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Meet talented musical group Practically Paradise

Meet talented musical group Practically Paradise

By anthony rhynePublished about a year ago 3 min read

What’s your artist name and where are you from?

We are Practically Paradise, and we are from Greenville South Carolina!

Why do you love music?

I (Tyler) personally love music, I feel its almost like a type of therapy. Each of my songs has a meaning to them and a personal belief behind them. I’ve been using music to help communicate how I feel for a very long time now and absolutely love it. It has honestly helped me with a lot since starting the band. I also love the release of energy you get from playing shows, like I said earlier, it is a very therapeutic experience for me, the feeling of going out on stage and having everything just fade into the background, personal problems, relationship problems, work problems, stress, etc. just fading away for 30-45 minutes with nothing to worry about besides the show, while still using all of those as fuel for the performance. Its one of the best feelings, honestly.

What makes you different as a music artist?

I’d say the thing that makes us different as a musical artist is our background in music. Nearly every one of us in Practically Paradise have a background in metal and we all collectively played in a metal band before I (Tyler) started Practically Paradise. So we went from metal to AltPop/Poprock, you can definitely see that we had a huge switch up. But since we have made the switch its been fun and wild ride.

Outside of that we like to focus on personal problems in our music, toxic problems in modern day relationships, getting ghosted, copping with a break up in unhealthy ways all the way to day dreaming of meeting the girl of your dreams.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five years personally I see us having more music out, going on tours and having a lot more music out. We actually just went to the studio in October and recorded 7 new tracks and with those being added to our catalog we now have 9 unreleased songs that will be out by the end of 2023. Within five years I’d like to see us triple or quadruple those numbers. We’d also like to be playing in foreign countries in 5 years, that would be an absolute dream come true.

What do you want to accomplish in life?

Personally (Tyler) I would like to accomplish many things. I’d like to travel the world, learn as many languages as possible and try as many foods as possible haha. I also want to personally play as many shows as possible, I’d also really like to play a show at a festival and play outside, I’d like to see the sun and feel the wind while we’re playing.

What do you bring to the music world?

We think one of the things we bring to the music world is great showmanship. For our very first show we were already running in-ears and had our own light show. We like to push the envelope and really make our shows an experience to come out to and be a part of. I know going forward the shows will continue to grow and add elements to make them more of an experience and more interactive. We can’t wait to start up shows in the new year and explore how our shows will progress.

What do you want to be remembered by?

I want us to be remembered for our hard work and ability to connect with people. We love playing our shows and connecting with our fans and the ones who enjoy our music and we really enjoy spending time getting to know our fans. We love hanging out with them after shows and talking to them. I want us to be remembered as a hardworking but kind group of people that genuinely care about our fans. Without them we wouldn’t be doing this. We love you all.

Steven Bolin


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