testament to the power of people-centered innovation and social entrepreneurship.


About the Creator

Leticia Ramos

I am an entrepreneurial woman and advocate for women's rights who has dedicated her life to fighting for gender equality and female empowerment.

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