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New Year, New You...or Are We Going to Be Realistic This Time?

A letter to myself

By Anezka SmidlovaPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

So, here we are again, my friend. The beginning of a new year. Time to start fresh. Reinvent yourself. Time to be resolute.

Uhm...How did that work out for you last year, ha?

Can you still remember? (I know, it seems like ages ago.) You were so full of hopes and expectations for the beginning of a whole new decade. The exciting new twenties. Do you remember how you so frivolously celebrated with your friends and a glass of champagne, Great Gatsby style? Oh dear... how silly, silly little old you...

Only two months in, and bam! Hopes and dreams mercilessly shattered. Change of plan. The future becomes uncertain. Priority number one: survive!

I think you’ll agree, we need to do things a little differently this time. Hear me out.

No big life goals or productivity targets or high expectations for your body image this time. Forget bucket lists of important books to read and places to visit.

If the last turbulent year has taught you anything, it is that all your good intentions and planning can change in a flash. And just like that you are back at point zero.

So, let’s start simple this year, shall we? Let’s go back to the basics.

RESOLUTION #1: Accept what you cannot change.

Last year made us face one horrible truth: we don’t have everything in our hands. There are things much bigger and much more powerful than us, and we simply can't change them, even if we try our hardest. Accept that.

But remember, even though there are situations that are out of your control, it is always your choice how you handle them. Will you let the bad circumstances crush you, or will you rise from them better and stronger?

Don’t waste your energy fighting windmills. If you want, find one little thing you can change in your day-to-day life to feel happier.

RESOLUTION #2: Take it one day at a time.

Since we still don’t know for certain when we’ll get out of this mess for good, and long-term planning is nearly impossible, don’t be too hard on yourself. Don’t worry about not having your future life planned out to the minute. Instead, take it one day at a time.

Try to stay in the present moment. Think of what you can do to make today a good day. And be aware of all the good, joyful moments each day brings to you.

RESOLUTION #3: Look after your physical health.

A pandemic makes you realize how crucial it is to keep fit and well. We rely on our bodies and their ability to cope with any outside threats. So, make sure you're doing your best to stay healthy and strong, and to boost your immunity.

I know you know this. You’ve been doing so well throughout the past year. So, this is just a reminder.

Get enough sleep. Eat your vitamins. Exercise.

Look after yourself and never compromise your health for the sake of anything else!

RESOLUTION #4: Look after your mental health.

We need to acknowledge that the mind and the body are intertwined. You can't have a healthy body without a healthy mind.

Please, please, please, promise me you’re going to look after your mental health properly this year.

Take time to slow down each day and reflect on what your psyche is telling you. Don’t ignore your feelings. Know that there are no good or bad ones. They’re just feelings that want to teach you something. Address them. Feel them. Try to learn from them. That is the only way to heal.

Any time you feel unsure, remember to breathe.

RESOLUTION #5: Ask for help.

If at any point you feel it's just too much for you, don’t try to fight it alone. It's OK to ask for help. If you’re feeling lonely, call your mom or your sister and talk. If you’re lying in bed, sick, ask someone to get groceries for you. You're not alone.

You don’t have to be a hero all the time. There are so many people that love you and want to be there for you. Let them.

RESOLUTION #6: Be kind to thy neighbor.

Last years’ experience has taught us how important it is for people to pull together and help each other out in times of need. And we’ve learned that people actually are capable of great compassion and kindness, even when faced with an unpredictable danger.

So, make sure you’re part of it this year as well.

Reach out to your community, find out about ways you can be useful to someone, and be ready to help when needed. Random acts of kindness are always a good idea too.

RESOLUTION #7: Cherish the little things.

Happy life is composed of many little happy moments. You can find them in every day, if you look close enough.

Find joy in the little things. Especially those ones you have missed for so long. Like having a good cup of coffee from your favorite café, buying vegetables at the farmers’ market, being able to see a friend in person... Once you can do those things again, enjoy them to the max and be grateful.

RESOLUTION #8: Spend time with your loved ones.

I know your family can be annoying sometimes, but they're also the ones who are there for you no matter what happens. Never stop being thankful for them.

In these times of great uncertainty, try to enjoy every moment you spend in the presence of your loved ones and never miss an opportunity to be with them, as long as you still can.

RESOLUTION #9: Be kind to yourself.

Lastly, even if you don’t manage to reach your goals, make sure you give yourself credit for all your efforts.

Life isn’t easy right now. In fact, it’s pretty scary.

Don’t beat yourself up if you mess up, or if at some point your life makes no sense to you. Instead, talk to yourself like you would talk to your best friend if they were feeling down. Be kind.

You're doing your best. I, for one, am proud of you.

By Steve Johnson on Unsplash

OK, how about that? I think that’s enough resolutions for now. We said we would stick to the basics after all, didn’t we?

I want you to remember - you’ve got this! You know that no matter what the new year brings, be it as unexpected as it may, you can always learn something from it. Just like you did last year. Be kind to yourself and be kind to others. Try to find joy in the little things. It will all be okay.

I love you.


About the Creator

Anezka Smidlova

I am a peculiar individual who loves music, education, travel, writing and having a good laugh. Don't take me too seriously, just enjoy reading!

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