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No Pain No Gain

The price for success

By Olalekan AdeekoPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

In a world where everyone wants to be successful, we all want to attain that great and lofty height we have ever dreamed of, but then i get worried when i see this same and exact people finding it difficult to do the needful. No one gets hungry and then decides to take raw uncooked grains to quench the hunger, so then why do we want and demand success if we literally do not want to go through the pain.

There is a price to be paid and it doesn't matter what you want in life, you need to pay the price, to live that good life you want for yourself, you need to pay the price through your work and not just any work, hard and smart work, no one pays for mediocrity, never. If you want to develop spiritually there is a price you have to pay, there is a pain you have to go through in terms of denying your food through fasting, constant fellowship, praying without seizing, and so on. Now i'm not only talking about adults now but also as a child, everyone has a price and pain to pay with one way or the other, as a child you know you have to obey and honor your parents if you want to get good stuff from them, you need to respect them if you don't want to be grounded, the list goes on and on, so we all need to come to the realization of this fact, if you are not ready to go through the pain you don't have the right to expect the gain. Now i will tell you the kinds or types of people we have in the world we live in today and they are:

1- The ones that are not ready to go through the pain but yet complain when they don't get the gain, they want the gain but they do not want to go through the pain, they are the complainers in the society always blaming one thing or the other, always looking out for people to blame on how they chose to turn out.

2- The second type of people we have are the ones who are not or don't go through the pain and they don't expect any gain or reward, in other words, they are just there observing, they accept and come to terms with anything that happens to them.

3- The third type of people are the ones who are ready to go through pain, and in fact, they go through it but they want their gains or rewards now. They don't have the luxury of time to wait patiently for their gains. So if they start a project today they expect results in the next few weeks and when they don't seem to get the desired results they quit. They are the quitters, they forget life isn't a bed of roses.

4- The fourth type of people are ready to pay the price, they pay the price and they patiently wait for their gains or rewards.

No pain no gain. You get from life what you give to it, you are the dictator of your life, you decide the type of life you will live. Like charges attracts each other unlike charges repel, that's what happens in the magnetic field, and of course, not just in the magnetic field it happens with life. Do not forget we have a law called the law of attraction, it brings to you what you give and desire, there is more of you needed for the world to see.

Go through the pain today and enjoy that gain tomorrow. Do not give up.


About the Creator

Olalekan Adeeko

Olalekan Adeeko is an author, podcaster, public speaker, and he advocates for gender equality.

He loves traveling, and meeting people.

He is the author of the best-selling book "Success is free; only if you are ready to pay the price."

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