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Inner Purpose Journal (March '18)

A Journey of Self-Awareness

By Balance PeriodPublished 5 years ago 12 min read

(3/4/18) Each day I learn more and I grow more... about myself, my career, and my creator. The joy and peace I feel each second of every day is unmatched.

(3/5/18) This is only the beginning for me. There is so much more I was put on this Earth to do and I will continue to enjoy every minute of it until it's time to leave this earth.

(3/6/18) My family supports me 100 percent. I appreciate them and do what I can to help them live the best lives they can. I remain consistent in showing them love and gratitude for all they do/have done for me. I am truly blessed.

(3/7/18) I know who I am. I know whose I am. I am blessed to be confident in who I am. I have grown to know what I want and am bold enough to take what's mine. Whether its business, family, or personal, I know what I want and refuse to settle for less. My voice is strong. Powerful. When I feel, I move, I speak, I DO. I take what comes my way and use it to create a beautiful masterpiece.

I am wealthy, both financially and mentally. I thrive in "tough" situations and people depend on me to help them during theirs. I love what I do and who I am, ALL of me.

I finish what I start. Everything. I am able to remain organized both on paper and in my mind so nothing goes unfinished. My time is valuable and I use it wisely. I am efficient with my work and finish each project that I choose to take on.

I am focused. Focused on my purpose. Each day I continue to learn and grow, becoming closer to my higher self.

(3/11/18) I speak. I speak from the heart and touch the lives of the people who hear me. My ability, my gift, to show empathy and truly feel others continues to bless each word that I speak. My words inspire and empower all who hears them to take control of their lives, find balance and strive daily to become better versions of themselves. I speak through my podcast and every other platform I have been blessed with to reach those who need it. Who need me. I am blessed to have this calling on my life. This is what I was put on this earth to do. This is my purpose and I am grateful to not only know this but also LIVE this. Walking out my purpose every day is a blessing. I'm here.

I am driven. I am full of love. I am grateful. I am humble.

Each day I learn and I grow. I take that growth and share it with the world.

(3/12/18) I love myself. I am so grateful that God revealed to me who I truly am. Since that day, my perspective on life has changed... for the better. Stress has no room in my life. Fear is just a word, no weight is associated with it anymore. I can finally see me and there is no turning back from that.

I am blessed with endless provision. No matter where I am or what I am doing, I am kept. Having this knowledge allows me to live with no regrets.

I remain consistent with what has gotten me to this point. Every day I read my bible, meditate, and speak life into my day through affirmations. I am DRIVEN. I am FULL OF LOVE. I am GRATEFUL. I am HUMBLE. Continuing to focus on these four pillars keep me rooted and grounded into what is important on this earth. Everything else comes in time.

I love what I do. I work out every day, pushing myself physically. I learn and I grow. I am able to take that growth and spread it to the world, touching the lives of those who come in contact with it. I give myself away so He can use me.

The products I have had a hand in creating is extremely humbling. I understand that it's not me and I am grateful that I was chosen to bring love and positivity to the world. To my brothers and sisters. We are one, all from the same source. I got you, I got us... and He has us all.

(3/13/18) I truly walk in love. I first take pride in loving myself. I am kind, generous and patient with myself. I am able to take this love and spread it to each and every person/thing I come in contact with. Love leads me. God leads me. God is love.

I absorb hate/negativity and produce love/positivity.

I learn. I grow. I share. Amen.

(3/15/18) I am liberated. I am confident. I speak my truth with no hesitation and appreciate any and all feedback I receive. My heart is pure and my mind is open. I am lead by the spirit who is led by God. May His will be done. Forever.

My past has shaped my present and my present shapes my future. I live NOW. There is no other time to live. My past is too far behind me, I don't have time to go back. I see my future but living there would take my appreciation from the now. Here is where I'd prefer to be. It's just right. It's BALANCED.

When I see what has been created through me I am happy. The lives I touch only confirms that "I" am only a vessel. I am okay with that.

I love myself. I take care of what I need to do so I can get the rest my body needs to function. I get all my work done BEFORE it's due. I complete my work promptly and this allows me to be content with everything I put out.

(3/16/18) Every day gets better and better. Regardless of what's currently going on in my life. Around me can be unsettled but where I live is calm. Content. Love leads my life. There is no room for negativity.

The connections I have been making are amazing. Being able to build a network for me and my team has been very beneficial to our success. I am grateful to have been put in the positions I was in. I have been put in "the right place at the right time." His time. Not my time.

The love I have for everyone I come in contact with is incredible. We are able to connect on a much deeper level which is a blessing.

I am grateful for the ability to walk into my past and pull out the positive moments to bring back as souvenirs. My ability to maneuver myself through my past is truly a gift... well I'm led by God so "I'm" not really doing the maneuvering... but at the same time, I am. It's deep.

(3/18/18) My work ethic is incredible. My ability to always complete what I start allows me to reach each and every goal I have. I work until the job is done. I am blessed with the ability to use my knowledge to complete tasks to the best of my ability... and if I come up short, all my needs are met. I am truly blessed.

I enjoy taking risks. Trying new things and experiencing other cultures is exciting and I learn a lot in the process. I strive to learn in every area of my life. I continue to not only learn, but I apply the knowledge I have been blessed with to GROW.

I am patient. I enjoy each day that I work and I look forward to the growth. I know my worth and I know where I am going, but I enjoy the days in between. I enjoy today. I take steps each day towards my goals and I am led by God each step of the way. I bring value to each situation I'm in, both personal and professional.

(3/19/18) Love. The love I have been blessed to have for myself is amazing. From true humble beginnings, my capacity to love myself and those around me is a gift from God. Nothing is impossible, especially when that something is the divine call on my life. I am full of love and I have the desire to share that love with each and every person/thing I come in contact with.

My passion to serve others fuels my drive to run a successful business. It is a blessing to have had so many people share their story of growth and finding their balance in respects to their overall health, work and family life.

(3/20/18) I am productive. Regardless of what my task is, I always finish what I start. I respect my work, and myself, and I show that by doing everything to the best of my ability. I am great and that is shown through my work.

I love myself more each day. I am blessed to be put in positions to learn and grow as I continue to pursue the purpose God has over my life.

(3/21/18) My voice. My voice is powerful. It carries weight and relief follows. I am blessed to have this gift and I will use it as long as I am here on Earth. I have a purpose. I will be heard.

My knowledge of my craft is expanding every day. I understand that the more I seek, the more I receive. I am blessed with the desires of my heart and I have a desire to learn and grow.

I not only learn new things about who I am and what I do. I am also able to implement those things to improve the environment around me. I take pride in my work and I make sure all I can do is done before I move on to the next project. I finish everything I start... regardless of what it is.

(3/25/18) I am here for a purpose. No one else can touch lives in the way I was placed on this Earth to touch them. The lives of others. Family, friends, strangers... my voice has no relation. It is UNIVERSAL.

Life continues to move forward, regardless of where I choose to keep my focus. I choose to focus on the "now," on the present. That is where life really is. There has to be a BALANCE between who we are and who we want to become. Have goals and work towards them every day.

Take what you have now and USE it. Use your words and use your thoughts to show the world who you are. Be confident, unashamed and unapologetic. Be YOU! Walk in your power with pride.

The comparison trap is REAL. Put your blinders on and focus on your purpose, focus on your plan. Become one with yourself and allow your inner self to lead you. We are all gifted and all we have to do is surrender ourselves. Put your EGO on the bench. There is no room for that anymore. Be YOU and you will be fulfilled.

(3/26/18) The more IN TUNE you are, the easier it will be to hear me. I am always there but becoming distracted fogs things up in your mind and you won't be able to see/hear me. I got you, I got us.

Take control of every aspect of your life and own them. Regardless of where you are, you are ONE thought away from changing it. From negative to positive... and vice versa. The CHOICE is yours.

Take what you know and use it. USE it! Stop waiting, use it! Just do it. NOW! The longer you wait, the more time it will take you to get where you want to be. The pieces are on the table and it's your move. Take control of your life. Choose to live the life you KNOW you deserve. The life you were sent to this earth to live. Fulfill your destiny. You are a King. Walk in your authority and lead your kingdom. It all starts with you! You know who you are. No need to second guess that anymore. It's time to move, no more sleeping. I will give you rest. You will have all the energy you need. The time is NOW. Get to work.

(3/27/18) I know what I need to do. I know where I am and who I'm supposed to be. I know me better than anyone else ever could.

I work a lot. I do have a work/life balance though. I make sure there is time to complete all the work I need to do while also having time to do the things I enjoy with whom I enjoy. I have been blessed with the instruction to PLAN. Planning is important and since I've been able to implement this into my daily routine, my life has improved 100-fold. I walk in pure joy and my abundance is greater than ever before.

My friends and family are important to me. I work to help keep them focused on the things that may help them live better lives. I love them all dearly and I will do anything for them, regardless of our previous history.

(3/28/18) I take pride in the work I do. I do everything to the best of my ability and I use the feedback from myself, then others, to learn and grow... always becoming better than I was before.

Each day brings new opportunities for growth. My goals fuel my plans and my plans fuel my ability to grow on a daily basis. I am blessed to have have been shown the true importance of planning. I plan out my years, my months, my weeks, my days, my hours, my minutes, my seconds.

I take what God gives me and humbly give it to the world.

(3/29/18) I know why I'm here. I take what I have been blessed with and I use it to bring people closer to God. Closer to themselves. Closer to finding balance. My voice is heard far and wide and the POWER it carries moves mountains. It touches the hearts of the people who hear it.

I am blessed to be able to do what I love and become wealthy from doing so. My purpose was pre-destined... I am living it out every day.

The majority of the time I spend working goes into planning. From there I am able to know what I am doing and should I have to, I will feel 100 percent comfortable improvising. The more disciplined I am, the more confident I am. Simple as that.

I am rested and energized. I am attentive and finish all my of my work in a timely manner. Time is precious so I manage it. We put time into the things we want. I want to learn, grow and continue to build upon the foundation of faith that settles me during a storm.

Written by Raymond Achille

self help

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Balance Period

Sharing stories of self discovery.

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