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Learn from the early risers and enjoy the benefits of being an early riser

Learn from the early risers and enjoy the benefits of being an early riser

By j201911Published 2 years ago 4 min read

Getting up early is the best example for parents to teach their children

Their neighbours are a happy family of three and a model family in the neighbourhood. Their husband is a manager at Huawei and their mother is the financial director of a listed company. Many people envy their work and income, but the most enviable thing is their son, who is well educated, intelligent and polite, and very cultured.

On one occasion, when the community held a family event, the couple was specially invited to share their education experience.

Through the sharing, everyone was awakened to the fact that the way to educate can be to wake up early.

The couple wakes up at 5:00 every day to read and study, and at 6:00 they go for a 30-minute run in the neighbourhood. The children have been waking up for their morning walk since they were three years old; they have slowly fallen in love with waking up early and running because of the company of their parents.

Companionship is the best education, in companionship brings children a habit and a way of life, then, such companionship is a higher level of education.

On weekends, they get up early, and after their morning walk, they take the child to make breakfast together, arranging some simple tasks for him to do, developing hands-on skills from an early age, and telling the child stories about the ingredients during the cooking process, inspiring him through practice.

This kind of happy family life is the best education.

Getting up early corresponds to going to bed early, and going to bed by 10.30pm every night cultivates good habits for the children.

With a heavy workload, they know that the morning is the best time for them to communicate with their children; getting up early is the only way to have time to complete their children's educational tasks.

Excellence is a habit that is contagious. Parents who pass on good habits to their children and develop good habits from an early age are more likely to be successful in their future lives.

Early rising is a habit. Parents are the best and most important teachers for their children, and their self-discipline subconsciously influences their children's growth.

Early rising is the source of health, and the body is the foundation of everything

Research at Appalachian State University has found that people who wake up in the morning to work out are more likely to "fall asleep" at night and sleep through the night than those who work out at other times of the day.

A more plausible explanation for this is that when we wake up, our bodies start to release stress hormones, and working out in the morning counteracts the effects of these hormones. If you choose to work out at a later time, you give this hormone a longer period of time to act.

The benefits of waking up early are truly many and varied: 1.

1. getting up early is more time efficient and avoids the mental stress associated with lack of time. Some people, especially working people, resort to cancelling breakfast to make up for the lack of time, which is not good for health. Breakfast is the source of energy for the day.

2. Waking up early gives the brain a full "warm-up" period, so that it can work at full efficiency, thus ensuring that work and school are completed.

3. Waking up early synchronises with the body's biological clock and is good for your health.

In addition, waking up early can effectively reduce the need to stay up late, or even kick the habit of staying up late.

According to the 2017 Amazon China Sleep Map, nearly 60% of people in China usually fall asleep between 11pm and 1am; the fast pace of life has made many people develop the habit of "staying up late at night and staying up late in the morning".

Staying up late depletes the body and unknowingly brings out the negative consequences, including increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes, as well as low sex drive and poor balance.

The dangers of staying up late, which are not helped by compensatory sleep, include the following.

1. becoming fat and ugly

Insufficient rest will affect the body's endocrine secretion, easy to acne, but also make people look dull, even if the use of more expensive cosmetics will not help; stay up late people's metabolism slowed down, easy to gain weight.

2. Dumb and slow

Canadian neuroscientists have found that staying up late affects your ability to think outside the box the next day; staying up late makes the sympathetic nerves excited at night, which can lead to lack of energy, dizziness and memory loss during the day.

3. Higher chances of developing cancer

More and more studies have found that people who stay up late are more prone to cancer. Take pancreatic cancer as an example, the incidence rate is more than three times higher for people who stay up late regularly.

Pancreatic cancer, known as the king of cancers, is the worst cancer of all malignancies in terms of recovery after treatment, and Steve Jobs died of this cancer.

Seeing this, do you dare to sleep late?

Coco Chanel loved to socialise, but she never drank and partied late into the night and returned home as soon as it was time. She loved to read and wake up early, saying, "Only those who are self-disciplined are entitled to everything that belongs to them."

Waking up early is an attitude and habit that gives you self-discipline, a stronger will power and a healthy body.

Don't hesitate to learn from the early risers and enjoy the benefits of early rising early.


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