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My ruling passion.

By Modest NomadPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Kirie - Piece of micro organism / coral piece.

With precise animation, I permanently (with confidence) slice through matte sheets of 160g watercolor paper. Sometimes rice paper, or recycled newspapers, an old journal, or those free car magazines shelved on the sidewalk. Most often I prefer paper torn from a retired (painting and I are currently at an impasse) sketch pad. The art of paper cutting in Japan is known as “Kirie”. This is my ruling passion.

I utilize various tools; scissors, knives, dull blades, a repugnant plastic knife (from last night's thai take out) to eviscerate mounds of unimagined paper. The only other requirement is a high threshold for paper cuts, and patience. Also, a steady hand is useful when working with sharp objects. (Warning: It’s expected that a blade will eventually outfox you, so an economy box of bandaids is suggested.)

My inspirations plague me more often than not, at 3:00am when it's most inconvenient for me to grab a notebook and sketch an idea. But, the impetus to create is driven by the spark of expression, and the luster of seeing a dead piece of paper come alive. At times, repetitive patterns or a solitary letter drawn. Sometimes, an ostentatious display of sea creatures, or other species. After a quick sketch and refinement, the cutting can commence. This is where I transcend into a meditation state. Here; the deafening roar of the outside world disappears, and I can wax and wane to and from the universe at will. The only downside at this point that can throw me into a tantrum is; one wrong slice will result in having to dispose of the entire creation into the fire. An earthquake, can have a more detrimental effect, and possibly lead to the loss of a limb. I can no longer ponder what life would be without this freedom of expression within my maddening existence.

Kirie has reformed my perspective of the world, and charmed me with geometric shapes, and refined spatial awareness. Am I cutting out the negative space, or retaining the positive? This is a question that changes with my mood. Often, the confection of torn bits of paper that line the floor are reminiscent of a Rorschach test. Through Kirie, my triumphs are carved out.

Kirie has spilt over into other areas of my life, influencing my abilities as a pattern maker, photographer, and textile designer. Often Kirie adorns walls, but in Japan, Kirie is also used as a stencil in traditional textiles. Once the pattern is seamlessly cut, it is layered over fabric where it receives a kaleidoscope of paint. I have utilized this traditional technique in my own textile design, and have found myself unexpectedly nearer to a country I am physically so far from. It has given rise to bespoke attire. Kirie has also influenced my photography; I tend to now view the world through my lens with more thought and precision. Kirie has fashioned a nexus and curiosity to other cultures.

When I produce art; it is an opportunity and platform to inform others about global issues. The state of our ocean is dire. Over 50% of the oxygen we breathe is derived from many organisms that are quickly depleted. One of the pieces I am currently working on highlights the micro organisms that create the coral reef. This creation takes many individual pieces of Kirie, layered together to create a 3 dimensional experience. The coral reefs are not just exquisite, but crucial to the survival of all species. Ultimately, I hold out the possibility that my art will bring awareness and ventures to many topics.

Kirie is a conveyance for my emotions; a frisson. It’s inspiration knows no bounds. It has unearthed a level of focus that was once buried.


About the Creator

Modest Nomad

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