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When you have had too much

By Randi MariePublished about a year ago 3 min read

Thinking over the past decade I feel like I need to raise a white flag of mercy, maybe that’s why I’m climbing this massive mountain. But how long is it going to take to get to the top? When is the struggle and pain going to end?

It seems like just when I’m about to crest the summit; I realize that there is yet another cliff to scale up and this one is even steeper than the last. There are times when people are right beside me as I’m scaling the mountain, but other times, I feel like I’m having to go up by myself because it’s only fit for one person at a time. Maybe the path isn’t wide enough for two people or the rock face needs someone to spot you. So, it isn’t that you are alone, you have support, they just aren’t beside you in the moment and it’s scary.

When you look down all you can see is the height of the mountain—nothing but air below you. It’s a bit terrifying. But you can also see what you have endured. The strength you have gained from all of the obstacles is sometimes forgotten—but then someone comes alongside you to remind you of your strength!

What are you supposed to do when all you want to do is lay down and quit? When one more step forward may be the very thing that takes you out? Do you lay down and quit? Or do you ask Him for strength to keep moving forward?

I have found that He has given me the strength to keep moving forward time after time after time after time… I never know how I do it. I sometimes feel like I don’t know how I will make it to the end of the day, but then I do. He has given me the best friends that, honestly—I couldn’t have even imagined these being this amazing—they are far more than anything I ever asked for, thought of, or imagined!

Even when I’ve been hundreds of miles away from them they have been there/here for me. When I want to raise my white flag of mercy and give up, they come alongside of me and help me get over the next ledge of the mountain. We move forward together. Even if we are teetering on the edge of the mountain… they hold firm to make sure I won’t fall down the cliff.

Are you that person? Do you need that person? How often do we miss out on being that person for others?

My best friend lost her dad this past week in a tragic car accident and when she called me crying I was heartbroken for her and have been in grief with her and her family since. I changed my schedule at work, moved clients around, helped them get flights to Florida, and told her that I would be here as much as possible—because her mom is in the ICU because of the accident.

There really aren’t any words that can help in this situation. I knew that all I wanted when my dad had died was for people to just be present with me. Not to always say anything, but to be in the same place with me. And that’s what she did for me. She gave me a place at her home to come and just take a nap, cry, watch movies, and be together.

Words are not always necessary. I know that at some point she will be heading back to SC and I won’t be able to be physically present with her as much as I am now, so while I can now, I will be present as much as possible.

On the mountains we climb we need to remember to be present with those we care about most and never be afraid to do the scary things!

self helphealing

About the Creator

Randi Marie

I like to keep things real. I’m an ENFJ and a 7w6 (Enneagram). I’m an RMHCI (therapist) that spends most of my time doing assessments to rule out ADHD, Autism, etc. I truly love my job! I love photography, reading, writing, and traveling!

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