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Meet B Reeves

Meet B Reeves

By Sarah BlessingPublished about a year ago 3 min read

What’s your name and where are you from?  My name is Barry Reeves, but I am known in the protection industry as B Reeves. I grew up in a small city in Washington state called Kennewick. When I turned 18, I joined the Marine Corps and served for 12 years, mostly in Southern California. After my service, I moved to Los Angeles in 2012 where I have lived and worked ever since.


Why do you love what you do?

                I love the ability to continue to use my skills I learned over many years of training and combat situations to protect good people here at home. There are so many cases where people have been injured or killed, which could have been prevented if they had a trained professional watching their back. I love to be able to work with established celebrities, actors, athletes, musicians, up and coming artists, and influencers because I feel that they are in the most danger due to being in the public eye. I feel that I have been able to use my skillset to de-escalate and deter situations so they are able to get home safely each night. This has also let to me gaining many referrals through word of mouth for potential clients.


What makes you different?

                I feel that having been through some of the craziest circumstances while fighting overseas, and being lucky enough to make it home while many of my brothers in arms did not, gives me a huge appreciation for life, and shows me that there is evil in the world that many people are not aware of, or ready to face. Being able to use my knowledge to protect others and make them feel safe is a skillset I don’t take for granted.


What do you want to accomplish in life?

                I want to continue to work with high net worth clients, travel, continue to build my business for myself and family, and have something to pass along to my children. I want to be able to enjoy life and know that I made a difference in the world and in the lives of those I have protected. I want to be able to motivate others to pursue their passion for doing what’s right and protecting others who are not able to protect themselves from the dangers of this crazy world while happily enjoying their life.


What do you bring to the industry?

                I believe that I bring knowledge of 12 years in the military, elite level training, experienced with some of the toughest and most difficult conditions, mixed martial arts training, advanced firearms and weapons training, discipline, and being able to face fear head on for when danger arises. I also have 10 years’ experience working with some of the biggest celebrities in all industries, and at some of the biggest award shows, events, estates, and locations which makes me versatile to any threats that may present themselves.


What do you want to be remembered by?

                I want to be remembered for being a respected security professional, who has worked with well known and respected clients, and a precision firearms instructor who has had opportunities to train people for safety as well as movie and tv roles. I want to be remembered as a man who took care of his team, his family, and treated people with respect.  I want to be remembered as a man who saw what he wanted, and took a shot to make it happen, and who made a name for himself in a difficult field where many are not able to thrive.


About the Creator

Sarah Blessing

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