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Loving Through It (Tool Box for an Open Heart)

A Love for Life and Lists

By Leah LegaultPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 4 min read
Loving Through It (Tool Box for an Open Heart)
Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

Is your heart open?

Do you feel lead by your heart?

Can you feel the sadness and the joy creating a perfect balance inside your beautiful heart?

I've been through a lot. I'm sure I'm not alone. Sometimes it feels like it's all been just so hard. Sometimes it feels like it will never get better. But I keep going and I keep loving.

I've also had so many amazing things happen for me. At times my heart feels so open and I'm so grateful for it.

I feel I'm on a deep spiritual journey. I believe we all are. All of my experiences have opened me up in different ways. I feel so blessed for how the universe has helped me. I want to share some ways that have helped me and that continue to help me as I continue on this journey. Maybe you have experienced one or more as helpful already. Maybe some will call to you now or later. Or maybe you have your own ways that work for you. Either way I share my tool box with you and I send love to you on your journey.

Tool Box For An Open Heart

-Repeating positive affirmations anytime or for 21 days in a row (I'm currently listening to video recordings I feel called to by Leeor Alexandra, but I also say some in my head at times. Recently I wake up and say something like "Today is going to be a great day. Today will be filled with love. My life is going to get better each day.)

-Your own Tarot card deck that you love (Right now I ask for guidance for the day each morning.)

-Writing down what you are grateful for every day

-Recognizing all the great things you are already doing everyday -Also, you just being you is more than enough.

-Having fun Manifesting (I currently have a wall full of pink sticky notes where I wrote "I manifest...") When I manifest something, I take down the sticky note and put it in a box for all the things I've manifested. Another way could be creating a vision board. You could also write down your beautiful creative dreams.

-Getting up early and grounding yourself for the day -You could also do something that gives you pleasure as part of your morning routine

-Praying (Personally I pray to The Divine Mother, The Universe, and Kuan Yin- The Goddess of Compassion.)

-Letting go (Ask the Universe to help you and let go.)

-Expressing yourself and speaking your truth. Be free. I do this through poetry and writing.

-Stretching and Yoga

-Yoni Yoga with a jade egg

-Laughter (Laughing and making some else laugh) I personally feel great after a good laugh. Also, making my kids laugh is one time when I really feel in alignment.

-Doing things that bring you into alignment and raise your vibration -Eating foods that are fermented are one way that helps me.

-Feeding yourself healthy and delicious food -Eat to nurture your body and soul.

-Being in nature -I feel great by a body of water, in the lake, or just even opening up the windows to let air in the house.

-A cup of hot tea

-Watching how you speak to yourself (For example: When you look in the mirror say something that helps you feel good about yourself. Right now, I say something like "I'm so beautiful. My open-heart shines through my eyes. I'm attractive to loving people. I'm a sexy woman."

-Dancing (Alone or with others -Dance to feel great and/or to express yourself.)

-Meditations of the heart

-Connecting with people who you feel are on a similar path of healing -The internet is great for this if you're an introvert like me. My favorite teacher of the heart is Sofia Sundari.

-Having compassion/empathy for others -You don't have to like someone or keep them in your life but know everyone is doing their best. We are all love on a journey. Also, if you feel someone is being mean to you, consider they are hurting or else they wouldn't feel the need to hurt others.

-Learning about your personal Dharma -I am currently letting my heart lead me in this direction. I recommend a free quiz to know your Dharma Archetype by Sahara Rose. I felt completely in line with my results.

-Considering how past experiences have opened up your heart already and realize how much you have grown

-Smiling at a baby or a pregnant woman. For me seeing a baby creates an inner smile. You can smile at anyone. You can smile at a loved one or a stranger. You can smile at yourself or in your heart. Let your heart be soft if even for just a moment.

-Exercising in a way that feels good for you -For me it's walking. I also like swinging on a swing.

-Accepting and seeing the beauty in what can sometimes seem messy (Focus on what you can do now or just be and trust.)

I trust that whatever will help you now on your healing journey will make itself known in your heart. You are an amazing, beautiful, and unique human and work of art. I send you feelings of worthiness, freedom, and love.


About the Creator

Leah Legault

Prefer to speak in poetry/I speak for women, moms, single moms, children, and anyone who feels like it's so hard to be here at times//Developmental Service Worker/ For inclusion/Love brains that works in different ways/Women's Healing Arts

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