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My dream is to shout-out my dreams

Attracting what we want

By Noelia BaquerizoPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

I'm a strong believer in the power of energy, of wishing, of dreaming. I'm an Ecuadorian who dreamed of living in Italy and 2 years ago I started building my life in Milan.

The phrase "I have a dream" is much more powerful than the credit it's given, due to its fame we grew used to hearing it and oversee what it stands for.

Our dreams reflect the desires of our heart, the things we imagine ourselves doing, the things that -by moments- can seem unreachable, the desires we want to achieve. In the end "goal" is just the business slang for "dream" which, due to the different categorisation, makes us think of a goal as something as easily accesible or that with a few commitments we can accomplish and dreams as things that only exist in our heads.

Dreams can be grand, hard to reach and seem like something that will demand a lot of effort. Dreams can also be the simplest things, like getting out of bed and picturing the day with everything going as planned. Being in line to order a coffee and imagining what to order and what you're going to say when you arrive at the counter. The simple things we imagine in our head day to day; how a conversation will go or how your friend will react when you tell them something you are excited about. These are dreams too.

It's in these small, day-to-day and moment-to-moment, dreams (that always seem to go smooth) where, usually, our heads fill project kindness in every person that surrounds us. Kindness to ourselves: imagining your friend being excited to hear your news, or the waiter at the coffee shop smiling back.

Kindness that we should be the first to nurture and practice, it's a beautiful act that comes from love, and love is a virus that spreads quickly. We must be the first to act from a kind place, from our hearts, from our desire to feel included, treated well, respected and loved.

As I said, I'm a firm believer in energy, in attracting what we want-what we dream. Believing in our dreams and thinking we will get them will attract them. But being open to getting the things we want as well as working for them through our thoughts, the words we say and the things we do are a big part of it.

Love your dreams and love yourself and the actions you will do will come from a place of love and kindness.

As an Ecuadorian living in Italy I have learned Italian by the "natural method", hearing it, speaking it, reading it and forcing myself to speak it. I currently work in an Italian agency, we are 4 people, all Italian except me and at times it has been very hard to feel as a part of the community.

Being an outsider, not speaking the same language , having a very different cultural background, being young are all things that have brought me insecurities and have made it difficult to feel included.

Even though I do have certain privileges that make it easier for me in some circumstances, for example having white skin, being heterosexual and having a thin body. Things that make me unable to imagine the feelings and situations that people with more challenging physical, cultural, race, gender, sexuality realities can face, I have passed moments where I feel like an outsider.

Perhaps the idea of energies being able to attract the things we want in life -form the right treatment in a coffee shop or at our work environment- can sound like utopia. Like something abstract, silly and unreal.

After 27 months in italy -23 being in the Covid period we are currently living-. My dream to stay in Italy is becoming my reality. Putting the work, acting from love and believing in me and my capacities - which took a mental breakdown and four months of psychoanalysis that led me to understand and deal with my personal struggles in 2021- are the keys that I have discovered and are making me live my dreams.

It hasn't been easy, honestly it has been everything but easy. Changing my perspective from victimising myself and seeing myself as unworthy or incapable to believing in myself, fighting for what I want and going to get it have made me have a different mindset and attitude. Practising kindness to myself, to others -whoever they maybe- haven't only made my dreams start becoming realities. It has also built an environment around me and relationships with people who want the same inclusive world as me and who actively work for it.

Loving and putting value on myself . Sharing my thoughts. Acting from kindness. Fighting for fair and equal treatment to all, even in the smallest actions like the casual "small talk" with someone you ran into after years. These are the things that have made be surrounded by people who believe in inclusivity.

Kindness and inclusivity spread, they are rooted in love. To make our communities more inclusive we have to believe this, not just dream it. We have to attract it with every thought, word and action we put into this world.

It's not a utopia, it's not a dream that is impossible to reach, it's a reality that exists in small communities, it's a reality we need to actively believe in to attract, and that is my purpose this 2022.


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    Noelia BaquerizoWritten by Noelia Baquerizo

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