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My Choice

Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice that you have made, If you want a different result make a different choice

By Devika PathakPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
My Choice
Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. - J.K. Rowling

I talked to a friend after a very long time and he told me how confused he still is and how he still hasn't figured out what to do with his life. It made me realize we are, perhaps just bohemian souls born in a generation meant to question things and set new norms. People who have a strong belief that there is more to life than what we have actually been taught to believe. The conversation went from relationships to lifestyle choices to me explaining the energies and the philosophy of life - Every person you interact with is a guide sent to teach you something. I learned what impartial, non-judgemental listening can do for a person from our rendezvous and also that I have been living in the hermit mode for a long long time. Once you start dwelling in the peace of solitude, you find that it is pretty addictive and don't want to deal with the noise of the world.

Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice that you have made, If you want a different result make a different choice.

There was a time in my life when every time I heard this quote, I used to get irritated. It felt like a personal attack on my intellect like, "Would I really choose to deal with the bad stuff if I had a choice". Wouldn't I choose something good or a happy outcome from everything? But as I began to learn the patterns of my life, the law of cause and effect and identifying the point where I could have avoided something had I made a different choice, I realized how powerful my decisions really are. I can now see that although I did not choose the outcome, I chose the very actions that led to those results and by altering those choices, I can change it all.

By Christopher Sardegna on Unsplash

Taking an offense is a choice.

Engaging when you are disrespected is a choice.

Letting another person's negativity affect you is a choice.

Feeling bad about yourself because someone did or said something to you is a choice.

Letting others dictate your mood and reactions is a choice.

Accepting someone else's version of you as a reality and seeing yourself through their eyes is a choice.

Trying to convince someone of your worth is a choice.

Giving more than what is expected, appreciated or reciprocated is a choice.

Trying to change someone's opinions about you is a choice.

Believing that I am deeply flawed every time I am rejected is a choice.

Letting a hurdle become a roadblock is a choice.

Saying 'yes' when you want to say 'no' is self-betrayal but also a choice.

Tolerating and accepting less than what your soul needs is a choice.

Being a doormat and letting people walk all over you is a choice.

Holding onto shame, guilt and anger is a choice.

Giving away your power is a choice.

The more you learn about your patterns, the better your choices will be. Peace is a choice. I don't get angry and I am always peaceful is a statement coming from ego and is not true. I am angry and I accept my non-peace as a part of my human experience on this earth is the real truth. Non-acceptance of anger leads to an unhealed mind because you cannot fix what you deny.

By Jasper Boer on Unsplash


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