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Loyalty Quotes: 80 Best Quotes that will make you more loyal

Read these 80 Loyalty Quotes that will teach you the true meaning of loyalty.

By Rohit SinghPublished 2 years ago 14 min read

Loyalty Quotes no. 1:

Explanation: "True loyalty means that you are willing to do anything, even sacrifice yourself for the sake of what you believe in if it comes to that. If you are not ready to do that, then your loyalty means nothing."

Quote no. 2:

Explanation: "Saying truth is a responsibility of a true friend. If you can say the truth to your friend, doesn't matter if he likes it or not, then you are a true friend. Without truth, no friendship can last."

Loyalty Quotes no. 3:

Explanation: "Once you show your loyalty publicly, you will benefit from it privately."

Quote no. 4:

Explanation: "Success is not just being rich or famous or powerful as it is advertised. Instead, a balanced success contains honesty, character, integrity, faith, love, and loyalty. Without any one of them, you can't call yourself truly successful."

Quote no. 5:

Explanation: "Even the one who is related to you by blood can betray you. The real family is the one that is based on love and loyalty. Without them, even a blood relative cannot be considered as family."

Loyalty Quotes no. 6:

Explanation: "When you become rich and famous, lots of people will want to be with you for different reasons. You just need someone who is willing to be with you even if you lose your wealth and popularity."

Quote no. 7:

Explanation: "Like trust, loyalty is not earned in a day. It is a long-term process. It requires patience and consistency. People are not going to pledge their loyalty unless they completely trust you."

Quote no. 8:

Explanation: "If you are loyal behind the back, then you will display that you are a truly loyal person. And when the people who are present will see that in you, they will start trusting you."

Loyalty Quotes no. 9:

Explanation: "If someone betrays you, you may find many reasons to forgive that person. But when it comes to forgiving that person emotionally, you will find it impossible to do so, because emotions don't need any reason."

Loyalty Quotes no. 10:

Explanation: "When everybody is leaving you when you need them the most, the true friend is the one who walks in and offers you help no matter the circumstances."

Quote no. 11:

Explanation: "Nothing is more precious than trust, loyalty, and friendship. A person who is loyal to you can be trusted, and you can call him your friend. That itself is very precious."

Loyalty Quotes no. 12:

Explanation: "A person who keeps things confidential is loyal. And loyalty is a sign that he is faithful."

Quote no. 13:

Explanation: "A person who is loyal to his friend shows that he has high moral standards, unlike showing blind loyalty to a conviction."

Loyalty Quotes no. 14:

Explanation: "Loyalty is built slowly with trust. True loyalty is not for auction. You may be able to buy people who only look for their self-interest, but you cannot buy people whose hearts, minds, and souls are devoted."

Quote no. 15:

Explanation: "Trust is a two-way street. Loyalty is a two-way street. You cannot ask for loyalty if you can't be loyal yourself."

Loyalty Quotes no. 16:

“Loyalty cannot be blueprinted. It cannot be produced on an assembly line. In fact, it cannot be manufactured at all, for its origin is the human heart-the center of self-respect and human dignity. It is a force which leaps into being only when conditions are exactly right for it-and it is a force very sensitive to betrayal.” — Maurice R. Franks

Explanation: "True loyalty comes from the heart. It cannot be bought or manufactured. It is based on mutual trust. One lie, and you can lose loyalty instantly. It is very sensitive to betrayal."

Quote no. 17:

Explanation: "Loyalty means having trust in each other. And trust is built when you show things as they are. You will have to show your vulnerabilities also. If you reveal nothing of yourself, then it becomes very difficult to trust you. And loyalty doesn't exist where there is no trust."

Loyalty Quotes no. 18:

Explanation: "Sometimes you will find yourself in a situation where you will have to take sides. Sometimes you will have to choose between truth and loyalty. Sometimes you will have to choose between what is right and what is your loyalty."

Quote no. 19:

Explanation: "Once the battle starts, there are no asking of questions. That is a do-or-die situation. Then and there the loyalty of the soldier is proved."

Quote no. 20:

Explanation: "A true friend will never drag you down. He will leave your path to let you walk freely. But he will get in your way if you happen to be going down the wrong path. That's just his loyalty and responsibility towards you as a friend."

Loyalty Quotes no. 21:

Explanation: "No matter how clever you are, if you are not loyal, then your cleverness won't matter because sometimes you don't need to be clever but to just trust."

Quote no. 22:

Explanation: "You must be the kind of person who is loyal and trustworthy. A friend is the one who trusts you and is loyal to you. You should not make a person your friend if he doesn't trust you and is not loyal to you."

Quote no. 23:

Explanation: "Loyalty is more valuable than efficiency. A group of people who is loyal to you and each other is more valuable than the group that is more efficient."

Loyalty Quotes no. 24:

Explanation: "Loyalty is earned slowly. You will need to prove yourself again and again until the other person can trust you. Loyalty is not something that can be proclaimed."

Quote no. 25:

Explanation: "A family that is not loyal to each other is weak. Loyalty makes a family so strong that it can face any difficulty."

Quote no. 26:

Explanation: "Faithfulness to each other is the foundation of loyalty. Sincerity and faithfulness must be your first principles."

Loyalty Quotes no. 27:

Explanation: "Don't be loyal to politics or politicians. A blind loyalty towards them will lead a country towards disaster. If you want to be loyal, then be loyal to your country. You must not think twice to shake the government for the sake of the country."

Quote no. 28:

Explanation: "Loyalty can't be bought. It is built in your character. Nobody can buy your loyalty from you. You will give it free of charge once you believe in someone. If your loyalty can be bought, then it is not loyalty, it is self-interest."

Quote no. 29:

Explanation: "Once you face difficulties, you will find that many people will leave you. That is faithlessness"

Loyalty Quotes no. 30:

Explanation: "To become a leader, people must be loyal to you. And at the same time, you will have to be loyal to them. It is a two-way street."

Quote no. 31:

"If you swear Loyalty just to anyone who says what you want to hear, then you are doomed to be used."

Quote no. 32:

Explanation: "An artist must be loyal to his art, everything else must come after. If that is not the case, then you will be a second-rate artist."

Loyalty Quotes no. 33:

Explanation: "Loyalty means that you will be with them in their good times and in their bad times. If you leave people in their hard times, then you are not loyal. You must stick with those who stuck with you in your good times and bad times."

Quote no. 34:

Explanation: "Without commitment, loyalty, love, patience, and persistence - A relationship can't exist."

Quote no. 35:

Explanation: "Many people will show that they are your friends, but your true friend is the one who is with you when you need him the most. Other types of friends don't matter."

Loyalty Quotes no. 36:

Explanation: "Having a friend who is with you in your bad times is more precious than not having a friend in your good times."

Quote no. 37:

Explanation: "As you age, you understand the importance of unconditional love and loyalty. A love that is not based on the conditions is most precious. A loyalty that doesn't change with situations is equally precious as love."

Quote no. 38:

Explanation: "Loyalty and trust walk side by side. They can't exist without each other. People stay with you when they trust you. Staying makes us love and love gives us hope towards life."

Loyalty Quotes no. 39:

Explanation: "You can't play games with loyalty. You can't be half loyal. If you are loyal, then you are completely loyal. If you have an ounce of doubt, then you are not loyal at all."

Loyalty Quotes no. 40:

Explanation: "We all face difficulties in life. And yet we decide to be selfish and not to help others."

Quote no. 41:

Explanation: "Loyalty is a give-and-get thing. Love is a give-and-get thing. You spread love in the world, you will get it back."

Quote no. 42:

Explanation: "If someone is giving you attention and compliments, then it doesn't mean that person loves you. People sometimes give attention and compliments for their own benefit. But if someone loves you, then that person will also give you respect, honesty, trust, and loyalty."

Quote no. 43:

Explanation: "Without trust, loyalty can't exist. Also, you can't be loyal to someone who you don't respect. Loyalty is demonstrated. You will have to show through your actions that you are loyal."

Loyalty Quotes no. 44:

Explanation: "There are people who helped you, supported you when you were chasing success. Nobody achieves success alone. There are always people who helped you whether you admit it or not. You have a responsibility to be loyal to those people."

Quote no. 45:

"Loyalty means giving me your honest opinion, whether you think I’ll like it or not. Disagreement, at this state, stimulates me. But once a decision is made, the debate ends. From that point on, loyalty means executing the decision as if it were your own." - GENERAL COLIN POWELL

Explanation: "Loyalty doesn't mean that you will agree to whatever is decided. Loyalty means that you will give your honest opinion whether it is liked or not. But you can't raise questions when everything is decided and it's time to take action. Then you will have to make that decision your decision."

Quote no. 46:

Explanation: "You can't be loyal for half-day. You are either fully loyal or you are not loyal at all."

Quote no. 47:

Explanation: "Loyalty and honesty to each other are very important if you want to achieve success. This may be the most important factor in success."

Loyalty Quotes no. 48:

“There is one element that is worth its weight in gold and that is loyalty. It will cover a multitude of weaknesses.” - Philip Armour.

Quote no. 49:

Explanation: "Friendship is based on trust, honesty, and loyalty. That's what we look for in a friend."

Loyalty Quotes no. 50:

Explanation: "Loyalty towards wrong things can make your life miserable. So, be loyal towards the right things and always hold them on the right scale of values. That is the secret towards a good life."

Quote no. 51:

Explanation: "Growth, not just individual growth but growth as a society, as a group, as a team, will only be possible when we are loyal to each other. And loyalty doesn't exist without trust."

Loyalty Quotes no. 52:

"Sometimes loyalty makes you take part in the wrong even if you know deep down that it is wrong."

Quote no. 53:

Explanation: "Just be loyal to what you love, who you love. Fight your enemies with passion and laughter."

Quote no. 54

Explanation: "Once you truly love someone, you automatically become loyal to that person. Like love, loyalty is also beyond logic."

Loyalty Quotes no. 55:

Explanation: "Blind loyalty always leads to disaster, especially when it is given to politicians. You must be loyal but not blindly loyal towards anyone or anything. Otherwise, your loyalty may contribute in the wrong."

Quote no. 56:

“Loyalty is good for the loyal man but it may be mischievous for those whom his cause assails.” - Josiah Royce

Quote no. 57:

Explanation: "Relationship is all about love, trust, honesty, and loyalty. Loyalty in a relationship will make it last for a lifetime."

Loyalty Quotes no. 58:

Explanation: "If you are not willing to do it yourself, don't ask others to do it for the sake of trust and loyalty."

Quote no. 59:

Explanation: "There are people who are with you to support you, to help you. You must always look out for them as they look out for you."

Quote no. 60:

Explanation: "Dogs are more loyal than most people ever be. They will not betray you even if they start talking. They are with you in your bad times and good times. They are not like people who leave you when things get hard."

Loyalty Quotes no. 61:

Explanation: "In a marriage, in a relationship, your loyalty must be towards your partner and the family you create together. That will make the relationship stronger and unshakable."

Quote no. 62:

Explanation: "You can be famous, rich, etc. But faithfulness is much more precious than those things."

Quote no. 63:

Explanation: "Don't use people and then leave them after they have fulfilled your self-interest."

Loyalty Quotes no. 64:

Explanation: "Loyalty doesn't mean that you will keep your mouth shut. True loyalty means that you trust the other person to value your opinion, your advice. And if that trust gets broken, then you are willing to take back that loyalty."

Quote no. 65:

Explanation: "Loyalty means that you will speak the truth whether it is liked or not, but at the same time you trust the other person to hear that truth."

Quote no. 66:

"A true friend will never humiliate you in public but will definitely correct you in private. That's just his loyalty to your respect."

Loyalty Quotes no. 67:

Explanation: "A truly knowledgeable person knows that loyalty and faithfulness are so precious than gold can ever be. These things can't be bought no matter how much gold or jade is given."

Quote no. 68:

“Your truest friends are the ones who will stand by you in your darkest moments—because they’re willing to brave the shadows with you—and in your greatest moments—because they’re not afraid to let you shine.” —Nicole Yatsonsky

Explanation: "True friends will never drag you down. They will never get in your way towards success. And at the same time, they will be willing to stand with you when things get hard."

Quote no. 69:

"It is better to switch your loyalty than to take part in the wrong for the sake of it."

Loyalty Quotes no. 70:

Explanation: "Loyalty and consideration towards people are more respected in the hearts of people than success will ever be."

Quote no. 71:

"Everyone seeks Loyalty in others when they can't even be loyal to themselves."

Loyalty Quotes no. 72:

"In your good times and bad times, many people will come and go, many colors will reveal - yet the dog stays."

Quote no. 73:

"One form of loyalty is to speak the truth even if the other person doesn't like it."

Short Loyalty Quotes:

Loyalty Quotes no. 74:

"Be more loyal to truth, and less loyal to beliefs."

Quote no. 75:

"Blind loyalty is very dangerous for society."

Loyalty Quotes no. 76:

“A person who deserves my loyalty receives it.” —Joyce Maynard

Quote no. 77:

“There’s nothing like a really loyal, dependable, good friend. Nothing.” —Jennifer Aniston

Loyalty Quotes no. 78:

“What I value most in my friends is loyalty.” —David Mamet

Quote no. 79:

“Loyalty is a decision, a resolution of the soul.” - Pascal Mercier

Loyalty Quotes no. 80:

“Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable, than loyalty.” — Cicero

Also Read: 90 Best Trust Quotes

Also Read: 50 Best Quotes on Trust Issues

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Rohit Singh

Love writing and collecting quotes.

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