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Never doubt the meaning of effort

Please persist in your efforts and keep persisting.

By Gloria TurnerPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Never doubt the meaning of effort
Photo by Tony Sebastian on Unsplash


Maybe you are also often troubled by this problem, what to do if you still get nothing after trying hard?

For example: seriously write an article, but there is no reading and likes; seriously review homework, but still can not get good grades; seriously complete the work, but still can not get the leadership's appreciation and praise ...

I was also worried and anxious about this, but then I found that the so-called harvest is hidden in the effort.

Every word you write, every paragraph you write, may not be loved by all readers, but over time, your writing will slowly improve.

You memorize one more word, do one more question, or practice one more song, it may not necessarily get you a perfect score, but it will give you confidence as well as the bottom line for this exam.

You just need to do your best to do what you are doing now and what you need to do at the moment.

Maybe you won't get success right away, maybe you won't see immediate gains, but your ability to work will gradually improve.

We tend to demand proportional pay and reward, which is a kind of obsession, we always think that pay will be immediately rewarded.

But every difficulty you experience, every tiredness you have suffered, and every drop of sweat you have shed, will not be in vain, they will become a beam of light to illuminate your way forward.


Every road to success is full of bumps and thorns. You may have walked a long way, but not yet reached where you want to go, but please believe that at any moment, you do not have to doubt the meaning of hard work.

Maybe you've tried your best, but you still haven't gotten the results you thought you would, but there must be other unexpected gains in the process of your efforts.

Very often, what is more, important than success is constant growth.

Perhaps after you have worked hard, still can not achieve the desired results, but you will certainly be one step closer to a better you.

Maybe you have worked hard for a long time, but still do not see hope, but please persevere, you will see more scenery.

Whatever needs we want to achieve through our efforts, we are experiencing ourselves and making ourselves better.

Many times, meaning is not the result, but the thing itself is the greatest meaning, failure is meaningless, but you did not do the best is the biggest regret and failure.


If you are willing to let go of your obsessions, then you will find more joy and meaning in the process.

You can't write a good article, but as long as you are willing to work hard and willing to write to do, you will write well, so pride is not necessary to get all the reader's approval to be successful; you can't do a good problem, but as long as you are willing to study, willing to study, then you will get the final answer, such a sense of achievement does not necessarily have to get a perfect score to be satisfied; you do a good job, but if you try to do it to your If you do a good job, but if you try your best to do the best you can, such growth does not necessarily depend on the praise of others to present.

When you focus more on self-growth rather than external success, you will slowly fall in love with your hard-working and beautiful self.

After all, we can't get a perfect score in everyone's mind, but we can try to be number one in our minds.

No matter who wins or loses in this life, it's all about competing with yourself.

The truly outstanding people never go beyond others in all aspects again, but constantly beyond themselves.

When you go to work, to do, you find yourself every day more excellent than yesterday's self, you have achieved a true sense of success.

So, please never doubt the meaning of effort, because every time you make an effort, you are constantly sculpting a better version of yourself.

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About the Creator

Gloria Turner

Love to read and write

Like to travel, love life

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