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Life's Rewards

When most of us think of rewards, we think of earthly possessions, opportunities, or money.

By Annelise Lords Published 3 years ago 5 min read
Image by Annelise Lords. This sunrise is a reward to you.

Reading: Reading: Is Good and Bad Always Reciprocated? By Imad

A great many believe that all good deeds will be rewarded, and bad deeds will be punished. Given this rationale, some may never be fully compensated for the good deeds that they have dispensed. Good deeds being rewarded is very vague, in my opinion. It depends on how one quantifies reward, and there could be varying degrees of it. And whether good or bad befalls us is completely random. Imad

I believe good and bad are always reciprocated and many humans' lives can and have proven it.

When most of us think of rewards, we think of earthly possessions, opportunities, or money.

Many humans don't think deep enough about their lives to wonder about the situations or circumstances that often back them in a corner or take away confident choices.

Life pays us back through our good actions, choices, and decisions. It carries many of us where we want to go, and sometimes where we should go. Then show us why we are at the right place.

The bible says, 'to everything, there is a season and a time for every purpose under the heaven.'

Good and evil is a plant that grows beside our hearts. It must have a reason, and humans water them, showing them how to succeed by their actions, choices, and decisions.

I don't get a lot of anything from anyone, but when I am in need, doors, hearts, and pockets open. I love the rewards life awards me for the kindness I share with humanity.

Check out the list below.

Wisdom: Life gifted me a lot of this. I'm able to use it to better my life and family giving myself the life I want. My decisions are valued and respected by my family and friends. Many of them are still carrying me more than thirty years later. I don't have a lot, but I always have enough to share with someone in need.

Innovation: When specific problems face me, solutions find me in seconds. I have shared many innovative and wise ideas with my family and many people who seek my help. My children think I am a fortune-teller and can read minds. Lol. I can't. Life doubled my dose of common sense.

Creativity: I can create a story from an ant climbing up a wall. (P.S. I do have one that I will post soon. Lol) Please, check out some of my stories and artwork on Medium, this platform, and other social media platforms. I can draw, design, embroidery, bake, cook, and more. I also learn very fast. I have skills many pay to learn.

I think economically: I am good with my finance. I don't overspend, nor am I in debt. I can find a sale anywhere and never pay full price for anything. I remembered the prices for everything I bought, and where I bought it. I can tell you which store in my country gives you the best prices, from food to household goods. The same here in New York.

Knowledge: I read a lot and share my understanding of things with everyone. Information is an asset. Thank God my critical thinking was developed early. Learning mode is never off. I possess ingenious ways to teach my children to read and write before they entered school.

To share my method, I volunteered as a Teacher's Aide for five years to share my knowledge with the slower children. We end up exchanging expertise and many more things.

Common Sense: Life doubled up on this for me. I find quick solutions and answers for situations or circumstances that baffle some people. Common sense allows me to think deeper and quickly to see the danger ahead. It also saves me time and money. There is a lot of power in it.

Understanding: I can understand the circumstances of most people and the reasons for their actions. I study myself, life, and all of the people I know. My ability to understand our world and its inhabitants aids me in avoiding many problems and conflicts. That ability helps me simplify my life. I have the power to learn from the mistakes of others.

Empathy: I can read, feel and understand actions and emotions. I feel my children's pain and also that of many others.

Awareness: My awareness is off the chart. I can see and feel myself being stupid. The pain refused to allow me to forget my stupidity. I don't make a habit of it.

Instincts: My instincts are alive! It has saved me many times.

Resourceful: I have been told I make poverty looks good. Being resourceful is one of my tools use to slow it down.

Efficient: I seek out and find economical and better strategies and solutions for every problem life throws my way.

Planner: I plan everything. I have backup plans for my backup plans. I have more backup plans for unforseeing circumstance coming from all of the cardinal points. Planning is another tool used to fight poverty that works.

Reliable: Life teaches me to rely on myself. If you can't rely on yourself, then your life will be hell, and no one will be able to count on you.

Balance: Life shows me how to balance my thing. When I forget, it gives me extra lessons.

These are a few of the rewards life awards me. Being good pays me back daily. Also, the good I do follows my children. Life has proven that to me many times.

Ecclesiastes 7: 1 says 'a good name is better than precious ointment and the day of one's death than the day of one's birth.'

All of the rewards life has given me, I love and share them with everyone. I will never run out of creative ideas or solutions. Material things devalue over time, opportunity comes but once, and money runs out.

My rewards from life can't run out and cannot be bought!

Sharing my rewards, they grow and improve.

Many of us have a good life because of the good we continue to share.

How did life pay you back?

Image by Annelise Lords This sunset is another reward to you.

Thank you for reading this piece. I hoped you enjoyed it.

self help

About the Creator

Annelise Lords

Annelise Lords writes short inspiring, motivating, thought provoking stories that target and heal the heart. She has added fashion designer to her name. Check out https:

for my designs.

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