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What are you passionate about

By CrooksologyPublished 3 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash

Thank goodness we finally found our way into the Candy Kingdom, phew *wipes imaginary sweat.* The Candy Kingdom for us is the carefree place that we find after finally making it out of the jungle of confusion.

So what if you don't have a passion yet? You can always find one. All you have to do is trod with an open mind, knowing the possibilities are endless. If you're not sure what passion means then let me break it down for you. According to, passion is a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything.

Follow your passion it will lead you to your purpose. Oprah Winfrey

Passion is an emotion quite like love, only slightly different. You feel strongly compelled to take part in or do something just because it makes you extremely happy. Some people discover their passion at an early age while some of us aren't so lucky. Maybe we just never got the chance to try anything, living like a caged bird.

But we're older now and free enough to spread our wings. Do not be fearful of failure, you can do anything. Have faith in your abilities, leap out of your comfort zone, and take bold confident steps. There are two types of passion we must understand before we engage. There is a good type referred to as harmonious passion and a bad type known as obsessive passion. We do not want to have an obsessive passion.

Harmonious passion is when you engage in the activity and it makes you happy in a soulful way. You aren't confused about anything related and it is like a gift that comes naturally. Let's say you like to sing. You tend to explore your ability by habitually singing in different tempos and to different tunes. You do not need to strain your voice because singing is a part of who you are, your voice was built to do it. There are even times you do it subconsciously and others may think you are singing purposefully when in fact it just gives you comfort.

A man may have a passion for playing football and everyone will know this based on his engagement in the game and the way he talks passionately about it like this is something he couldn't live without. He is always eager to play and if you notice, he almost always dresses for an unplanned game and carries a football around in his free time.

Obsessive passion is unhealthy. I do not recommend it. There are many ways you can unconsciously develop this passion.

  1. I will prove it to everyone.
  2. I am better than that idiot.
  3. This is what I have to achieve/to impress... (Person's name)
  4. They said I couldn't do it so I will.
  5. This is what I must do to feel good about myself
  6. I must win

So the cat's out of the bag. If you feel and say things like these you have an obsessive passion. If you pursue this kind of passion, over time you will notice that it affects you and your relationships negatively. You tend to make sure you win by any means necessary, even sabotaging someone or through trickery. This is selfish and from observation, I can tell it does not make you happy because you don't do it out of love.

There is also a chance that you have already found your passion but are unaware of it. This could be because you like a particular thing, but never actually pursued it thus, stifling your own passion.

If you truly haven't found your passion then you can try by doing something new every day. It may also be fun to engage in a ten-day challenge. Every day for ten days you must commit yourself to try something new. You can dance, sing, play an instrument, play a sport, cook, write, draw; anything you can think of. At the end of the ten days ask yourself this?

What did I enjoy doing the most? That might be a clue to finding your passion.

Don't feel pressured into finding a passion. Things like that should happen naturally. The only thing You can do is kickstart it by being adventurous. Visit new places and explore ideas by acquainting yourself with a broader network of people. I must admit that it is very difficult to venture into the unknown but I urge you to remind yourself this, I am driven by courage, never fear.

Since you haven't felt passionate about anything before it would be wise to share an idea of what to look for lest you search blindly. When you find it you should know almost immediately, a strong force that suddenly gives your life a meaning it never had before. You excitedly anticipate your next chance to relish this thrilling emotion given by a simple act. An act that is simple to everyone else but the only thing that gives you unrivaled happiness.

Your passion is waiting for your courage to catch up. Isabelle Lafleche

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About the Creator


Let us not deny that we all embark on magical journeys in our heads. The only crazy thing is pretending the other worlds don't exist when we should tell their stories instead.

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