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Living life under the control of external factors

Importance of taking control of one's life

By Muhammad Jalil, TI(M),FCILT,CPPPublished 11 months ago 6 min read

Don't Allow Yourself to Be Controlled by These Five Factors

Living a fulfilling life requires us to take control of our own destiny. It is all too easy to fall into the trap of letting external factors dictate the course of our lives. Many individuals spend their lives at the mercy of circumstances, stuck in the prison of their past and controlled by other people and their opinions. Additionally, limited beliefs and the influence of relationships and money can greatly impact our ability to live a life of freedom and happiness.

Don't allow your past to control your present or future

1. Letting go of past events

One of the most significant obstacles to living a great life is the lingering influence of our past. Regardless of the injustices or hardships we may have faced, holding onto the pain and resentment only hinders our progress. To break free, we must learn to let go. By releasing the weight of our past, we create space for growth, allowing ourselves to move forward unburdened.

2. Leaving the pain and darkness behind

The darkness of our past can cast a long shadow over our present and future. However, dwelling on past events and reliving the pain serves no purpose other than to keep us trapped in a cycle of suffering. To truly live a great life, we must leave the darkness behind, allowing the light of our bright future to shine through. By consciously choosing to focus on building a better future, we reclaim control over our lives.

3. Moving on and focusing on building a better future

The key to overcoming the control of our past is to shift our focus to the present and future. We cannot change what has already happened, but we can determine how we respond and shape our future. Instead of being bound by the events of the past, we must seize the opportunities of the present. By letting go and moving on, we open ourselves up to the possibilities that lie ahead, ready to live our lives fully in the present moment.

Don't allow other people's opinions and judgments to control you

1. The need for acceptance and fitting in

Humans have an innate desire to be accepted and valued by others. This often leads to seeking approval and conforming to societal norms. However, allowing other people's opinions and judgments to dictate our actions stifles our individuality and authenticity. To live a great life, we must break free from the need to fit in and embrace our uniqueness.

2. Embracing your uniqueness and shining bright

Each one of us possesses unique qualities and talents that make us who we are. Instead of dimming our lights to blend into the background, we should embrace our uniqueness and let it shine brightly. By being true to ourselves, we attract the right people who appreciate and love us for who we truly are. When we stop seeking validation from others, we regain control over our own lives.

3. Surrounding yourself with those who appreciate and support you

As we embrace our uniqueness, it is crucial to surround ourselves with people who uplift and support us. Genuine connections with individuals who value us for who we are nurture our personal growth. By letting go of toxic relationships and cultivating healthy ones, we create an environment where our autonomy and happiness flourish.

Don't allow your own limited beliefs to control your life

1. Becoming aware of unconscious limitations

Our beliefs shape our reality, often without us even realizing it. Unconscious limitations can hinder our potential and prevent us from pursuing our dreams. By becoming aware of these self-imposed limitations, we can begin to challenge and dismantle them.

2. Overcoming limited beliefs and embracing unlimited potential

When we recognize that our beliefs are merely thoughts and not absolute truths, we gain the power to change them. We must tell our limited beliefs to shut up and replace them with empowering beliefs that align with our unlimited potential. By adopting a mindset that anything is possible, we unlock new possibilities and open ourselves up to a life of abundance.

3. Changing your mindset and seeing everything as a gift

Our perception shapes our experience of the world. When we choose to see every circumstance and challenge as a gift, we transform our perspective. Instead of fighting against what is, we learn to accept and embrace it. This shift in mindset empowers us to navigate life's ups and downs with grace and resilience.

Don't allow relationships to control your happiness

1. Avoiding dependence on others for happiness

While love and connection are essential aspects of our lives, relying solely on others for happiness can lead to emotional instability. True happiness comes from within, and cultivating a sense of fulfillment and contentment independent of external factors is vital for personal growth.

2. Finding strength in being alone

Learning to be comfortable in our own company is a powerful tool for personal development. Being alone allows us to introspect, discover our passions, and build a strong sense of self. When we find happiness within ourselves, we become less reliant on others for validation and happiness.

3. Developing healthy relationships based on mutual happiness and growth

When we are not dependent on others for our happiness, we can form healthier and more meaningful relationships. Choosing companionship based on mutual happiness and growth fosters a supportive and uplifting environment. By surrounding ourselves with individuals who add value to our lives, we maintain control over our own happiness.

Don't allow money to control your decisions

1. Recognizing the importance of abundance

Money plays a significant role in our lives, providing us with resources and opportunities. However, allowing money to control our decisions can lead to a life driven solely by financial gain. It is crucial to recognize that abundance encompasses more than just monetary wealth.

2. Making decisions based on purpose and service

Rather than chasing money for the sake of it, we should align our decisions with our purpose and desire to serve others. When we lead with intention and focus on making a positive impact, financial abundance becomes a natural byproduct. By prioritizing our values and passions, we regain control over our lives.

3. Allowing money to flow naturally through following your heart and intuition

When we follow our hearts and intuition, we tap into a higher guidance that transcends the limitations of money. By pursuing endeavors that align with our true desires, we attract opportunities and experiences that bring both fulfillment and financial abundance. Money becomes a tool rather than a controlling force in our lives.

To live a great life, it is essential not to allow ourselves to be controlled by our past, other people's opinions, limited beliefs, relationships, or money. By breaking free from these influences, we take back control of our lives and find the freedom to live authentically and happily. Embracing our uniqueness, challenging our limitations, and making decisions based on purpose and service empower us to create a life filled with joy and fulfillment.

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About the Creator

Muhammad Jalil, TI(M),FCILT,CPP

Being a veteran of armed forces, I have a vast experience in multifarious fields of life from devotion to dedication, from commitment to loyalty, from fitness to healthcare, from war to peace and from conflict to solution..

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