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Learn to love yourself

(mental exercises)

By Rebecca MariaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

The source of all the problems is the belief that we are not good enough and that we do not love each other enough. It doesn't matter how long we have perpetuated a wrong belief, because we can change it at any time. The moment of power is the present. The only thing we have to deal with at any given moment is a thought, and a thought can be changed. Now we can choose to think differently than we did a minute ago.No matter what the problem is, our life experiences are only external effects of our inner thoughts. Even self-hatred is, in fact, hatred of a thought you have about yourself. If you think, "I'm a bad person," that makes you feel trapped. If you didn't have the thought, you wouldn't have the feeling. And thoughts can be changed. Change your thoughts and negative feelings will disappear.From her decades of experience, Louise Hay shares 10 extremely powerful exercises that will help us to love and accept ourselves.

Everyone needs to love themselves more, because in this way there is no room for upset in his heart. Self-love begins with never criticizing ourselves for anything, never.

Exercise - Mirror

Take a mirror and look into your eyes. Say your name and the following phrase aloud:


Once you've done that, be aware of your reaction and how you feel.

For many people this exercise is very difficult to accomplish. How did you feel? Calm, quiet, pleasure or anger, muffled crying, discomfort? From experience with her clients, Louise Hay says that when they do the exercise in her office they break the wall mirror, others get angry, others cry, or want to run away, some hate some facial features and can't say the words, others it seems too funny and they don't see themselves doing it, as if it were a foreign role to the one they play every day. It takes some months for them to be able to look in the mirror, accept each other and love each other.

The idea is simple: these are the words that all people on this earth long for in a lifetime. We want to hear them from parents and family, from our life partner, from colleagues and collaborators. There are times in life when we give our all to be encouraged and accepted and told that.

BUT , if we find it difficult, or even impossible, to say such simple and natural words , how can we expect others to tell us?

In order for others to love, accept, and understand us, we must first love ourselves and accept ourselves exactly as we are.

Perfection is just an idea. We are all imperfect. Are you ok. We must not be afraid to look into our own eyes.

Exercise - Negative messages

Take a piece of paper and make a list of all the things your parents told you would be wrong with you. Give yourself 20-30 minutes and think hard, remember as much as you can.

What did they say about money? What did they say about your body? What did they say about personal relationships? What did they say about your talent and creativity? What were the limiting or negative things they were telling you?

If you can, look at these things objectively, make connections, and say to yourself, "So that's where my belief comes from."

Continue the exercise. Take another piece of paper and write down what other negative beliefs you have heard since childhood from:

Don't rush and write down everything you remember. Leave the list open because maybe in the next few days you will remember more. Pay attention to the emotions you have while writing.

What you have written on these two pages is the thoughts that need to be taken out of your consciousness. These are the beliefs that make you feel good enough.


You can touch your throat when you say that and feel that you are in a process of change. Notice how you feel. When changes occur in your life, you can allow them to happen. Let life flow through you. Not a brake. What you ask for in life comes with certain changes. Hug them. Even some of the events that seem negative at the moment may be part of what you asked for, or an intermediate stage so that what you want to happen can happen. Even if you don't understand why certain things happen, maybe later everything will be connected. Trust that in the end things will settle down as you requested. Relax and accept the change with joy.

Be aware that where you DON'T WANT A CHANGE TO TAKE PLACE is where you NEED THE MOST CHANGE.

Say this as often as possible and the changes will happen sooner than you think.

If you hesitate or resist or just don't want to change, ask yourself why. What old belief do you keep? Please, don't scold me, just notice what it is. Where does that belief come from?

Whether you know where he comes from or not, you will make him disappear. Go to the mirror again and, looking deep into your eyes, say to yourself, "I WANT TO GET RID OF MY RESISTANCE!"


About the Creator

Rebecca Maria

Hi! My name is Rebecca and I'm good at black and white drawing. On this site I will write interesting things and things that some of you do not know. I hope you enjoy You can write me in the comments what would interest you.Thank you .

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