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Mornings are the beginnings of the day. If you start the day happily and positively, the whole day will be productive.

By Anjali MehraPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
A morning of March 2022 at my home's terrace with a book and MOTHER NATURE!

Well begun is half-done.

If so, why do we ignore the importance of mornings, the beginning of every day?

Tell us what do you feel early in the morning? Do you feel happy for a new day? Or do you still worry for last day’s miseries?

Let me tell you what do I feel.

Every morning, no matter how harsh last day was, no matter how many mistakes I did last day, no matter how many times I was embarrassed last day, I wake up with a SMILE😊

Because that’s the first thing which help me forget what all bad things happened last day, and I feel GREAT, happy, and enthusiastic the whole day.

Obviously! It does not make sense to cling to the things you can’t change. You can’t change whatever happened yesterday. You can’t undo what you spoke about yesterday. So, why do you cling and (over)think about the things you can’t change? Is it not better to just forget all those worries and start the new day AFRESH?

So, what to do when you wake up so that you can make your day less worrisome and more productive than usual? How to begin the day in a way that the remaining day is well-spent?

Here are some of my tips which you can try because “It won’t cost you anything to do something good and positive, however, if you do something negative to your mind, body or soul, it will definitely cost you your whole day.”

1. Wake up with a smile 😊

2. Meditate for at least 10 mins (no need of fancy outfits or special arrangements), no matter if you do it on your bed. Just close your eyes for some time and inhale-exhale.

3. Exercise for at least 30 mins. Why?

4. Spend time with nature.

You may sit in a park and let the sun rays touch you, feel the breezes, and hear the birds chirping. If it’s not possible, at least hear some soothing music which could calm your soul and let you experience nature time.

5. Avoid negative news.

For that, don’t read newspapers, or check for news headlines on your handset or T.V. as these are the first things to hinder your positive day. Instead, read a book or even if you use your phone, let your eyes see and mind read something positive. It can be good news, a good image, video, or anything which helps you cheer up.

What do I do? I open my Instagram, and watch some saved video clips of my favourite k-dramas, which act as my comfort partner 😊

One of the stills of one of my fav (ongoing) k-drama "Twenty-five twenty-one", which inspired me one such morning.

Here comes my next point…

6. Do something you like the most. It may be watering your plants, strolling around the streets, spending time with your pet, anything, ANYTHING! Anything which you like to do… and then see the magic.

You will definitely feel good the whole day.

7. Freshen up as soon as possible.

8. Plan your day, prioritize as per your energy levels.

Only you know yourself best! So, analyze when do you feel the most energetic and least energetic.

For example-

I feel the most energetic in the morning, & at night after (light) dinner. At that time, I do my core tasks like studying new chapters and revising. In the evening time, after returning from college, I have the least energy, so I do some small tasks like completing notes (as it’s just copying), looking up for internships, watching YouTube videos (which I saved in Watch later for a long time), posting on Instagram, etc.

You can also plan your day the same way, as per the tasks you need to do in the day, and ‘energy’ the tasks require, and thus make your day more productive than usual.

That’s all for now. There are many more tips but telling them would only bore you. I hope these tips would be helpful to you.

If you ever follow them, do share the results with us in the comments!!

If you have doubts about any of these tips, do comment and let us clarify it in more detail!

Do you also have some effective tips? Share with us in the comments!



PS: If you like my stories, do follow me on social media

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About the Creator

Anjali Mehra

I am a student, who has to face lots of problems regarding studies, living alone in an unknown city, dealing with a variety of people. Despite all these problems, I always stay positive, and that's what my stories also reflect!

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