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Oasis vs Desert

A Thought for an Abundant Mind

By H. Leigh Published 2 years ago 4 min read
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Oasis vs Desert

By H. Leigh

Manifestation desert days are those long, mind bending periods of patience and effort. A time when one is deprived of reward for greater gain, clouding sun-dazing rays with uncertainty. African elephants trained to outlast death-gripping arid climates, can trek more than sixty-two miles when migrating. The journey is made yearly to reach their oasis.

Achieving a sense of oasis on the inside is essential for manifestations to materialize. One must change one’s perception of the desert. It is no longer conducive to look beyond the tinted green, short-stemmed shrubs with more gaps than leaves. The boulders reddening from a slow cooking sun. Or spineless, camouflaged critters shifting underneath the dirt.


Why are the desert days so essential? There’s an illusion infecting those on earth. A falsity that teaches us that an oasis is: true love, a fully stocked third refrigerator, one million fake friends, or a promotion with perks.

To be deprived in the desert is a blessing of fortitude. Every day you choose to move forward, to keep building and taking action, faith and belief compound in the consciousness and invigorate the soul. Mind, body, and spirit all strengthen in unison.

From the earned strength, one lessens their attachments to material goods. The energy of others becomes an experience rather than a dependency. Lastly, one’s id reaches a state of serenity that gives one the power to fight off insatiable, instant pleasures.

Just like those baby elephants forced to journey for a drink of fresh water, desert days can start when one is young. Your inner teenager will constantly feel unfairness and injustice. Tantrums will be thrown at the slightest whiff of difficulty or extended labor. Also, similar to elephants, not all youth survive their desert days.


Walkabouts don’t physically exist in modernized societies. They occur in the mind. Of course, the desert can be a mellowing place to reflect. Until, thirst triggers the restless longing for what one desires.

Droughts can overwhelm one to the point where delusions take over the mind. The most dangerous ones are thoughts of being cursed or trapped. The material lack, uncertainties of connections and choices, and one’s internal instabilities block one’s clarity.

Faith and trust are the heartiest nutrition for a soul in the desert. However, one will be tempted to find a safe place to hide and give up. All due to a belief that the desert is the only place one will ever dwell.

One must embrace the desert to break the illusions of its malice. It is encouraged to take comfort in the sorbet swirling sunsets. When the sky darkens, allow the evening chill to sooth your sweat-tired pores.


What is the focal mantra that aids the perception shift of desert days? Firstly, it’s essential one remembers that when manifesting big ticket items, positive change, or a healed soul; pieces of that manifestation materialize over time. The slow accumulation ensures maximum consciousness integration and retention.

Points of focus should highlight what has manifested, instead of what hasn’t. More than often, what manifests before materializations, are evolved perceptions and knowledge.

Consider one’s career advancement. I’m not talking about salaries or office space. I’m talking about skillset management. Skillsets are what enables one to reach one’s career goals or a desired level of success. Improvements in one’s skillsets are pieces of one’s dream materializing.

If it's healthy, sustainable love you’re manifesting, take the time to heal from your childhood and romantic heartbreaks. Educate yourself about healthy relationships to rewire your love schemas. Most importantly, love on yourself and nurture a healthy relationship with yourself. In bettering these internal energetic complexes, one is able to match and attract a healthy romantic partner.


One may believe they are ready for the full package of their manifestations. Unfortunately, reality checks often reveal otherwise. There are perceptions about oneself and life that need to be shifted. The self-discipline that’s necessary to achieve and sustain a manifestation takes time to develop. Fruitful cognitions require patience to normalize.

Furthermore, insecurities must be acknowledged and healed. One must walk away from toxic connections and relationships. An excess of confidence and belief are required to reach higher levels. Though difficult but necessary, trauma in the system, blocking the way forward, must be removed.


One can of course manifest love and success without taking the time to fully prepare or heal, but it often won’t match the experience one truly deserves. It is with this truth one gives gratitude for their desert days. I too can attest to the blessings of droughts. It is evident in my resourcefulness, stamina, and belief.

It is the time in the desert that restores and enhances the warrior. So please, heed this shared wisdom without doubt. If the warrior can’t withstand the desert, the warrior will squander the oasis.


About the Creator

H. Leigh

My work explores the lure of science and metaphysical matters. Through both fiction and nonfiction works, I weave the elements of the two. What I birth are imaginative tales of brave souls and an ever-expanding universe☀️

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