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Life Is A Test

Everyone that comes into our lives will give us a test consciously or unconsciously.

By Annelise Lords Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Image by Annelise Lords

Zemora complains to her mother, “Mom, I am tired. I am tired of following these men around after I have paid them to do a job they are contracted for.”

“Calm down, honey,” her mother tries to comfort her. “Who is it now?”

“Tony Walters Mom, he is the painter, Andrea, my co-worker recommended. I paid him half of the amount he charged according to his agreement, and the job should have finished ten days ago.”

“So, what’s the hold-up?”

“I don’t know, and he isn’t saying. But, what he has done, the plumber and the carpenter I hired did the same. So, I had to take them to court, and they lost. I don’t like the road he is forcing me on, again,” Zemora complains.

“He has broken his contractual agreement, so you have the right to hire someone else,” her mother suggests.

“That’s the point, mom. I don’t want to,” she rants. “What is wrong with these men? Is it because I am a young female? That’s why they are shuffling me around like one of the Jokers in their deck of cards? He is the third contractor that has broken their contractual agreement. Grandma always says, ‘three is death.”

Mis Fayola chuckles, saying, “She also says that the devil comes in many forms.”

“Oh, Mom,” she pleads close to tears. “I am not prepared, nor am I in the mood to fight Satan right now.”

“Honey,” Her mother said, gently taking her daughter’s hands, staring into her teary frustrated eyes, her mother reminds, while encouraging, “Your grandmother believes that everyone that comes into our lives will give us a test consciously or unconsciously.”

“Mom,” Zemora said, pulling away from her mother, “I don’t like tests, and I am no longer in school.”

Mis Fayola grins as Zemora stares at her in shock.

“Sorry, baby,” her mother apologizes. “But life is a classroom, and living in this world, is a test. Any transaction or communication we do with each other involves situations and circumstances you, I and our world have no control over. Life is in control more than humans think. Many of us think we are, but we aren’t. That’s why many of us keep asking ourselves, ‘how did that happen? What was I thinking? Mostly after failing the test, life throws or hands them.”

“Oh, Mom,” Zemora wails.

Her mother continues what she thinks are essential life lessons parents should not hide from their children.

“Driving to and from any destination, your safety, awareness, ability to focus are being tested, because not everyone behind that vehicle is problem-free or focused. Something as simple as walking on the street, in the park, or to the mall involves a test. Many people walk around with their problems in their hands and hearts, and some of them will snap, costing innocent lives. Taking the bus as its own test, as it is awaits the soberness and attitude of the driver and passengers. Going to the restaurant to eat can be a test for Food Poisoning.”

“Mom!” Zemora almost shouts. “You are scaring me. I can’t go around thinking like that.”

“Honey,” her mother calmly counsels. “Awareness is key. And the more aware you are of your actions, choices, and decisions, the fewer problems you will have. The guys you contracted are creatures of habit. You aren’t the only client they are putting through hell. If they continue to be unaware of what they are doing, what do you think will happen to them. They will lose their business, maybe homes, family, and their reputation too. They have a lot to lose. Humans go through various tests daily. Each test comes with consequences, lessons, and rewards. Plus, you have no reason to be complaining.”

“I don’t?” Zamora asks. “Why not?”

“Because your name means ‘one who knows the way.’ And if you know your way, you will never be lost. Don’t allow this situation or circumstance that life throws your way to take charge of your life. This is a test, and if you fail, you will lose your way. So live up to that name, girl!

This piece was written because of my frustration with trade men I pay who slack up on the job.

Fayola: ‘walk with honor.’

Zemora: One who knows the way.

Thank you for reading this piece. I hope you enjoyed it.

Image by Annelise Lords


About the Creator

Annelise Lords

Annelise Lords writes short inspiring, motivating, thought provoking stories that target and heal the heart. She has added fashion designer to her name. Check out https:

for my designs.

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