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My evolution as an herbalist.


By Ola GaberPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

There are so many people in the world who are highly spiritual and don't even know it. They have never heard of special concepts, gurus, places of power or practices - and yet they have all this in them by nature, because they intuitively know what is necessary for their happiness and fulfilment.

Neither your age, nor money, nor time matter. Regardless of how many times you try and fail, your engine is strong enough to generate all this energy. Excitingly, this state multiplies when you do something you love. If you are satisfied with it, you want to do more of it. When you love doing something, you forget everything around you. Dedication, fun and your will are the keys. Discipline can be acquired by anyone, but it's about sinking in and forgetting time for the joy of it.

And that is the real spiritual state!

A firework in itself.

I'm not one of those people who had all this in them by nature and knew what to do, because it took me a few roundabouts and lucky coincidences to get here without suspecting it.

Being a city kid, always on the go and partying, I could imagine better than growing up in the village. What could I find there but the same old cows in the pasture? Nevertheless, a few years ago I moved into my (ex-)boyfriends flat at the time. Because it was quite nice there. Close to the city, an old building with a big vegetable garden, some horses, dogs and cats. Kind of cute and also like a hippy community.

I never had a green thumb and had nothing to do with nature anyway. And yet... I always went into the garden. Vegetables were free and plentiful here. I even could provide my therapist with them, who was always very happy about it, while she helped me to find what lit my fire. So I used to sit there, the phone reception was also great and mostly there was always something going on in the sunniest place of my new home.

I just watched people planting, watering and tending to the beds and had nothing to do with it all. Or so I thought. I listened to their conversations, watched them work, heard all the plant names and varieties and what to do when pests ate them up. Of course, at some point I was on board and watered the whole garden with the hose when the sun was too strong again. I was just there during all of my free time, but still convincing myself I had nothing to do with all that. Of course not.

I collected the wildest bouquets of flowers, watched the plants and vegetables grow and at some point casually accumulated more knowledge than I could ever have learned in a book.

gardening goals

still convinced not to have a green thumb

My interest grew and turned into a deep passion for nature and all the plant knowledge. I hardly ever bought tea in the shop any more, because everything could be found in the garden. I bought vegetables only after looking at the harvest. Most of it was already there . More organic was not possible anyway. When I was tired and powerless, you could find me refuelling in the garden.

tea blend

At some point I decided to make a creme for my body. The expensive cosmetics from the shop were no good enough. The winter was cold and long and my chapped, dry skin wanted to be cared for. I collected herbs and plants in summer and dried them. This way I could use and process the precious ingredients at any time, even in winter, and make floral waters, essences and tinctures. My first attempt at natural cosmetics was a body butter in a large jam jar. And well, it was a complete success! Super consistency and my skin loved it...soft and wonderfully nourished. So I creamed myself with it around the clock, always carrying the jam jar. It must look funny to smear some kind of paste of unknown origin from a jam jar on your skin.

At a certain point, of course, more and more people asked...tell me, what are you actually doing and what is that?

Ahhh, can I have a try too?

Ohhh, that feels good!

Can you make me something like that aswell?

Since then, my kitchen has been regularly transformed into a small experimental chemistry-physics laboratory. My flatmate would say...a construction site. I love to make wonderful cremes, soaps and other fragrant goodies for the skin. Experiments and new inventions always have a place in my kitchen.

floral rose creme

On all my travels I find wonderful herbs and rare ingredients, all of which I have to take with me!

Here, they are collected from wild meadows, markets and herbal medicine shops! From Switzerland to the Amazon, everything is included.

My most precious gift found its way to me all by itself, while I was looking for something completely different.

Thanks nature and my ex-boyfriend I have been taught how to become a herbalist and I love it!


About the Creator

Ola Gaber

⋗ Coach, Herbalist, Traveler, Writer ◐

philosophy of life: lets face our biggest fears, oddest weaknesses & greatest visions to become who we really are.

Living wild & fully.


If you like my work, leave some love ♡

IG @raiz.up.stories

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