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Now Here's Something That I Hear a Lot: Choosing the Right Diet for Long-Term Weight Loss

Yourself: Finding a SuKnowstainable Plan

By khurram ilyasPublished 12 months ago 8 min read

now here's something that I hear a lot and it's one of the biggest problems with diets I lost 20 pounds on keto I need to get back and start doing it again keto worked right you lost weight but did it after a while you put that weight back on and why was that because keto wasn't something that you enjoyed long term if you love carbs and don't want to give them up if you want to eat potatoes on a regular basis I've personally always been a big fan of potatoes and sweet potatoes and keto just has no appeal for me you might like the idea of Keto but does it really work around your social life and your particular preferences or are you going to constantly struggle to get back on keto again no matter what trendy diet you hear about whether it's keto the carnivore diet intermittent fasting vegan they try to get you to burn off more energy than you take in we call this a negative energy balance or a calorie deficit it's how you actually lose body fat I'm going to tell you what the research says about diet and I'm going to help you pick one that's right for you because there's no one-size-fits-all approach to diets there really is no ideal diet for everybody I'm also going to tell you about the diet that I follow and what I recommend to my clients in the long term current evidence indicates that different diets promoted similar weight loss and adherence to diets will predict their success adherence that's the act of following the rules that the diet is giving you they only work as long as you follow them and a lot of these diets are very difficult for people to follow only a diet that you can do long term for the rest of your life is a diet worth doing I'm not saying that it's never okay to diet for a vacation or for a wedding but overall what I want to talk to you about is long-term sustainable weight loss so if you want to lose weight and you want to keep it off so that weight becomes your new normal weight you want to choose a plant that's sustainable for you so first you have to know yourself if you wake up starving in the morning and you can't wait to have a huge breakfast then intermittent fasting isn't a good choice for you if on the other hand you've always heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you only eat in the morning because you feel guilty that you're doing something wrong then intermittent fasting might be something to explore it could be an easy way of naturally reducing your calorie intake because if you go from three or four meals to only two or three meals without changing anything else you're automatically going to reduce your calorie intake and that means you're going to be losing weight you probably stop following whatever diet it was because it wasn't sustainable for you when I begin with an online coaching client that's actually exactly where I start what is your lifestyle like what are your food preferences I even have a survey that I give to some of my new clients where they choose their favorite healthy foods their favorite treat Foods so that they can learn to identify which foods they're just eating out of habit I don't really eat chips or fries because I don't really like them and those are higher calorie Ultra processed foods that are not that healthy and I just choose not to eat them but I do for instance eat ice cream and chocolate so I don't waste my calories having fries or a muffin I save those calories for my portion of ice cream that I really really enjoy here's another comment that I often hear I'm starting to put on weight I have to cut out all junk food part of the problem is this whole All or Nothing Viewpoint where you're either this healthy person who eats chicken and broccoli and goes to the gym every day or you're the person who eats junk food regularly which of those people do you think I am I've been a fitness and weight loss coach for over 22 years now and I eat junk food nearly every day in small quantities Ultra processed foods like ice cream or chocolate I enjoy them without guilt I don't work out every day and I don't eat nothing but chicken and broccoli a lot of people have this preconceived notion about what a diet has to be but there's only one thing that a diet actually needs to do be a way of getting you into an energy deficit usually that means eating primarily Whole Foods and then having smaller portions of ultra processed foods that you really enjoy you can get the weight loss results you want without completely changing yourself studies that have looked at the popular commercial diets of the last couple of decades things like South Beach Atkins ww formerly known as Weight Watchers the ornish diet they find that they do work as long as people adhere to them and they work pretty much equally well as long as the person is able to get into a calorie deficit through those diets and any diet can allow you to do that in the short term we do find that lower carb diets help reduce cravings and then make it easier to manage your appetite but in the long term not everybody wants to be doing a low carb diet that means that you'll just experience a rebound back to your normal weight hopefully just the weight that you were at and not additional weight which is also possible when people follow a restrictive diet for a certain period of time they tend to overeat when they stop that restrictive diet diets do work as long as you're able to stay on them so the most important thing is whether or not you're able to maintain that diet for the long term you need to find out what works for you I often get people asking me what type of diet I'm on and it's very much just an Ivana Chapman diet it's just what I eat based on my preferences and what I recommend into my online coaching clients varies as well depending on their preferences and their Lifestyles so unlike a lot of nutrition coaches I don't just put everyone on intermittent fasting or put everyone on Paleo going long periods without food doesn't work for some people other people can deal with that intermittent fasting process so it's really about finding the ideal way of naturally reducing calories without turning your life upside down there's no one diet that I give to each of my clients I don't really even think about it that way I work from where people are and then build a diet that allows them to reduce their calorie intake because that's really what it comes down to without changing their lifestyle too much and working within their preferences in terms of how often they want to eat what foods they actually enjoy of the lean proteins of the vegetables and of the treat Foods because I strongly believe that you need to incorporate those as well I sometimes try and start people off with a variation of flexible dieting where they do have a calorie or a macro Target but for most people I just have them monitor their calories for a short period of time in order to gain that education research has shown that diets that are higher in protein help you maintain your muscle mass when you are dieting and it helps keep your appetite under control and can reduce your Cravings particularly when combined with fats so it does benefit you for many reasons to keep an adequate amount of protein in your diet there are a lot of strategies that can help you get into a calorie deficit and lose body fat don't feel that you're restricted if you're not sure how to put this all together for yourself please check out my online coaching program here

Article Outline

1. Introduction: The Problem with Diets

2. Understanding the Concept of Negative Energy Balance

3. The Importance of Adherence to Diets

4. The Search for an Ideal Diet

5. Long-Term Sustainable Weight Loss

6. Know Yourself: Finding a Sustainable Plan

• 6.1 Intermittent Fasting

• 6.2 Breakfast and Intermittent Fasting

• 6.3 Tailoring the Diet to Your Lifestyle and Preferences

7. The Role of Ultra Processed Foods

8. All or Nothing Viewpoint: Finding Balance

9. The Key to a Successful Diet: Energy Deficit

10. Examining Popular Commercial Diets

11. The Benefits of Lower Carb Diets

12. The Pitfalls of Restrictive Diets

13. The Ivana Chapman Diet: Personalized Approach

14. Building a Diet Based on Preferences and Lifestyle

15. The Role of Protein in Weight Loss

16. Strategies for Creating a Calorie Deficit

17. Conclusion

18. FAQs

• 18.1 Can I still enjoy my favorite treat foods while losing weight?

• 18.2 Is intermittent fasting suitable for everyone?

• 18.3 How important is adherence to a diet for successful weight loss?

• 18.4 Can I follow a diet without completely changing my lifestyle?

• 18.5 Do I need to eliminate all ultra-processed foods from my diet?


Now Here's Something That I Hear a Lot: Choosing the Right Diet for Long-Term Weight Loss

Diets are a topic of much discussion, with countless options available claiming to be the ultimate solution for weight loss. However, one of the biggest problems with diets is their lack of sustainability. Many people embark on diets like the ketogenic diet (keto) and experience initial success, losing a significant amount of weight. But over time, they find it difficult to stick with the diet, and the weight comes back. The reason behind this recurring pattern is simple: the diet wasn't enjoyable or suitable for the long term.

If you're someone who loves carbs and can't imagine giving them up, keto may not be the best fit for you. It's essential to consider whether a diet aligns with your social life, preferences, and overall lifestyle. While trendy diets like keto, the carnivore diet, intermittent fasting, or veganism all aim to create a negative energy balance or calorie deficit to promote weight loss, they may not be sustainable for everyone.

Research indicates that different diets can lead to similar weight loss results and adherence to the diet's rules ultimately determines their success. However, adherence becomes challenging when the diet feels overly restrictive or incompatible with individual preferences. To achieve long-term sustainable weight loss, it's crucial to find a diet that suits your needs.

Know Yourself: Finding a Sustainable Plan

When selecting a diet, it's essential to understand your own preferences and lifestyle. For instance, if you wake up starving in the morning and can't wait to have a substantial breakfast, intermittent fasting may not be the best choice for you. However, if you've always believed that breakfast is the most important meal of the day out of guilt, exploring intermittent fasting might naturally reduce your calorie intake.

Customizing a diet that works for you begins with self-awareness. Identifying your food preferences, favorite healthy foods, and treat foods can help you distinguish between habitual eating and conscious choices. It's not about adhering to a one-size-fits-all approach but rather creating a sustainable plan based on your unique needs.

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About the Creator

khurram ilyas

HI .





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