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Out of the Darkness and into the Light

Top 10 Ways To Send Out Positive Vibrations

By Jonathan McCarlPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

We live in a different world, a world that has become more than we ever expected or ever wanted. Our lives have become less important and many avoid contact with others due to social distancing efforts due to the pandemic, or because the Fortune 500 companies are creating services and products tailored to convenience and delivery options. When interaction occurs, you can pretty much guarantee that someone will be tailgating you on the streets and highways because they need to hurry up and stop and lack total consideration or care for their safety or the safety of others. Your identity may have been stolen, your credit card may have been used by a hacker who gained access due to a major data breach, or someone you thought was your friend, stole from you and would rather avoid you instead of apologizing.

So, what can we do to make things a little better when facing these negatively-charged, desperate and dark times? It would be a million times better if we could just avoid any kind of conflict or eliminate or dark times all together; however, it is a pretty difficult task. You have to focus on those elements of your life that really matter and prioritize them according to their importance or function. Of course, there is no way to avoid external forces, but for the most part, you can control what you do and you can always send positivity out into the Universe. There are simple ways that you can do this daily that will, in a way, to rotate the Earth from upside down and they are laid out for you to use right away:

1-Smile and pass it on. My mom always said this phrase to me and it has merit. Smiles are contagious and positive , so smile (even when you're not happy) at everyone all the time.

2-Be mindful and meditate when you wake up because this will set you up for a remarkable and positive day and will help you interact with others throughout your day.

3-Have a positive and cheery attitude throughout the day. Don't allow others to affect you. Avoid conflict by removing yourself from it. Tell others who are negative or "day ruiners," to keep their space.

4-Avoid people who do not elevate you in a positive or nurturing way.

5-Be a good sport. Being a good sport in not inclusive to sports. It can apply, or be relevant, to work or life in general too. Being a good sport can mean being a team player, fighting hard to win, following rules, supporting your opposition, etc.

6-Avoid events or activities that could create conflict or has the potential to have negative effects or consequences.

7-Say no more often. Don't allow people to push you around and don't sugar coat things or say yes because it's easier. Be assertive and stay strong. Don't do things that you think are wrong or unethical. Stay strong and have personal integrity that isn't flexible.

8-Trust in your Higher Power and spread the good news. Set a good example for your kid(s), be a mentor, be an inspirational leader, empower others and become a beacon of hope.

9-Practice and teach good manners. Oftentimes, when I say hello to someone in a public spot, many reciprocate; however, there are others that just can't muster the return. Open up doors for people. helping out a desperate peddler, volunteering your time, buying a soldier's lunch, etc., will help pave Positivity Street.

10-Be good to yourself. Avoid self-sabotage or negative self-talk. Build yourself up again and allow progress through change. Join a club to lose that weight, buy yourself something nice because you got the raise you've been waiting for, get your nails done with your bestie, etc., just focus on you and your wants and needs.

In this fast-paced world that prioritizes convenient and promotes isolation, we have to be strong and decdicated to make positive and significant changes within ourselves and when we connect with others. The world cannot change on its own. Yes, it is upside down; therefore, it is our responsibility to take action. The most important thing that you can do is to shed positivity, or give out positive vibes, in everything that you do and with those you interact with. Eliminate negativity as often as you can and become a positive force to be reckoned with. Be kind and generous and allow youself to find a little more happiness. If we incorporate changes that are positive in ourselves and to others, the outcome will be amazing. You will notice how much your life has changed for the better and you can be a hero.


self help

About the Creator

Jonathan McCarl

Graduated from Bellevue University and earned a BA in English and a MA in Mgmt. Taught at Kaplan and the NICC. Moved to Des Moines; fell in love and got married in 2012.

Authores “The 365 Bits and Pieces of Sunshine,” awaiting publishing.

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