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Out of the "obsession", embrace the newborn self

A lot of people have a bad time, is their own making.

By Sheryl E DavisPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

A good day is not, but to be too much.

The first thing you need to do is to take care of this, not that, in the end, it's still a mess.

It seems to have done something, and it seems to have done nothing, but time has run away, just want to catch up, but also by other things entangled, the result has not caught up with time, people are old.

Looking back on the first half of life, a lifetime of counting, but nothing.

The hard part is to stay where you are.

When I woke up, I found that I had lost too much in the "calculating", too much, too much to remember, and my good life had become bad.

However, it's too late to let go.

Therefore, people do not need to count too much on unnecessary things and learn to let go, to live a good life.

1, the wrong is others, and the punishment is their own

Human kindness is useless in front of some people.

You lend money to others based on friendship, out of the goodness of your heart, thinking that when there is a difficult time to help each other should be, but when you need money, find each other to return the money but feel that they have become a grandson, is to lend money to others, but only begging each other to return the money.

An operation down, even friends can not do.

Therefore, some people say that "borrowing money is a litmus test for friendship", "talking about money hurts feelings", and "lending money don't think about getting it back"... ... Although "with the ability to earn the money said not to don't" is a bit of a pity, but can be seen in the friends "really not true" and seems to be a little value, but in the final analysis between friends or not easily involved in the money.

I have met a couple almost because of "lending money to others" divorce.

At that time, the man did not discuss with his wife, the money lent to a friend who grew up together until they need to use the money, the man went to find a friend to pay back the money, and the friend pushed the "no money now, the money to pay back", the man did not get the money, can only choose to confess with his wife.

Of course, suddenly knowing that the money was lent out, and may not come back, the wife must be very angry.

She forced him to go with his friends to get the money back, he urged his friends to pay back the money what methods are used, and finally tore his face to get the money back, friends can not do it, the mood is naturally bad, and then encountered his wife kept counting, can not stand it, retort back, the two so argued, argued around people are to advise still arguing, and even to divorce.

The conflict is triggered by the point of borrowing money, the man's behavior is good to say that the righteousness of the money, but did not discuss with his wife on the loan itself is not right, not to mention the loan to "may not return" friends, the money is like throwing into the sea to pick up the same, in all probability is not to come back.

Originally nothing, because the money borrowed to divorce, the fault is that others do not pay back the money, retribution is in their own body.

To put it in a bad way, out of love to lend money out, should do a good job of money not to come back to the intention, thinking of the money as a good deed, will pay back the money will be on time without urging people to pay back, not to pay back the money to the people who are then urged not to money.

Don't use other people's mistakes to punish yourself and affect your normal life.

There is time to spend arguing with others, it is better to do what you want to do.

2、 Addicted to the past, lose yourself

A long life, sweet and sour mixed with bitterness.

The past has become a regret, the past has become a daily routine.

Mixed with regrets and good memories, became a threshold that could not be passed.

Some people seem to be alive, but only in a warm body, the heart has been living in the memories, wanting to chase that missed happiness.

However, some things have passed, too much obsession, but easy to hurt themselves.

The people who can't let go are not so much themselves, but rather the people who love them most.

The people who are addicted to fantasy enjoy the fictional happiness, even though the dream is fake but smile happily, while the people who love them look at their madness, heartache, care, trying to force a smile, pretending to be strong.

There are too many people in life who don't want to be awake, just want to selfishly live in their fantasies, but so this, in the end, what can be obtained? When the people who love you leave, reality destroys, do not want to wake up also want to wake up.

So that the past can stay, but do not overindulge, cling to the past, and do not let yourself go, will only make the day worse.

Live in the present, look to the future, and take every step on the ground, to make the day better and better.

3, the gains and losses are heavy, the losses are not worth the gains

"My goodness, this thing was bought expensively."

When it comes to being taken advantage of, no matter who the first reaction will feel uncomfortable.

However, if the uncomfortable emotions continue for too long, it will affect normal life, can not swallow the breath, so the loss of appetite, poor sleep, and the whole person is not good.

Originally just something to buy expensive, and finally make the body are not good, calculating to the end, but the loss is not worth it.

Therefore, do not count on everything so clear, things to buy on the purchase, learn from a mistake, and learn to be more refined in the future, there is no need to get angry.

Whether it is people or things, too clear, are not good.

Participate in the competition, too much about winning and losing, it will not be accepted to lose, light emotional breakdown, serious bad thoughts.

Win or lose is a common thing, some people win, some people lose, this loss will learn from experience, strive to win next time, learn to face openly, and laugh until the end.

Get along with friends, everything is calculating, even a penny is calculating the end, too petty, will scare away friends, and over time will not have friends.

After the decimal point is to calculate, to put it nicely is to save money, bad is petty, mean, fear of loss, calculate too clearly, friends will doubt whether you take her as a friend.

Everything should not be "excessive", otherwise, it will be counterproductive and more than worth the loss.

Look at the problem from a different perspective, you will find that learning to let go, is to earn.

If someone else borrows money and doesn't pay it back, you lose the money, he loses friends, not just one, but a bunch, and eventually becomes a loner.

With excessive attachment to memories, you get the fantasy of happiness, the loss is a time that never returns, and finally people in middle age, or nothing.

Calculate the price, win or lose, you get is calculating, competitive, lost is the process should have enjoyed the joy, and finally harvest the emptiness and loss of self.

Sometimes, winning is similar to losing.

Winning others, losing themselves.

The gains are not worth the losses.


About the Creator

Sheryl E Davis

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